Do you act different Online compared to Offline?


Total Votes : 295
I've got enough positive reinforcement to last a life-time, so I don't need the filter. To my detriment, I am also as mean-spirited as I am in games when it comes to problem solving. It'll probably get me in trouble some day.
Offline, I'm very loud, rude, and dickish. Online, I'm polite, not very talkative, and have a hard time cracking jokes. I know this is the exact opposite of what most people are like and that's kind of odd, because in real life you only have to talk to a few people and they'll judge you if they want to, but online, your comment can get read by anyone and they don't know you so they don't care if your feelings get hurt. So they'll end up insulting you.
Yes. In real life, I'm kind of a guy who can't start any conversation at all. I answer when asked. But when I'm the one trying to ask, I failed. I doesn't like to show around crowds, that's why I always stay at a place where no one is around. I am not a weak person, which is why there's no students that would dare to bully me in a psychical way. But I am weak-willed, that's why I'm always mentally-bullied. When I enter Middle School, my new teachers thought I had a mental illness, they even go as far as calling my parents to school.

I start go online at the age of 9, it was when I start to play my first social games. While playing, I always get mad easily, and just say it all out when I'm playing, which is why I can endure my offline life.

Probably this is because of the fact that i don't have confidence in myself at all or you can say 'I know my place', Whenever I walk around people, I always feels like they are making fun of me, laughing at me. But when I play offline, no one will know who am I, What kind of guy am I, they won't know anything about me at all, and I can be reborn as a different guy, which is why I can release all of my emotions.
Yes and no. It depends if I can be completely comfortable around people I consider friends but still if I say something silly like "throws a chair" I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do that irl and end up in jail. xD
To be honest, I used to act differently.

This was on account of me being a meek and edgy little tyke in real life a few years back. A few of my online mates helped me mellow out and be much more social in both irl and internet. Currently, I could say I act no different irl than I do now.
I would like to say I act different, but every now and then I say the acronyms idk or lol. I get strange looks from people I don't know, but among peers it just kinda doesn't matter to them, so I'm glad internet speak and real life talking is in a okay doesn't bother people zone.
I typically act exactaly the same, just "less."

On the interwebs you can find a chat topic to hop into quickly, whereas in real life I can't google up an interesting conversation ASAP.

I counted that as a no.
I don't know what it's like to have a different personality online and offline. I act like the same as I am regardless of my position on the planet. I have no need to hide it as well, no matter where I am I have great pride in my existence.
I'm more nervous offline, so I'm a bit less talkative and a somewhat more shy. Nonetheless; I'm the same clingy (technical talkative) cheerfully girl, thus I answered "No"~

Oh, this' the serious discussions forum. I guess I'll expand a bit, then.

I tend to get nervous because:

- I'm usually sweating up on the street (illness) and I feel uncomfy that way.

- After a while I feel tired and I need to slow down (illness), making me uncomfortable, unless I can rest on the lap of someone, a chair or something.

- Looking at others' eyes makes me feeling "absorbed", putting me nervous.

- I'm quite emphatic... I'm good at seeing others reactions, faces and so to make me an idea about what they are feeling. When others feels uneasy or anything it makes me feel the same quite easily...

- I like to wear and so a "cutesy" fashion style, loose dressing fashion, adventurer like fashion or lolita fashion. I tend to think from time at time if others perceive my fashion as I want them do.

- The classic "they think I'm cute, ugly, or any?" about appearance. I don't think about others appearance at all, but others tends to do, make comments and so and I feel nervous with that... This isn't a main point (like the others), but affects.

So that is! I don't act different offline or online because I like how I am, so I don't see any reason to act in a different way~
Sometimes I do for a Psychological reasoning, it really depends on what's going on around me and who I'm talking with online. Like always and always I'm shy at first whether online or offline but it comes down to talking with friends online or offline, well anything goes. Sometimes I can be pissy or I could be annoying, maybe even sometimes a little pushy but overall I value myself a happy guy. That's my out take on it so far or I could be utterly blind on how I act and it could be different otherwise, not really 100% sure.
I'm a lot more social online. In real life I am not very social.
I come to a spot in between here. I talk about the weirdest shit you can think of and all sorts of anime / hentai stuff online. But IRL I talk to nobody about those things, hell, not even about normal anime stuff either. But thats not due to me being embaressed or afraid to talk of such things... I guess I just keep to myself. If I were to have friends, I most likely would talk to them about that stuff. Like, all day long. XD
CaffeLatte~ wrote...
To elaborate: Do you talk, act, or behave differently in the Internet? If yes, why so? If not, why not and what is your opinion on those who act different Online?

