If you had to grade FAKKU...

If you had to grade FAKKU, what grade would you give it?

Total Votes : 6,622
I like fakku cause I can navigate with my left hand. Ingenious!

Life gave me lemonade. Even life has no faith in me.
B for boobies.
Great site, just wished for more videos. :/
I love FAKKUN.net very much, the best Hentai manga source, lots of them! Thank you very much! :3
I've been coming here for over 4 years. Longer than I've had my account.
Yo bitch, you want sum fuk
FAKKU lacks doujins .. megaf*gu and h-f*gu had doujins fakku don't (although it's closed already.. nobody donated to pay the servers.) Please increase the number of doujins! Onegai!
I gave it an A, because while it isn't perfect (broken links on occasion, missing chapters to various series, slightly lacking in anime department, miserably small amount of Rosario + Vampire Hentai, which I guess isn't really your fault) It's still my go-to Hentai website. The community is really fun and surprisingly supportive of one another, despite having nothing in common but tastes in hentai, and I have never seen such perfect categorization on other sites.

Other sites just kind of jumble everything together and expect you to sift through pages of stuff you don't want to see, while here at Fakku, I can just select the tags I want (Vanilla, Tsundere, Monster Girl, etc) and jump right to that category, or if I want to see a particular artist's work, I can go right to it. No squinting and cocking my head thinking 'Well, MAYBE it's the same artist?'

I could have just as easily given it an A+, but I was grumbling over a broken download link when I saw the poll.
A: To tell ya the truth this is the easiest to read with arrow keys and widest range of translated material I could find, but like others my only gripe, and personal taste, is a lot of futa is missing tons of other sites have the dojins and some of them are translated by some of Fakku "people". So I'm wondering why they aren't on here as well.
If they don't remove anime/H-anime download will be perfect. But I understand why they removed it. Those officials of law! >:)

Ahh I miss those past years when, I visit one site to download anime and hentai's in one place. :)
[size=10]Note: So I guess I got worked up after reading all the A+ replies on the first 2 pages, apologies if this sounds too harsh.[/h]

Well, I guess I feel like getting banned today so I'm about to go ahead and criticize this to the best of my ability, or until the coffee runs out.

First of all, making this poll on FAKKU makes no F-ing sense (pardon the pun), it results in a heavily biased sample which serves as nothing else but an ego boost to the FAKKU staff. I'm going to hope this is not the case and am willing to accept the following explanations as valid excuses (in which case I apologize to our beloved staff):

[size=10]Disclaimer: No offense is intended to any FAKKU staff members. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.[/h]

  • #1. Nikon wakes up, after spending a night ingesting copious amounts of alcohol, in the middle of effing nowhere with the most terrible hangover imaginable, missing his pants and any recollection of last night. While trying to figure out where in the hell he is, he notices that by some miracle he still has his phone, which in the most nonsensical way reminds him: "Oh sh*t! The FAKKU poll!". He runs Fapp v0.7.1 and types the first thing that comes to mind.
    [*]#2. *ahem*

    The FAKKU overlords have convened, discussing improvements to the website. Hours go by, but no agreement is to be found, for the small fraction still awake, not playing Angry Birds, and interested in FAKKU's development has such differing views on how it should evolve that no amount of talk could conciliate. Realizing the futility of any further dialogue, Waar suggests an alternative approach:

    "What if we asked the users?"

    Jacob looks at him skeptically but before he has a chance to comment, Nikon replies with enthusiasm:

    "Yeah, we could, like, make a poll on the front page, and like, ask them to rate the website!"

    Just as Jacob is about to bitchslap Nikon off the council, through Waar and into oblivion, a voice echoes across the room.


    Tegumi interrupts, dimly illuminated by her laptop screen.

    "This might actually work.",¹ she says, adjusting her glasses.

    "The poll itself is pointless, but front-page visibility should entice significantly more replies than a normal thread would, and we can use the poll to sort out the most useful ones. It's probably the most efficient way we can gather constructive feedback about our services."

    Jacob strikes his best Ikari Gendou pose.

    "Go on."

    "Making a front-page post asking for suggestions would result in creativity overload and everyone asking for impossible features. A casual poll shifts the focus to practical day-to-day needs without the extravagance. Yes, people would mostly give us perfect scores, but if we eliminate the extreme ends of the spectrum, we should gain valuable insight into our users' requirements."

    Then she continues rambling about statistical inference and a ton of other things nobody understands, ultimately resulting in this poll.

