Whatever happened to doing shit for the sake of doing it?

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Does anyone do crazy shit for the sake of getting a reaction anymore? Even though I'm 26, I used to do all kinds of shit for no other reason than seeing how people would react.

I've told this story a number of times. There's a park that's a couple blocks from my house that a lot of little league teams play at. Behind one of the dugouts there's a huge hill that's really steep. I was high one day and decided that it would be fun to drag one of the steel mesh garbage cans to the top of the hill, get inside, and throw myself down the hill into the dugout.

To make a long story short the garbage can hit the batting cage, the game stopped, people ran up to me, and I said, "Anyone got a cigarette?"

I was gone by the time the police got there, but since I was always on shitty teams, that was my little league highlight.
I use to be a class clown when I was a kid, I had wanted attention then. But since, I've taken the role of the observer. I never make the first move, or even any.

The things I do for the sake of doing are often personal stuff that I don't normally share. Stuff to prove to myself that I can do -blank- if I put my mind to it, kind of things. Some stupid.
People like to be rewarded with something.
My IRL group are kind of a dull bunch, so I do shit(not retarded shit) to make them laugh and have fun.
I also do that when we play Online Games.
bakapink wrote...
I use to be a class clown when I was a kid, I had wanted attention then. But since, I've taken the role of the observer. I never make the first move, or even any.

The things I do for the sake of doing are often personal stuff that I don't normally share. Stuff to prove to myself that I can do -blank- if I put my mind to it, kind of things. Some stupid.

That oddly describes me. I used to do crazy shit and instantly regret it. Sums me up to a T.
Kingpin ShaoZhao wrote...
bakapink wrote...
I use to be a class clown when I was a kid, I had wanted attention then. But since, I've taken the role of the observer. I never make the first move, or even any.

The things I do for the sake of doing are often personal stuff that I don't normally share. Stuff to prove to myself that I can do -blank- if I put my mind to it, kind of things. Some stupid.

That oddly describes me. I used to do crazy shit and instantly regret it. Sums me up to a T.

You're missing my point. I was the type of person that did things because I wanted to do them. People respected me for it and some people were afraid of me, but I didn't care. One day I was walking down the hall with my friends and, on a whim, I threw myself across the hall as hard as I could into some lockers. I didn't break any of them, but I left a serious dent where my head hit. It took a few seconds to set myself straight, but the only regret I had was that I wasn't bleeding. I got up and kept on walking to my next class like nothing happened. I feel kind of foolish about bragging about it right now, but it's been long enough that I can reflect upon my exploits and hopefully inspire people to do the things that they want to do.

Life is pointless without whimsy, whether it involves hurting yourself for no reason, or something else. So long as it isn't morally reprehensible, or illegal, you only live once. So, when you feel the urge to do something, do it... consequences be damned.
When I was about 15 I took 3 of those firework grade mortar shells, and threw 3 of them into a steel garbage can that was next to a tree in a church yard.

The tree caught on fire (but was quickly extinguished), and I got banned from the church property.

[size=14]Once when I was round at a friends house (I don't know how but) we decided we were going to play some electric guitar. But not just in the house, to the entire of the main road his house looked onto. So we cracked open a really big window in his living room and starting playing. Now neither of us had any particular talent but it was absolutely hilarious seeing the faces of the people driving and walking past. At one point we even had an audience. [/h]
Damoz ~Not A User~
Well i just got too old for that sh*t stuff.

I used to but now i don't have the urge to do the incredibly stupid things i used to do. Most of which i did just because i felt "that's a great idea lets do that"
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Yuuki wrote...
My IRL group are kind of a dull bunch, so I do shit(not retarded shit) to make them laugh and have fun.
I also do that when we play Online Games.

Same here. Trolling in CoD is a second nature!
I placed spaghetti in coke before
Pretty sure there's a thresh hold of when it's "acceptable". If you pull that stupid shit like rolling yourself in a garbage can into a little league game and you're 30 or something, people aren't gonna admire you or anything--they're gonna think you're creepy and juvenile.
The Jesus wrote...
...and hopefully inspire people to do the things that they want to do.

