What do you want/expect for Xmas/Holidays 2013?

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maybe a ps4 maybe. and if we are talking swords and guns i would like to get a knife in CS:GO.
This thread got a lot more attention than I was expecting.

OT: I think my grandmother is giving us all $50 wal-mart gift cards this year... I'll use that money combined with the money I have left over after xmas presents for my friends and family to get a new bike... maybe. Well, I need about 80 bucks for that to work, since the cheapest (read:useable) bike, is like, $130ish.

Still, wal-mart bikes aren't worth shit. I may as well spend it on food for my new apartment so I don't starve in January.
Not many paleontology fans here eh? I thought my Mom's gift was pretty cool, worthy of at least someone mentioning it...
I would really like some cosplay supplies/wigs I asked for plus some other miscellaneous things (DVD's, clothing, etc.). Oooh and to go to New York City, I haven't been there in a really long time.
I'm expecting kinky times with the boyfriend for sure.
Please_don't_ban_me wrote...
Not many paleontology fans here eh? I thought my Mom's gift was pretty cool, worthy of at least someone mentioning it...

Paleontology is win! Dying art... that and archaeology.

ummm... I literally asked for coal this year, lol. gotta heat steel with something!
Veshuma wrote...
Please_don't_ban_me wrote...
Not many paleontology fans here eh? I thought my Mom's gift was pretty cool, worthy of at least someone mentioning it...

Paleontology is win! Dying art... that and archaeology.

ummm... I literally asked for coal this year, lol. gotta heat steel with something!

Giant marine reptile teeth, long extinct arthropods, and plant matter fossilized in different plant matter, nice additions to a collection, wouldn't you say?
honestly not much at all. Maybe a gametime card for an mmo..
A box.

I never want anything for Christmas; if I want something, I get it myself.
[size=10]I think I'm getting a jacket.
Maybe some sketches and things from internet pals! :3
Someone got me Stanley Parable for early Xmas so I'm satisfied already![/h]
games on my steam wishlist
Giftcards to food places, I don't care where, but it helps me when I'm hungry and broke at school.
(I might get a better pc, seeing as my brother is having a 2K+ dollar pc bought for him. I'll be able to easily upgrade the pc I get, the video card is a low quality integrated, but has a open video card slot.)

A better pc, that can handle more complicated 3d software, is what I want.

If I could ask for more... One of the 3 new gaming platforms... Though I am leaning more towards WiiU than the other 2. (Seeing as I have a PS3, the PS4 is unnecessary for at least 2 years, and I don't care about missing out on exclusives, Nintendo seems to get more quality JRPG's, to the US, anyways...). Maybe a Vita or 3DS as well. Those are luxuries though...

An amp, or the wires and software to make my pc into the amp, would be great.

An HDTV... Playing games on a tv almost 10 years old, is becoming impossible... Often times I can't read text...
I getting extra hours at work
A new mattress, my current one is kinda squeaky, if you know what I mean.
Every important people in my life
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