Do you prefer subs or dubs?

Subs or dubs?

Total Votes : 5,213
Both. Its a hobby of mine to compare the difference in voice acting between the original and the english one.
Ecchi-sama Vanilla Essence
Subs can be hilarious, but so can dubs.
Depends..but I mostly lean towards the subbed.
Generally I would say Subs all the way, BUT there are some really good voice actors out there that arent Japanese. I have 4 different anime that i would never watch in Japanese, due to how much I like the English voice actors [or because the Japanese actors are really bad], Full Metal Alchemist, Fooly Cooly, Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun.Vic Mignogna and Johnny Yong Bosch are my favorite voice actors of all time [in anime].

I chose *both* because Believe it or not, there ARE bad Jap. voice actors, and it can be really really bad sometimes. And sometimes the Eng. voice actors are really quite good. It is just my opinion however. Another reason i like subs over dubs is that I am learning Japanese and I like to immerse myself into both the language and culture as much as i can.
Sub 4 da win!
My sister's a hardcore sub person, and she got me into watching anime, so I am now forever a sub fan.
In addition, you pick up some Japanese when watching subs.
If it doesn't clearly suck then I'll go with a dub any day because I love the artwork in animes. If it's subbed then I feel like I spend lots of time reading when I could be admiring artwork. If the dub is really bad though, I'll definitely watch the subbed.