Have you seen Pacific Rim?

Have you seen Pacific Rim?

Total Votes : 4,121
I've never even heard of this till now, is it a movie? I dont watch tv much so I'm not sure what new movies come out anymore.
I liked it a lot, Charlie Day was great, and I have a giant man crush on Idris Elba.
Great movie, it had a very 90's cartoon feel to it, my only problem was that I think they killed off too many of the jaegers at the start, I would've loved to see Cherno alpha electro-punch the shit out of a few more kaiju, oh well... #canthaveeverthing Forum Image: http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a587/Ethan_Marsh/JaegerPoster_zpsa57ab2c2.png
I'm really curious to see if Idris Elba will be riding in a giant robot. That'll look really really cool. Still a little awkward though, how they stole the name Kaiju from that Cartoon Network movie - Firebreather.
It is Great in 3D but in the first half of the movie, The water/waves/Rain really hurts your eyes while you are watching it in 3D . After that it's AMAZING.
Much better than the garbage Transformers movies they're pushing out as of late.
American movies aren't worth to watch in cinemas. Watched many anime to even think this is worth the trip and line. BD, well... if I find it too boring, I'd sell it so it wouldn't be too much of a waste of cash.
It's not like i'm not interested or anything... Baka.

Lame tsundere jokes aside. Nope, haven't seen and don't really plan on watching it. But it definitely looks interesting.
It felt the movie moved REALLY fast ;/ I felt like there could have been more development for the jagers even more air time for them. But I did like the movie overall good movie to see if you like robots even though it felt like it was trying to focus on the love story aspect
SirTweetums The Emperor of Ecchi
It's just... how do I say this... When I think about that movie concept I can;t help but think Evangelion instantly and crying in terror. I've already done the anime series and reboot movies so far. I can't take that movie... it might kill me.
it was good for what i wanted and that was big robot fights
chaofan wrote...
Americans trying to do a Kaiju movie? That never bodes well. If anyone needs an example of them royally screwing up a Kaiju movie then go back to the 90s Godzilla movie. Not even going to attempt to watch Pacific Rim.

It's like saying that you're not gonna watch a specific genre of anime because some of the titles in the genre are bad, and the others are good.
That's just plain ignorant if you ask me. Judge it after you see it, that's what I always tell myself, and others.
I'd love to see an anime adaption of pacific rim. I think I liked it better cuz I was stoned and got stuck looking at the credits
This movie look just like a ripoff of power ranger, and I have never really liked Mecha in the first place, so I will probably never see it but who knows, I did see transformers so I don't know maybe. But for now no I will not watch it.
"No, I'll wait for the blue ray piratebay release."
This was awesome and now will watch the Conjuring.... XD
I'll probably never watch it. Hadn't even heard of it until that IB thread about it.
All I can say is that those were the best looking and sounding mechs I have ever seen in a movie. In essence, it made me feel like I was watching a cross between Neon Genesis Evangelion and 8th MS Team (you know, the Gundam where all the suits don't fly and have special powers) the Live Action, if Eva didn't have any religious undertones.
going to schedule it with my friends and cousins.
Ah, Guillermo del torro did this, so it was awesome.
Monster Girl
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