[Anime] Rate The Last Anime You Watched

Amagi Brilliant Park 8/10

Was a good anime with a very good idea for a story. Also was one where even with so many characters you never felt overwhelmed cause they didn't try to back story every single one. Had a nice blend between comedy and drama.

My biggest problem was really the main character didn't really develop as much as you expect, let alone it felt like him being a child star was just thrown in there. I was expecting him to use that previous fame to gain more people at the park and never came to fruition. It did set itself up quite nicely if they wish to do a second season to elaborate on points we didn't get to.
Donten ni Warau 6/10
Cowboy Bebop: Knocking on Heaven's Door 9/10
Expelled from Paradise 9/10
Patema Inverted 9/10

I tremendously enjoyed both Patema and Paradise.
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
Mongolian Chop Squad, 8/10
Mononoke 9/10
Genshiken 8/10
Mononoke(Not hime) was...an experience to say the least. Took some time to get used to, but the pay off was spectacular.
PorygonPowah wrote...

Mononoke 9/10
Mononoke(Not hime) was...an experience to say the least. Took some time to get used to, but the pay off was spectacular.

Eh, it was too weird for me. But I did understand the messages behind the arcs. The art style flipped me off and it was rather boring at times.
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
Ryssen wrote...
PorygonPowah wrote...

Mononoke 9/10
Mononoke(Not hime) was...an experience to say the least. Took some time to get used to, but the pay off was spectacular.

Eh, it was too weird for me. But I did understand the messages behind the arcs. The art style flipped me off and it was rather boring at times.

Yeah, it's certainly not for everyone. I feel like it was aimed at a very niche audience that I just happened to be part of. The art was honestly one of the biggest appeals to me.
Barakamon: 10/10

Honestly this is quite good. Not sure what force drove me away from watching this before. It was so much fun that I couldn't believe that I was already at episode 5 of this series. It really takes the time away with its light-hearted and cheerful atmosphere with a small pinch of challenge. I'd say pick this up if you feel down or just looking for something to relax in. This show will definitely not disappoint.
Knights of Sidonia 8/10- I was meaning to watch this and since the second season is coming soon, why not now?

I didn't mind the CG though it did have moments of QUALITY at times. I got plenty of Evangelion vibes from this anime as well.

Nagate- A less whiny Shinji
Kobayashi - A better parental figure than Gendo

To add to the Eva-memories, tragedy, mechs, and a post apocalyptic setting.

Another concept I wasn't too fond of was the character design wasn't that creative. However, the entire atmosphere was enthralling with a FUCKING TALKING BEAR WHICH I--JUST...WHAT. Ahem, human alteration also a third gender.

Staying tuned for next season and my begin the manga.
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
Nanana's Buried Treasure, 7/10. I enjoyed more then I feel it deserves. I feel like there were some serious problems, largely stemming from the fact that it's a light novel adaptation, but I did enjoy it considerably nonetheless.
Hunter x Hunter (2011 series)

I really enjoyed watching the series, particularly as I like long series with large plots. It was easy as hell to get through the first half, but the second half had some problems, particularly the Chimera Ants arc. It wasn't necessarily a bad arc, but it started off strong, had a weak middle, and a nice ending that satisfied my mind but pissed off my inner child that just wanted ACTION AND FIGHTING, so, mixed feelings about it as a whole, though I am leaning towards the positive. The last arc, though, was fantastic, and I really liked the way it ended.

Because the Chimera Ants arc had some slow parts, I would give it a slightly lower score, but since I watched the last ten episodes of the show in a single day (because it was that good!), and because I loved the show as a whole so much, I am giving it a nearly perfect score. Highly recommended to all shonen fans, as long as they know that it is not the typical shonen show. It plays with the genre a fair amount, for the better, but that may turn people off if they want the typical shonen experience.
Psycho Pass 8/10...recently picked up this show up after months of not giving it a shot, short to say I'm glad I did! I really enjoyed the story, very well written and it kept me interested all the way through.
Really relaxing comedy. I really like Yurie's voice actor.

Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku
'Tis good animation.

Honey and Clover
Slice of life and lovey dovey anime. It was cute and believable.

It has a weird art style that I haven't gotten used to yet. Other than that I understand the message it's trying to convey.

Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
Old Gainax show with a what seems to be a limited budget because every episode after 17 has very poor animation quality to the point that one episode is entirely made out of cardboard cutouts with sticks to them and is directed as a puppet show. I enjoyed my time with it though it had some interesting stylish choices.
Aboslute Duo: 0/10

I dropped this at episode 7. Two magic words that utterly destroyed the predicament in future episodes to come: magic steroids. Action scenes feels detached as you'll be seeing characters standing, talking to each other, in the middle of a fight.

All in all, there's no underdog to root for. Protagonist is roided so you can't really expect him to be oh-so-bothered with injuries. Future battles where "being in a pinch" would feel so forced it's utterly dumb to expect something good and fight scenes is subpar that even Rolling Girls does extremely better considering they're not even on a serious stance as this show.
Yuru Yuri : 7/10
Pretty much what you expect from a 'moe/slice of life' anime. Cute girls doing cute things.