I answered yes and wonder if I'm the weird one out? People usually get more outgoing and open and talkative when online but I'm the opposite. The reason why I act differently online than offline is because I get more nervous when I'm online. When something first is leaked to the internet you can never retrieve it. It will spread and you never know who is lurking and who will see it. While offline I feel like I have more control over the things I share. Also I like being able to read the person I'm talking to which I don't feel like I can when I'm online. You won't know if you bore the person with all your babbling and if you hit a topic which you better avoid. I'm very insecure about myself so I tend to adjust myself to other people's liking offline so when I get online I get all stiff and nervous. I don't know what to say and how to act. I get really bad at starting a conversation and tend to let others push me around. I'm scared of people judging me and start to spread rumours about me. Especially on forums like these where a lot of the members already know each other and some are really close. I get overly negative and super self conscious, while offline I'm more cheerful and barely care about other people's opinion and just do whatever suits me though of course I never want to be rude so I adjust to match their norms and limits. Also offline if I don't go well with a person I can avoid the person and interact less with them, but on communities everyone can butt in if they want and information spread like a storm.

Of course there is still some part of me which is true to the real me which I do both online and offline. I still say things bluntly and speak my mind. I'm still as honest as I am offline. Though I'm bad at speaking English I feel more secure about writing but that doesn't stop me from writing/talking like a waterfall. I can speak for hours without stopping, while online speaking gets difficult and writing is so much easier but without reading the person I don't know what to say. It is all a bit complex for me, but I definitely act differently online than offline ; _ ;

I hope it made at least a bit sense?
I am not really sure because I act differently to each and every person, and trust me when I say the change is drastic, but I do not feel like I am acting as someone else because I feel like all of those “modes” are a part of who I really am, but I do try to act the way I do online to my closest friends, so I believe the original "me" is the one who is online, even though they are all "me" if you get what I am saying.
You know, because of a trauma that i got from bullying since kindergarten, i feel redundant, pessimistic, and depressive. Not to mention my parents act like tyrants, telling me what to do and violently beat me up when i disobey their orders. So when i'm on the internet, i mostly behave immature, to cover up my grumpiness, redundancy, and pessimism.

Tl;dr A sad man with a happy face mask.
Yes, mostly. The online factor enables an illusion of intimacy that I'd like to have Offline, what with the cuddling, snuggling and other shenannigans that go on in CTFG.

Can't do that Offline. I'm more circonspect and cautious Online, I don't really trust anyone. Except if I have a history with them.
I dislike the social etiquette present Offline and throw some parts of it away online.

Pseudonymity online is also what I like best because you can be honest with other people, and there is little to no social consequence that traces back to you. So you could say I'm more honest to a degree.
I actually seem more anti-social/dull online than offline. Mainly because much of my charisma and interaction with people comes from observation, which is obviously a lot more difficult when all you see is text (and maybe some gifs and images).
for me im alot different online to IRL for me IRL has been trying to survive over 10 years of bullies being shunned by whole community's of people even having the staff at school/college go against you compared to a place where you can express what you think freely and not be completely shut out

for me i live in a very small place where anime hentai manga gaming and so on isnt understood and so its shunned because if alot of people dont do it its got to be bad which is a really sad place to grow up in even people who liked to game would shun more enthusiastic people like me because the fact that i spend my time not following social protocol means i cant be a nice person i would say more but this would end up a 10 paragraph rant on only a few points

as for the actual topic i act differently online
online- happy lively friendly excitable talkative
offline - quiet timid always at the back wont speak up rarely laugh or smile generally ignored
Not really. My behaviour is still the same irl.
I act pretty much the same as i do in real life, maybe a little bit more outgoing online since its anonymous.
Monster Girl
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