Your own insecurities.

God forbid anyone actually knew, but I'm incredibly insecure. One in particular is that I'm afraid of rejection (not romantic but generally speaking), so I keep my distance from people and it takes me a while to get close to anyone.

I can be very judgmental, mainly of people I don't know, so that in my mind there's an excuse for not getting to know them. Its a pretty fucked up defense mechanism.

Basically I'm really introverted and keep to myself just because I'm afraid that if I put myself out there, I'll just get hurt.
Mine would have to be.. I suppose being and thinking overly, being somewhat over friendly yet having social anxiety to want to turn my head away as soon as I make eye contact with someone, Always thinking attention is on me and not exactly being able to talk to girls or most people face to face unless we can find common ground.

- On a side note Hi everybody.
My boobs. My skin (not color) My nose I guess now (girls uck mean girls to be exact -_-)
all my brothers and my mum expect me to be some smart ass dude (currently revising for my tests) when i'm average at learning (they got all bad grades)
my nose
the way i walk
my voice
beating myself up (i.e i'm not good enough)
envy's a bitch ain't it?
I don't like the way I look. People think I look either too depressed, too distant or just soft. I'm a guy dang it, and I just hate it when people say that.
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
Skin condition + middle school = Made me really introverted.
Oh man, where do I begin?

I'm often insecure about my height, (6'1) given my absolute hatred for sports, it's awkward turning people down when they invite me to play sports, to which they reply with "Really? But you're so tall!", which doesn't help my uneasiness at all.

Another one lie around social issues. I become a meek, stammering wreck when speaking to someone new with the reoccurring thought of "Is he/she judging me because I can't speak clearly?" and it's jarring just thinking about something like that when you're not trying to.
I'm mildly schitsofrenic, wich makes me incredibly paranoid at times. It also causes some of the stuff i say to make no sense whatsoever.

I'm also a bit of a motor-mouth sometimes, witch thankfully doesn't translate onto forums.
Bad, stuffed nose, fear of ignorance (People always look away from me despite my stepmom calls me handsome), an acute avoidant personality disorder, and my regret of resigning from the SDF and moving to another country. But i keep most the bad memories to myself because if i vent it out, either they're happy or they don't care.
My weight, my social anxiety, the fact that I can think of something that sounds really smart, but when I try to vocalize it I forget words and generally sound like a buffoon.

I've lost some weight and feel pretty comfortable with it right now. Wearing clothes that fit well and learning to stand up straight helped a lot there.
I don't have much, but I am afraid of change. I've had a good life up until I graduated high school. I tried college, but my tendency to put in a lack of effort screwed me over big time. Now I'm trying to find a job, however seeing my friends trying their goddamn hardest to find a job, and getting rejected every single time, makes me feel an aversion to getting a job in the first place. I am also afraid that I will never get a girlfriend, because I am introverted and I don't like being in a place full of people, or socializing in general. I have really close friends and family that I can count on, whom of which I would take a bullet for, but I do want I have some sort of love life before I die. Preferably before I turn 30.
All the women in my family have breast sizes of DD or bigger...while I stand with my B36 cup and its ridiculous.

My worst one though is that I push myself to the brink of severe anxiety and panic attacks. I try to hide them from my friends but my mother knows but she is the cause.
Ever since I was young (with 5 siblings) I was the one my mother pushed. Do better in school, learn to do your makeup, dont get dirty, those kids arent good enough to be your friends, brush your teeth again their not white enough. Growing up with this was fucking hell. I had to look the part of beauty queen perfection but inside I wanted to scream and yell and tear off my fake smile.
I moved out at the age of 16 with a friend and havent lived with her since. I go to school for psychiatry and see one as well to help me let go of the feelings I have towards my mother and myself. I live my life as normal as possible, I have friends my mother would never approve of and I wear sweat pants when I'm home which my mother would die if she knew. I still cant help but get all dressed up before I go places though which isnt horrible...its the stress and anxiety thats killing me.
We currently do see each other but I hate it because when I do I feel like I have to dress to impress and I sit for the 3 days before and have anxiety attacks because I'm so panicked about seeing her.

I read this and feel ridiculous but it does feel good to let it out even if I just sound crazy and pathetic.
LustfulSmiles wrote...
I read this and feel ridiculous but it does feel good to let it out even if I just sound crazy and pathetic.

Don't worry, you sound just like the rest of us.
My weight, my member, my whole life.
Body image. I have what I call leftovers and also the ever-so-ugly stretch marks from when I was heavier. It's funny because now people will think I'm super skinny just because I'm not 200 pounds anymore, but it doesn't matter that I've lost 55 pounds and I'm more healthy and active. I still see the 200 pound kid. So that kinda sucks, but I've got bigger things to worry bills lol.
NutritiousGoop wrote...
I'd like you to list some things. Things you don't like about yourself. Things that you think other people might be judging you for. Things about you that make you feel nervous when your out in public.

