Have you seen Pacific Rim?

Have you seen Pacific Rim?

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just a question?
why do people say they ripped it off from (insert japanese reference here) yet they don't mention any american or western influences and 'inspirations?'
Actually Pacific Rim really reminded me of Ultraman with it also having use the term Kaiju so I rewatch some Ultraman episodes and watch some Godzilla...
I'll wait for the DVD release - yes I still don't have a Blu Ray reader.
Yes. It was amazing.
25 minutes of dialogue, and 1.5 hours of giant robots smashing shit up
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
chaofan wrote...
Americans trying to do a Kaiju movie? That never bodes well. If anyone needs an example of them royally screwing up a Kaiju movie then go back to the 90s Godzilla movie. Not even going to attempt to watch Pacific Rim.

Completely unrelated incident. This movie has a completely different cast and crew, plus it's not trying to Americanize anything, like how Power Rangers and Kamen Rider Dragon Knight got Americanized. This is literally a love letter/nod/tribute to all of mecha and kaiju, a culture that has inspired many, from the imaginative mind of Guillermo del Toro. Not opting to watch it simply because you're going by one of the most mediocre movies of the 90s is a shit excuse; at least others here are saying they're not watching it to save money.

Also, I suppose you don't have high hopes for the upcoming Godzilla movie too?
It wishes it was evangelion but I will watch it on blu, just to enjoy the CG!
yea...it was pretty cool...not jump out of my set cool...but watching it was cool...its a buy...;3
Pacific Rim? Never heard of it(seriously). Why bother when I've got Fakku.
Not interested at all. The trailers convinced me that this was just another cookie cutter summer action movie. Robots, check. Monsters, check. Heroes/soldiers, check. Explosions and destruction, check.

If i had heard anything good about it i could've given it a chance, but nobody i know talk about it. Hell, i havent heard ANYBODY say a thing about this movie. I'll pass.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
A mix of things I love plus reference to some of my favorite stuff like anime (NGE)? Of course I would watch. It's an awesome show
I liked it alot...
I loved the designs of the Robots and the monsters, but the plot.... eh...
yoshihiro669 goes Fapping mode!
Nope, not yet.. Maybe I'll wait for the Bluray release. I love mecha and stuff like that.. But I don't have time to go to theaters =(..
Pros: Giant action scenes in urban terrain, the CGI.

Cons: Typical character, cliche dialog, plot holes in the story, the story itself, the lacking ending, lack of character development.

6 out of 10 at the best.
I saw the movie. debated with friends.
all of us agreed on same opinion.

it is Evangelion !

Pacific Rim has every element evangelion has but more pathetic fate.
it's more than question that giant EMP gorilla able to dive under shallow sea below Jagger 's knee without any wave nor torrent.

1 more topic to discuss for fun :D
No, and im not much of a movie person so I probably wont be seeing it.
Haven't seen it yet but want to see if aliens from the sea was a good idea
It was good but not that great.
I can see a lot of ANIME Materials, for examples: Monsters from Ultraman Tiga and a few other generations, Evagelion, Gundam G, Onimusha and etc
I really expected the movie to suck, because my bad experiences with the US Godzilla and the Transformers movies. But boy was I wrong.
What I especially liked was that they didnt tried to be overly serious with the story and at one point and the other made fun of themselves. That was a problem in the Godzillamovie in my opinion, they tried to make it all serious and that seldom works in an actionmovie.
Also nice was the camera work. Not so hectic as in most new movies, so it is possible to see what happens in the fights.
heheheheheheh think giant robots fight giant evil alien monsters that want to take over the world..... the plot [i]is[i] a bit transparent though
Monster Girl
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