3 things I would like to be, but might not achieve.

1. Self-confident.
2. A singer
3. Capable of keeping friendships
1. Video Game Designer
2. manga Writer(Yes I know manga is Japanese but I want to do the style and the righ to left book)
3. writer
I have big dreams and Ideas but i lack confidence, self esteem, and intiative 3 very important things.
1. Invent something useful to anyone and everyone.
2. To write a successful book that gets published
3. Video game designer, mostly on Mobile devices though as my ideas are simple ones
1. Kung fu Grandmaster
2. first cyborg
3. A great teacher

reason? not enough time xD
1. Film director
2. Billionaire
3. to have a body like Bratt Pit in Fight Club
Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be.
1. Becoming a marketing director.
2. Becoming an accomplished classical guitarist.
3. Becoming Bar Brothers Tier calisthenics master.

To achieve No.1 I'll have to become a lot better at reading the minds of your everyday consumer, and most people around me say that I can't even see through glass.

To achieve No.2 I'll have to have lots of free time; with luck that'll come to pass after retirement.

No. 3 is.... tough.
1. a model
2. a drummer
3. a person who knows who and what I am
1. A pilot
2. A writer
3. A tank
Obviously I can't be a tank
1. Architect / Designer
2. Gunsmith
3. Pilot / Aircraft mechanic

These take a lot of money and time to get into and I don't think I am lucky enough to do any of them. I almost became a pilot tho and it's still do-able - if only my girlfriend at the time didn't fuck my chances.
1. Master Engineer (Tony Stark/Forge level)
2. Owner of a solitary planet fortress (If I owned a Death Star sized space station it'd be cool too)
3. Metal worker (Like Man At Arms)
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
1. Game script writer
2. Game programmer
3. Game designer
1. 2D
2. Confident
[size=4]3. Model[/h]
3. A good wife
1. Music Producer or Keyboardist
2. Animator/Cartoonist
3. Writer(for shows)/Author
1: Vigilante
2: Mercenary
3: Philanthropist

Although i'm not anxious of my death and i have some military experience, the evils of this world is too much for myself to handle. I'll end up die trying and will be known postmortem as a stupid guy.
1. President
2. Archaeologist
3. MMA Fighter
My three....

1. Pro football player(previous injuries prevent that.)
2. A transformer (Because...Pfft, who wouldn't?)
3. Living in a Tenchi Muyo type situation (Sooo many chicks!)
1. writer (I'm bad at it)

2. the strongest swordsman (there isn't really an opportunity to prove that in the moderne time...)

3. cosplayer (time, money, etc.)
1. a writer. I want to tell stories that will stick with people forever.
2. a counselor. Perhaps a school one. It would be nice to help people deal with their problems.
3. a hero. I would like to save someone's life, at some point.

1. Cartoonist
2. Author
3. Director/ Writer