The Jesus wrote...
One day I was walking down the hall with my friends and, on a whim, I threw myself across the hall as hard as I could into some lockers. I didn't break any of them, but I left a serious dent where my head hit. It took a few seconds to set myself straight, but the only regret I had was that I wasn't bleeding.

Sorry but this made me laugh...

What about permanent physical damage? Hitting your head against metal hard enough to cause it to bled sounds like a rather efficient means to inflict brain damage.

  • I did my wild things as a kid, "played with a switch blade sharping sticks because I wanted to make some spears, so that I could go hunting for rabit in a suburban neighborhood... I didn't think it through".

  • "Played with fire because it was pretty and looked alive. Had an aunt buy lighters/matches for me in exchange for cigarette money. I'd just stare at the lighter burn".

  • "For a short while was into fireworks I got from a friend. The small flying kind and exploding ones. Put an exploding one in a bottle and watched it blow up. The bottle was covered in cracks and the inside had so much smoke, but it never shattered, I forgot how I disposed of it".

  • "Whenever I would find an electronic device, I would grab the tools from under the kitchen sink, and take it apart piece by piece. Most of the tech I dismantled were radios or devices with small rotors".

  • "I'd traveled 2-3 towns over, on a bus, at 10-14, in opposite direction, to buy random things with the money I earned from my job or my chores. Either to the north to a Walgreen to buy Gundam models, or to the south to a Toys-R-Us or Gamestop to buy Gameboy Advance Games. Was 3-5 hour trip. Thing is, I traveled through dangerous neighborhoods and I would occasionally get home after dark, but my decision to go was completely based on whim-of-the-moment".

  • "With my neighbors, we would play pokemon from the second we would meet up till the second our parents got mad at us and yelled for us to come in. Sitting on the same steps for 10+ hours at a time till 11 or 12 at night. When the SP introduced the built in back light, it made doing this so much easier."

  • "In my apartment complex, there was a small wall with a ledge that extend out into the drive way for quite a bit. So I would pretend to be a ninja (SMNT might have influenced this) and try running along the side, which I had to do at an angle, till the point I could no longer keep my balance, I would then kick myself off and try to make a 'cool landing', from a story high ledge, on a concrete pathing. For who? No one but myself".

  • "Despite the fact that I had asthma (still do), I loved running (well I still do, but I just don't anymore). I would run till I'd end up inducing a asthma attack, had to be taken to a hospital a couple of times because of it. I just didn't care, running was a lot of fun."

  • "Fought with my step dad, who is a 'self righteous' dick, because he would walk all over me and insult me randomly. This always resulted in me being hit... hard. Took me 4 years to learn how to endure and not speak out."

  • I don't find this particularly stupid but, "I would play in the rain whenever it rained. I love the rain. A few times I ended up sick, pretty bad, but I had (still have) a strong body with a really good immunity system. The times I'd ended up sick would be the times I was out after dark in the rain, if I remember correctly."

  • "Climbed, 'Everything'. Tree's, gates, buildings. I stopped after I fell down a flight of stone steps that resulted in me blacking out for the first and only time I ever had. Was a full 5 seconds! No serious physical injury that required a hospital visit."

As a youth, I was incredibly lucky. I never caused any serious injuries. With a few exceptions, I would never repeat those actions. I have quite a bit of "foolish things" under my belt, but I don't whim to do "foolish", all my whims are towards expanding my knowledge, increasing my skills, or changing my personality, mostly productive things.

