How do you handle anime/manga adaptations?

How do you handle anime/manga adaptations?

Total Votes : 2,914
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
I tend to watch anime first, but there are also a few where I've read the manga before the anime was even announced. There are also some cases where I only watch or read but not the other.
I usually read the manga and watch the anime if it's airing. I prefer manga after all.
Meh, I usually read it first because of my slow internet preventing me from watching or downloading it :P
With a few exceptions, I generally ONLY read manga.
Usually I read the manga first, then if there's an anime adaptation and it looks good, I watch it next. However, sometimes I do the opposite.
Since I don't really read a lot of manga, there are only a few of them that I do read then they get animated. I usually watch the anime first is there is one then I read the manga if I am too impatient with the series.
Sometimes I read the manga first and then find out it's getting an adaption. Other than that I always watch the anime first and only read the manga if I liked the anime.
Neither of the above. IF I find it and it's interesting I might start with the other but depends on how interesting that is to my personal preferences. But usually I come across anime first.
I'm a manga otaku. Few are the adaptation animes I've not already read anyway, so I don't very much pay attention.

But that's also why I love animes not based on manga, and most of the time, the manga adaptation to those are so so.

I also think I might start reading the visual novels directly.
Well, there are tons of anime being release so i don't really know that manga. So I watch the anime first then back to watch the manga. ( ´ ▽ ` ) But sometimes if i bored i will go and check out some latest manga.
I think it needed a middle ground, Sometimes the anime inspires me to read the manga as well as the manga inspires me to catch the anime.
well... for me it usually depends what i find first... whether i find the anime, or the manga. but i usually stick with whatever one i found first... if im interested, i might try reading/watching the other one.
Depends on which one I came across first.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
More so i'll go for the one i come across first, which includes LN as well, or Visual Novels.

Though, i'd also check how far each one has gone, i'd watch the fuller one, and see how the other was adapted from or to the previous one.
The first thing that catches my eye.
If I have read the manga, but I won't watch the anime

If I have watched the anime, if it's good then I would read the manga if the anime stops halfway

If the progress of the anime is same as the manga then I probably won't bother with the manga
It seems I read the manga before the anime most of the time but when I want to enjoy the anime I'll wait to read it! Like in Attack on Titan I won't ruin it for myself!!
Depends on the anime or manga.
I don't read that much manga/LN to begin with so after watching said anime adaptations I will read the manga/LN, although I also take input from the people whether the adaptation was good or not so I can go straight to reading the manga/LN if I think that the feedback from the people who read the manga/LN first are valid.
Monster Girl
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