I just bought an Apple Watch

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Haven't been around IB in a few years. Just saying hi.

Forum Image: http://107.imagebam.com/download/ghbs9nSY_PyKwZ6GSJoQmA/40373/403720271/Screen%20Shot%202015-04-15%20at%202.16.46%20pm.jpg
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I remember you. The resident apple fanboy.

Kidding aside, I haven't seen you in a long time. Why'd you buy it? I didn't really see any benefits other than using it for health reasons.
cruz737 wrote...
I remember you. The resident apple fanboy.

Kidding aside, I haven't seen you in a long time. Why'd you buy it? I didn't really see any benefits other than using it for health reasons.

Yeah, I remember you too. I was expecting (and possibly hoping) for a less civilised response, given this is IB and all...things have changed quite a bit it seems.

I've been wearing a Pebble smartwatch for the past year, and I actually do think smartwatches are pretty convenient. Having the ability to simply look at your wrist when a Push Notification comes in is a godsend. You just glance down quickly, absorb the information, and immediately go back to whatever you were doing before. You're not tempted to perform long actions due to the small screen. With a phone, not only is it more effort to take it out of your pocket, but there is an incentive to perform more actions that lead to procrastination.

Other things such as being able to control your music is nice too, and with the Apple Watch/Android Wear, you can perform more than half of the tasks you would previously have to take out your phone for directly on your wrist, such as reply to a message (voice control), checking a few E-Mails quickly, getting some quick directions, and so fourth. It really does significantly improve your workflow.

Cool but 700$ nigga fuck that shit.
Good job being a fucking idiot, never take the first run of Apple Products.

How's that for a response you cunt?
You should call Scotty, so that he can beam you up. You fancy space man you.
Fuck apple. I say this but I use my old iPad 2 daily. Still, fuck apple.
NEXUS Since 2010
Nice purchase Richie Rich.
Should have gotten the 10k one.
>Buy a watch
>not having the implant sewn into your brain with the video output beamed straight to your optic nerve
ImperialX wrote...
I just bought an Apple

I'm sorry for your loss.
I remember you, Enjoy your purchase.
Sindalf Used to do stuff
Seems like a waste of money :/
Last I checked, a watch needed to be either indestructible, or incredibly cheap....neither of which is really an apple thing.

Good luck with that.
Now it's starting to look a bit like the IB I knew and loved.

Sindalf wrote...

Kadushy wrote...
Should have gotten the 10k one.

Already have one.

Forum Image: http://108.imagebam.com/download/U4MgSMA6uaBgoP2LOCqCjw/40377/403764710/IMG_2294.JPG

Sneakyone wrote...
I remember you, Enjoy your purchase.

I remember you too, as well as your Konata display picture.

Aud1o Blood wrote...
Last I checked, a watch needed to be either indestructible, or incredibly cheap....neither of which is really an apple thing.

Good luck with that.

woke up from a dream earlier where I picked up a pocket watch
Doesn't seem worth it but enjoy.
I'd never but I'm sure you'll have good use of it.
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