Guitar/composing, programing, drawing, Japanese/Korean (someday German, French, Russian, I love listening to them for some reason), reading, manga's I haven't read yet, ect.
I'd like to take up archery and martial arts again.
I'd also like to try to learn Parkour.
Also to swim (I can float, last time I swam was in middle school, so I sorta forgot and suck now).
Mountain climbing seems fun but too risky for me (I won't gamble my life) so I'd probably would keep it to the indoor facilities.
I'd like to make some games, can't decide out of clean rpg's or hentai rpg's (would love to make the next installment of Artificial Girl 3 since Illusion never will, or rpg's similar to Violated Heroine but larger scaled (4-5 times the size), better UI, better combat system, better H-system, and completely in English! Translating >_<... I'm comfortable with rpg maker xp, but I put it on the side to learn Ruby-on-Rails thoroughly (and try building from scratch), but at some point, I would love to join or form a team. Drawing, composing, programining, ect on my own... ugh.)

With exception to my personality (lazy and procrastination), I'm mostly content with the way things are. My whims are grand in scale, but they are proportioned out through a long period of time.
bakapink wrote...
I use to be a class clown when I was a kid, I had wanted attention then. But since, I've taken the role of the observer. I never make the first move, or even any.

The things I do for the sake of doing are often personal stuff that I don't normally share. Stuff to prove to myself that I can do -blank- if I put my mind to it, kind of things. Some stupid.

Woah...I was gonna type about the same thing until I read your post.
A moment that still inspires me. After a lecture (second year of institute) I walked to a local shop to buy some pens. There was a stock count or something and the pens i needed hadn't any prices sticked on them. So I ask the counting clerk about the price, she quickly tries to remember it and names one lower than the usual cost. We both simultaneously notice it.

That moment when her slightly lowered face and brows, expressing regret and struggle to hide her quirk, and me (a teen) offering a higher price, her agreeing without a thought, me buying it and saying "thank you" in a usual tone and her sitting back to the count.

Man, that was refreshing.
623 wrote...
Pretty sure there's a thresh hold of when it's "acceptable". If you pull that stupid shit like rolling yourself in a garbage can into a little league game and you're 30 or something, people aren't gonna admire you or anything--they're gonna think you're creepy and juvenile.

I'd have to agree, doing things for the sake of doing things has nothing to do with acting out of silliness just because, doing things for the sake of doing things also means doing nice things for people just because, like helping people who seem lost or sad, people you don't even know. I do that kind of stuff just because, I do silly stuff just because as well, but asking whatever happened to doing shit for the sake of doing it, shouldn't just mean being ridiculous and somewhat childish (no offense, not like OH YOU'RE A CHILD, childish like not caring).

If you want to talk about doing silly/funny stuff for the sake of doing it or to make people laugh, is something you can always do, and people do continue to do after they get older, but they just do different things, because like 623 said, if you were a 30 year old who did that, people would just think you have mental issues, and want you arrested, it would be moreso looked at as starting trouble than being a silly teenager. I know that if I seen a 30 year old do that, it would kind of freak me out, and I would want to call the police because I'd think something was severely wrong with that person.
The Jesus wrote...
Does anyone do crazy shit for the sake of getting a reaction anymore? Even though I'm 26, I used to do all kinds of shit for no other reason than seeing how people would react.

I've told this story a number of times. There's a park that's a couple blocks from my house that a lot of little league teams play at. Behind one of the dugouts there's a huge hill that's really steep. I was high one day and decided that it would be fun to drag one of the steel mesh garbage cans to the top of the hill, get inside, and throw myself down the hill into the dugout.

To make a long story short the garbage can hit the batting cage, the game stopped, people ran up to me, and I said, "Anyone got a cigarette?"

I was gone by the time the police got there, but since I was always on shitty teams, that was my little league highlight.

Have you not looked around the internet? People post pics and vids of the random shit they do all the time. Also, I don't think doing shit for the sake of doing shit is the same as doing shit for a reaction. Shit, this post has "shit" in it so many times. Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
I'm too dull for that kind of shit.
Oh, is this like climbing a mountain, because there is a mountain?

Beginning of my college year, we were asked to introduce ourselves to the class. Having watched Steins;Gate earlier, I decided to copy Kyouma in that regard just to see how people would react.

Needless to say, people still look at me funny to this day.
"For the hell of it" is pretty much my reason for doing anything.


Holy shit I think I've just discovered the meaning of life.
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