Selector Infected WIXOSS and Selector Spread WIXOSS : 6/10
Started watching it after I found out that the card game actually had an anime. Not bad considering it being based off the card game, but it felt kinda bland and meh.

I thought the animation was very solid, the fight scenes were fast and fluid. As far as the story goes, I think it's a pretty standard anime story line, we have a main character, he gets into a group at school by coincidence through an incident at a grocery store and proceeds to meet this underground fighting club about half priced bento. I think the anime ended at a good point, it's all about the fight and love of getting the half priced Ben-to, nothing to mind blowing about it, but it doesn't aim to be that in any regard. It is a very solid show that is good fun to watch, something to just pop on and have fun watching.

Fairy tail gets a 10 out of 10 because it has a mix of everything from romance to pure jaw clenching action. Plus its funny as hell.

One piece 10 out of 10 this is one of those anime that you either love or hate, but if you love this anime I promise you it just keeps becoming better in future arcs. 15 plus years strong and they only recently stated that its halfway done.

Lupin the third 10 out of 10. There's something about this anime that just makes it great. I'm not entirely sure, I just love all the characters and the countless movies that keep showing up throughout the years. This show is over 40 years old. Give it a shot, you will more then likely enjoy the anime series along with the movies.

FINALLY HUNTER X HUNTER. My god this anime is spawn from god himself. I fucking love this anime show. 100 out of 10. This is show is just pure action. It doesn't need anything else besides knowing that friendship goes a long way along with the realism that a 12 year old kid can get killed super easily in this harsh world that the creator has made throughout this manga. If you do not believe me just give it a shot. The beginning is a little slow, I promise you within the end of the hunter exam arc if u give a 30 ep watch. You will be hooked. I watched all 100 plus eps on netflix and craving more. The manga is on standby for 2 plus years ): But if u don't try any of my animes slash manga at least look at this one I promise you will not be disappointed.
I rewatched Shiki again and I still really like it. I still stand by my original rating of 8/10. (But maybe a 7 would suit it more in reference to how good it actually is vs how much I like it)

I think Shiki's weakest point is it's attempting to tell a very serious story with serious themes and simple analysiss on morality and it takes itself very seriously but the character designs are very jarring when you first watch it. It was trying very hard to go in the Yu-Gi-Oh type hair direction and it just seems out of place. Not all characters look crazy but some, very much so.
Forum Image: http://oi40.tinypic.com/2cs99mp.jpg
Forum Image: http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/www.ign.com/8091/2010/11/chizuru.jpg
Forum Image: http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/bastete1992/25474703/792/792_original.jpg

(Featuring the voice talents of gackt apparently)

It works in stylized edgy anime/games like Dangan Ronpa. But in Shiki I found it kinda distracting. But once you get used to it, you'll eventually find that you can still invest in the story. How horrible of me though. I'm so negative that all I've done is critic an anime I actually like. But I figured it'd be better to address that critique first since it's most likely going to be the thing people notice the most first. I know it did for me. Shiki is best to go in blind which is what I did and I enjoyed it a lot more for that. It's a suspense mystery anime for a good portion of the story so of course it's better to go in not knowing what's going on. I think Shiki is a short series that's about 25ish episodes? Something like that. So if you want to watch something that's not too short but not too long, there you go.

I'd rather watch this for it's pacing, genre, and story rather than another action anime. What I like most about it is that it's just different. When it comes to horror anime I want to watch this over Tokyo Ghoul.

Trivia 1: First opening is fantastic.
Trivia 2: Second ending is fantastic.

Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Persona 3 the Movie 2: Midsummer Knight's Dream: 6/10
Madan no Ou to Vandis: 8/10
It's not as bad as I thought but that nagging feeling that those forgettable character die and that fails to grab an emotional hook from me. That and some lazy/restricted budget in animating that left dancing retarded persians at ep 10 breaks the momentum of a battlefield scene that would otherwise be great.
Eureka 7: AO (4/10)

Decided to watch it again because I forgot what happened. Now I remember why I forgot. Plot wise, E7:AO was simply a terrible follow-up. It was confusing, none of the situations made sense, characters were simply unlikable, and it didn't follow up on the original series. The last three episodes felt extremely rushed and the protagonist's love interest simply disappears without a trace in a single episode. I would've scored it lower if it hadn't been for the presentation and soundtrack.

Overall, I'm rather disappointed in this anime. I feel like the producers could've executed this better, had they just spent more time developing instead of rushing.
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
K-ON movie 8/10!?

I'm not the biggest K-ON fan, and I put this off for the long time because I didn't expect much. But that was probably one of the better feel good things I've seen in a long time.

Kyo-ani needs to make more movies. Haruhi, Tamako Market, and now K-ON, all ok/average shows with great movies.