Genocide vs Mass Murder

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With no other options left aside from the two, which would you choose?

Total Votes : 32
Didn't even think about this, or put any emotion into my thoughts, and voted the 100. Assuming one being born in italy being classified as Italian and what not is invalid, You're saving a 'race' in a sense from being extinct.

I can't really be arsed trying to word it any better, but yeah. That's my answer.
Given that i have to make the choice, it makes logical sense to save the Italians, whereas something like 0.01% of the japanese would be killed. So, in seeing it in that sense, it makes sense to me.

This has been a non-caring Drifter post
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Mass murderer, because eliminating a whole race/species, the thought is much more unbearable for me.
PumpJack McGee wrote...
yummines wrote...
Although this is all hypothetical, I find it unbelievable how there could only be 10 of any race left in the world, considering there are so many people that are half or even a quarter of a different race (especially Caucasian people).

But for the sake of the question, I'd choose the 100. I'm assuming this is like the situation in The Dark Knight where someone put both hostage and one has to kill the other to survive.

Replace them with animals and it becomes a heckuva lot more believable.

Replacing them with animals makes the choice easier to make for most people, so I assume that's why the question is set up with people.
I'd probably go with the 10. Losing a group of people would suck, but I'm not going to tell ten times that many people to die for it. Though I'm not really even sure why in this scenario that choice even matters. How will sacrificing 100 lives save 10 anyways? May not matter, but if you're going to write up a detailed scenario anyways might as well add more detail.

We've lost cultures throughout history and losing another wouldn't drastically change things. I can't get behind saving those people just because they were born within certain territorial lines.
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