One insignificant thing that made your day better

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Randomly found this GIF. Dunno why but it made me smile.
An amazing family day just after a wonderful Valentine's.
Completely awesome Valentines weekend, karaoke, sushi, and some shitty service at a TGI Fridays. Wouldn't change anything about it.
Cheesy romantic movie day is going great.
Went to gym really early in the morning and now i feel fucking awesome!
Worked on video thumbnails
Today was probably one of the happier days that I've spent since coming to the UK again.
Going home early, and Chinese New Year's Eve
People in general (^^)
Made new friends and my 6 day work week has now been reduced to 5
Gravity cat the adequately amused
At work we have a target of aiming for 20% usage on Loyalty cards whenever we're on the tills. I did better than I expected, my usage was 28%.

My coworker printed out our results for the day and apparently out of the 3 of us who were on the tills today I've been the only one actively asking if people had Loyalty cards, and managed to sign up 3 who didn't but wanted one.

The other two's results were pretty bad. One of them who is always on the tills when she's in had 280 transactions throughout the day and only managed 7 Loyalty transactions.

We also had some newbie from HR join us for a few hours for what is essentially training. I didn't realise she was new though, so I shyed away from talking to her in case I put my foot in it. I must've seemed quite rude and I feel bad for it.
I won an onahole!
ITS PAY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I worked two double shifts, so my check is gonna be HUGE!
Results from last term's modules came out. Didn't do so well on one module but still passed it, and got first class for the other two. FUCK YEAH!

Problem is.. this term's stuff is a lot harder.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I went AFK at the Bandit Camp on Runescape and died. Why does this make my day better? Keep reading.

I logged back in, went back to the Camp and found my Gravestone still there, with someone else there with it pickpocketing the Bandits with no equipment on. Nobody uses Bandits for serious Thieving training so it was obvious he was just there waiting for my Gravestone to corrode so he could loot my stuff. I got my stuff back and said "That's what I get for going AFK". No response, but he soon fucked off.

I like ruining people's fun like that.
I made Cherry cry. It was quiet and we were watching a recording of Mythbusters. And then with no provocation, I said a thing. And those 8 simple words made her start crying.

I have no regrets.

If you thought I made her sad you are wrong. I made her feel emotional but not really sad.
If you're wondering just what I said, tough. I won't say. But it certainly made her shitty day a hell of a lot better.
A friend bought me Renai Sample as a gift. My weekend just got a lot more interesting :^)
The Fucking week-end
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I've been taking Cod Liver Oil for a boost of Vitamin D because I've been feeling lethargic for months, because apparently fatigue is a symptom of vitamin D deficiency.

I still struggle to get up in the mornings but I feel more alert when I am awake and able. So it's doing something at least.
Just when I was starting to feel that my music collection was getting stale I stumbled across a treasure trove. Nothing better than progressive trance/house to stimulate my brain.
Monster Girl
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