Anime torrent sites down

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animefreak_usa wrote...
yummines wrote...
Preben wrote...
yummines wrote...
Apparently the Japanese govt. is DDoS these sites because of suspected revenue loss.

There's no direct evidence that they are behind the attacks. They never gave out methods for how they were going to subdue the piracy. So don't come to conclusions yet.

However the press release is the strongest proof that they might behind it.

Why else would someone DDoS an anime torrenting site?

Nyaa rivals
Mad japs
Nigga with time
DCMA suporters
Viz since they suck at the job
Anti- weeb army
The chinese

Forum Image:
some of the sites are back, glad to know this.
What exactly is going on?
Nyaa is down again. I'm not sure if its maintenance on their part or another DDOS attack. I'm thinking its the latter
meltme wrote...
Nyaa is down again. I'm not sure if its maintenance on their part or another DDOS attack. I'm thinking its the latter

meltme wrote...
its maintenance

blog-chan wrote...
It's not DDoSing that's going on right now though, just some behind-the-scenes stuff being updated.
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