I want you to list your insecurities. Here are a few of mine

Small boobs. A cup. I want them a bit bigger but nobody I know likes the idea of me getting implants to make them size B at least.
And though I hate this about myself I will mention it here. I am short. Not quite a midget I'd say but still pretty short compared to my friends. I haven't grown an inch since I was about 15 years old. Apparently most women stop growing at about 16-17 years of age. Well I guess my stop was a year early, but the point is if like to be at least 3 inches taller. That would just be tall enough where I'm still the shortest person in the group, but only by an inch.

Now combine the two. I'm 21 years old and I still look like I should be finishing high school! I've even had teenagers hit on me wanting a date before. I do think I look a bit too young for my age, and while that helps make me cute, it has sometimes led to people treating me less of a young adult and more of a high schooler.

So then, I listed mine. What are some things you feel insecure about? Why?
Have you found a way of dealing with them? For me, all I can really do is act my age out in public despite people's first impressions.

First off, just reading your list of insecurities makes me kind of attracted to you in a way. Sorry in advance if I make you feel uncomfortable.

Now, to respond to your actual "list of insecurities", I can say at least this:
I am terrified of fucking up, even a little bit. If I mess up while playing live on-stage or even in conversation, I become a wreck for days at a time. I'm obsessed with being "perfect", and yet am so lazy, I often have trouble just waking up in the morning. Though on the positive side, I am turning these around bit by bit :D

Probably my biggest insecurity is my sexuality. I've recently realized my Bi-sexual nature and people around me seem to believe I'm bullshitting. Its honestly really frustrating.

But I guess that's what I got off the top of my head. I often just bury my insecurities, so I can forget them sometimes, until of course, a situation arises to stir them up.

Also, again, sorry for (maybe) being weird about being attracted to you from reading your post. Plz no hate :D
I worry a lot about being overweight, despite what I may be told by others. I've been stuck in the "obese" BMI category for as long as I can remember, but I'm pretty sure I'd be seeing signs on my body if I were, y'know, actually obese. Most of the time I actually feel pretty good-- it's when those medical checkups roll around or when I have to get something tailored to me that I go, "Well, shit. Am I fat? I'm fat, aren't I. Grr."
Looking years younger than I actually am can be very annoying sometimes, because some people won't take me seriously. I also don't like how skinny I have gotten, being already this small and then losing weight isn't good. So I'm working on that.
I always look very serious or upset/angry even though I don't feel that way and I think that puts people off talking to me.
Also it takes me longer than my colleagues to learn things and I feel very dumb, I guess I'm just very slow.
pihip wrote...
Plenty of emotional/psychological issues, but this seems to be the wrong thread so I'll spare you the boredom.

One thing I was insecure about was my physical appearance: for all my life I've been very tall and very thin - so thin and pale in fact that I looked sickly, and I actually was sickly according to doctors. It was frustrating to say the least, and I envied my friends a lot, since I felt they were all stronger or generally better than me.

It's a good thing I started working out to tough up a bit, and now I'm one meter ninety tall and weight seventy or so kilos. Still tall and thin, but much, much better than before.

From murica, just did the converts. 6'feet 2inch aprox for height and 150 pounds. Holy moly I think you have it slightly better than I do. Im about 5"7 or so but I im pretty sure I only weight about 110 pounds. 1 meter and 7 inches, aaaaand 49 kilos or so. I want to gain weight but I just don't feel like the food I'm eating is great. I usually feel full after a small meal. I remember as a kid I could only eat half a mcmuffin from mcdonalds and felt bloated. My physical appearance is one of my insecurities. I know your feels though. Pretty sure you can be that dashing knight in white. :P
NutritiousGoop wrote...
Small boobs. A cup. I want them a bit bigger but nobody I know likes the idea of me getting implants to make them size B at least.

You're also A cup? Then we share that trait at least... Though I don't mind that much, but I would prefer to be B cup if I would choice.

Insecurities? I'm insecure when talking to anybody, people often says I'm unpleasant, annoying, too serious, uninteresting and so... I try to not being so, but I guess I'm just like that, but that doesn't change the fact that I feel insecure when I talk/write. I'm insecure about my appearance, too, people said from time at time that I'm somewhat ugly because I'm a bit overweight (not obese, but overweight yes), arms a bit bigs, too tall (1.70cm, about 10cm taller than the average here), small boobs and so. I prefer to not think too much about how I look because that.

And that would be. I'm pretty confident about most other things.
Monster Girl
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