FAKKU 8 Year Anniversary!

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Eight years! To celebrate, thank you for giving us books that we now have to pay to see, because the dedicated fan subs are finally getting choked out by Fakku. Yay, little black bars won't cover penises and vaginas anymore. Yippee. This is the wrong way to fight copyright issues; look at Batoto's successful business model. Admit it, you just want money. That bit about copyright issues is a problem that is so easy to deal with. C'mon guys, you can do better. Step it up, hopefully you'll realize your mistake by your 10th Anniversary.
Congratulations on 8 years of awesome!
It certainly is a pleasure reading the new official Fakku books, i am looking forward to seeing my first paperback arriving and much more in the future. So many good releases that it is hard to not break my bank because I want so many of the Fakku books in paperback edition :D
Looking forward to what the future will bring.

Keep being awesome.
Happy Birthday Fakku! Hooray ! And thx(?) to the perv who introduced it to me, keep up the amazing work!!
Jacob, thank you for creating this site for your fellow perverts!
Happy Birthday Fakku! I recently found out about this website and joined a few months ago. In my short time here I have noticed the support and general awesomeness of the community has been great. Furthermore the amazing support that Fakku has given and their dedication are much better than many other websites and even better than many other businesses. Here is to many more glorious years of Fakku's success.
Masose Ona Degenerate
Congratulations on the 8 years of progress and the many more that will come!
Somehow stumbling into this site and then joining as a member into this insanity a few months later, Fakku has done some great things over the years.

Congrats on the lucky 8th, Fakku! :D
My mind wants to buy all the books released but my parents told not to watch too many Adult manga at once so sorry you will have to wait a little Fakku Books.
i remember when i was like, 16 in highschool, and you could actually download the doujins. now its years later, and im the same little perv i was back than. Minus the horrible acne and fear of girls. Ok, fine, just the acne. Ok, fine, im exactly the same, im just an adult now. legally, at least.

I love to see how far fakku has cum in all these years.
Congratz :) I've been here 7(ish) of those years. Been an uploader, and a friend to some of you! (Jacob? JACCOBBB? maybe not.)

Looking forward to the future :D
Adore this site! Definitely going to purchase one of these upcoming books. woot woot!
Happy anniversary! Thanks for all the fun, keep it up!
I don't even know how I found out about Fakku. I was in 6th-7th grade when I did though but I made my account a bit after. I haven't been as active as I used to be but it's really a fantastic site. I used to scour the forums for hentai picture bundles and translated fan VNs but now I just occasionally pop in for some good ol vanilla/osananajimi releases. It's been a long journey since then but here I am getting my bachelors in a few months and working a stable job near Seattle.

Watching the site and community both grow into their current state has been heartwarming. The community was great back then, and it feels the same if not better now. It was also amazing to meet Jacob IRL (Jesus H he's fucking handsome lol) at Connecticon 4 years ago when I was visiting a friend and that was one thing off the bucket list. Congrats to all persons involved in the never ending fapping that is Fakku!
FAKKU making a better world
Thank you for making this website, I am new to making my account but I have used Fakku! For a few years now and I am happy to say that I am supporting Fakku! By supporting Fakku! Books. I look forward to the future of my favorite website that is Fakku!
[size=12][/h]I've only been part of this community for about 6 months, including the time I didn't have an account here. It has been a wonderful time. Yahtzeeeeee to you, and to all a good fap!
Wow.. i bet its been crazy ups and downs years jacob.. cant believe its been 8yrs.. all the member here are very grateful to you jacob for creating this site and we also grateful with all your associates for for uploading, decoding, and making sure the site is running perfectly fine..we all appreciate your hard work and dedication.. please keep up a good work and more power.. ciao!
well i didn't see fakku from its early days... but i'm here for almost 3 years since before.. too awesome to read some fap books in here.. yey! i love this site bruh. keep it good always!

"this site too GOOD" 10/10 -IGN
Jake, Ill never forget, the story about your "Best banana cake/bread" you ever tasted, when they found out about your site...

I was listening :D

Congratulations Fakku. :)
KLoWn wrote...
Jacob wrote...
Thank you for an amazing 8 years FAKKU, I can't wait to see what we achieve in the next 8!

Forum Image: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130422044206/glee/images/f/f2/Leo-Toast.gif

Urgh, we're going to be so old. I'll be 32, probably still perving though. Thanks for keeping us young, for the last 8 years and the 8 to come!
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