    [size=10]¹Before the grammar Nazis go ballistic, I'm aware of the comma-quotation marks rule and I choose not to follow it, simply because the syntax makes little sense from a mathematical/logical point of view. The comma basically marks a pause in narration, while the quotation marks indicate a segment of direct speech (and a change in tone of voice). Since the narrator makes the pause (as opposed to the quoted speaker), I believe it should be placed outside the quotation marks.
    Furthermore, as a non-native English speaker, I reserve the right to butcher the language at my discretion, either intentionally or accidentally (as there are bound to be other errors).[/h]

While option #2 is most likely not true (though I'd be impressed if it was), I'm just going to pretend it is. So here's a list of reasons I rarely use FAKKU:

  • 1. Downloads / Image quality
    IIRC I started searching for other websites when FAKKU's download feature was removed. Ironically, I no longer download stuff and primarily use online galleries now, but FAKKU still heavily downscales all images, sometimes to such a degree that text becomes unreadable (quite rare, but can still happen). If I'm forced to download a proper quality version elsewhere, might as well skip FAKKU altogether.

    [*]2. Search
    This leaves much to be desired. While a couple of extra features would be welcome, such as sorting search results by rating/popularity, I consider these the two most glaring problems:

    2.1. Tags
    There are not enough different tags, and some are not specific enough. Let's take incest for example - what type of incest? Brother-sister? Father-daughter? Same goes for group [size=10](which can range from orgy to harem or gangrape, or any combination of those)[/h], oral [size=10](fellatio/cunnilingus)[/h], monster girl [size=10](way too many to list)[/h], etc.

    Also, character tags. This might not be an issue for most series, but trying to find a specific Touhou character [size=10](there are well over 100, scientists are to this day working on a definitive answer)[/h] is basically looking for a needle in a haystack.

    2.2. Artists
    Apparently, FAKKU still doesn't discern artists from doujin circles. While I could handle either one being used consistently, most often half of the works will be uploaded under one name and half under the other. Occasionally it'll be misspelled or incorrectly transliterated, which requires me to search 2-3 times to find all the works.

    [*]3. Content / Updates
    Even if the aforementioned problems didn't exist, there is simply not enough content to make me use FAKKU. I'm going to assume most people giving A+ ratings just randomly stumble across things they like on FAKKU and then rate it based on some pretty common bells and whistles they didn't see elsewhere: "Yeah, you can, like, favorite stuff, and go through pages with WASD like an MLG pro, dude!" [size=10](related XKCD)[/h].

    But as someone who knows what their favorite artists will be releasing months before C84, I'm just looking for the fastest and most straightforward way to get scan(lation)s. I can't be impressed when FAKKU releases my favorite doujinshi weeks or months after others because I don't see it as a surprise present, but rather as something I've been expecting and waiting for.


So why do I still use FAKKU? Mostly because I like the community. However, as a hentai website, FAKKU gets a B rating. It's still better than most websites out there, but I have very little reason to use anything but the forums. As far as obtaining H-manga/doujinshi goes, I find ExHentai much more efficient.
came for the hentai, stayed for the forum.
Gave only A because there is no option to add/subscribe favorite artist. It would be good way to fallow new up dates of favotite autors.
It's a great site but Doujintoshokan will always be the best in my heart <3.
D, It's barely tolerable
Compared with others Fakku is the best but even this page is has some shortages for example the mostly mentioned lack of videos or the game section. And also in my opinion you should involve a better way of searching mangas. In a good search section you could find a manga which is the most appropriate for you with multiple tags rather than only one tag per serch. But it probably only my opinion and I know this type of search system a bit complicated and require a lot of work but it's just an idea :)

All in all even with these problems this is a very good page with a good community. :)

PS.: sorry for my English :P
I don't normally post anything on here, but I don't know why so many people have picked A+. I know that it is base on how you FEEL about the site and your choice. But this site is far from perfect. There are many manga / hentai, that are incomplete with characters or story or issues. Often times as well I find my self going to other sites more now, because I find this site doesn't have as much as what I am into as it did before. I feel like this site has gone..um.. lack of better terming a "safe(r)" route than other not so well known sites. Where as when I had first signed up on this site back in October 6th, 2008, it was more consistent with content. I could claim that this site is possibly pandering to a certain demographic based on the voting system or even based on what people are viewing in terms of comments or counts. And while that is fine for the most part, I find that things I am into has / have diminished. Thus making me not use the site that I honestly DO enjoy so very much. Point example the Kon-Kit Manga called Ane Cinema, has like 3-4 ones with the same woman, we are only getting a piece of the story and are missing awesome action that is within the pages of the others. Plus the other works that are out there of Kon-Kit. This is only one example of this whole thing. I want this site to honestly be the best site out there in terms of service, community and content. I don't like shopping around to other places for what I want to read or look at. This is just my two cents.
I found fakku from googling hentai like 4 years ago. It's been the best site for hentai for me ever since. I love this place. I wanna stick around forever. Also the community is great too <3
Wrath69 wrote...
I'm not lying, it is the best hentai site i've ever seen. Been a member ever since I found this site.

Thanks for all the great hentai FAKKU!

Likewise. This here.
For me, this is the best place, Im not saiying it's perfect, but the best for me at least.
The only thing I can think in this moment that i want Fakku to have is to have a fav list of artists