The "Last Game You Beat" Thread

FFFF... it was either GTA 5 or Jet Set Radio back in July (or was it August). I cant remember which of the 2 was the last one i beat
DatYuriThough wrote...
Shadow of Mordor. Pretty good game, story can be a little confusing about the concepts if you haven't read/watched anything related to Tolkein's universe but it balances itself out well by not overloading the player with information tied to the story thanks to the a menu that has all the lore categorised for those who haven't immersed themselves in Tolkein's universe before.

Gameplay wise it was very fun, a little repetitive at times but I enjoyed the actual feel of the game, like the Arkham series of games but a little more magical. Abilities are fun to use and the way the 'Nemesis' system impressed me and looks pretty cool. It can be frustrating at times since some Captain/Warchief Uruks can have a list of abilities that can make you seem...pathetic I guess? Although there's always work-arounds.

Overall it was a pretty enjoyable game, I'd recommend it to people who are on the fence over buying it.

I beat it too. I personally enjoy it much more than Assassin's Creed and Batman Arkham series altogether. Plus it's one of the games that I wanted to run on my PC that looks like a PS4/XBONE game.

As for me, last game I beat was Puppeteer. I don't see much games that match Puppeteer's whimsy and imagination. I'm pretty bummed out that we see less in the space of AAA games.
Asura's Wrath. This game is just so outstanding I have no words for it. It's not complex or anything like that, but the story combined with fantastic JP VO's and emotionally tugging scenes this easily makes my top 10 list of games that make me tear up at the end. If it wasn't for the fact it ran like a piece of shit on consoles, and the extended fact that the TRUE End is PAID DLC, I'd be so much happier with this. I'm already happy with its current state, more stability in the gameplay would just make me even happier.

CyberConnect2 is one of the most "under-the-radar" companies that just make amazing games people don't realize sometimes.
Josephl64 Shizuka-chan ~
I just beat Rance 02 and Rance 3. Also finished the Pokemon ORAS demo 10x.
Destiny. As much as Bungie wants to say the game isn't over, I finished all the missions that were in the base game, that means I finished the game. Makes me so sad to think about how that game had so much waster potential.
Saints Row 4

I loved the Humour from the Third one and this is a great follow up. I really loved the soundtrack too...

Awesome game!!!
The Wolf Among Us. "Tear his head off".....Really? Well many of the choices in the game were really arbitrary or just plain strange and the fact that every episode ended on a desperation cliffhanger didn't help either with this fumbling game of trying not to stay silent at every choice. But for all my griping I had ALOT of fun with The Wolf Among Us, mostly the premise impressed me as a Fate/Stay Night gone Noir detective style. Enough that I picked up the Fables comic....then dropped them in immense disappointment somewhere around 30-40 chapters in because they kept beating around the bush and never getting to anything important. It's good, but the way gameplay was implemented makes me wonder why they even bothered. Watching the entire series via upload would be fine.

Valkyria Chronicles. So I tried this years back and loved every inch of it, however I wasn't particularly keen on how hard my ass was getting handed at that time(in lieu of my relationship with Ninja Gaiden)so it ended up getting gifted to friend. Now years later I return to get my ass completely handed to myself anyways. Story is pretty balls overall, but it keeps a person entertained. Gameplay is a masterpiece, the depth put into the progression and level design is astounding..only counteracted by the fact most of the information required for victory is missing during the briefing, often resulting in suicidal exploratory runs. Really fun game, I'm looking forward to the third one because the second one was apparently intolerable in terms of story.
I just finished Halo 4 and Sonic Lost World
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

I hesitated a bit before buying this game, but I don't regret it. The first Black Ops is still my favourite, but this was a nice addition as well.
PS4: AC Unity.
PSV: Senran Kagura Shinobi Versus.
PC Master Race:Far Cry 4 and AC Rogue.
Beat Star Wars Battlefront II story mode today, haven't touched this game ever since I lost my disc back in 2008 (a friend lent me his copy). Oh gosh I think I remember why this game nearly ruined Junior High-Senior High for me. It's so fun to have a shit load of stormtroopers shooting at each other.
Planescape: Torment

God-tier story holy shit
Growlanser 3: The dual darkness. Again.
I remember the story being a lot better. I still like it, but honestly, I cannot say for the life of me what Zion's plan even is. He wants to collect 50,000 souls to...become immortal or rule the world or something. Thing is, though, ruling the world won't be all that worth it if EVERYONE'S FUCKING DEAD.
I still enjoyed the hell out of it though. I really like the characters, and all that.
Finally stopped being a lazy fuck and finished the Tomb Raider reboot on the PS3.
The last game I BEAT was Fable 3...would not recommend. Dragon Age Inquisition is loads better :D.
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Borderlands The Presequel I believe.
spyralhax Traps = confused boner
Does getting to the conclusion of a VN count? If so, then probably Danganronpa for Vita. If you mean a legit game, then probably.... *thinks for a looooong time* Tales of Xillia, I think. I tend to lose steam halfway through most games >_>
Alan Wake
not bad.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Just beat Dragon Age: Inquisition a few hours ago. The main story seemed rather short, but there were tons of side quests to keep you busy. Logged 60 hours on it.