Racism/Sexism Isn't Okay If Its Against Straight White Men

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...Wow, that was quite the discussion up there...

I was just going to say that some people can't see their own silver spoon in their mouth...
FinalBoss wrote...

When I say things like minority and majority, I'm looking at a sample size. Yes you're white, straight, male and just so happen to have been delt the short end of the straw, however that can't be said for the "majority". For one reason or another, many black minorities have fairly low IQs compared to other races. One theory is that, slave masters bred only strong slaves and killed the ones who happened to be smart, but had no physical worth. Another theory is that caucasians interbred with Neanderthals when they migrated out of Africa, so their mental capabilities slightly improved in contrast to their African ancestors who remained in their homeland. Its unfortunate, but test scores don't lie.

There's only 1 reason why this is not true. America is not the only country. If you want to talk about IQ, it is not related to race. Infact most beginning scientific discouvery was done by Arabic people. They certainly aren't white. Everyone knows that we use Arabic numerals.

If black people were only forced to have an low IQ, why do they not have major universities throughout Africa? Why was the university system invented by white people? There has been plenty of opportunity for any place on the planet to advance but they didn't. You can't blame that on white people. It's not a white mans problem that black people don't educate black people, and spend their money to educate black people.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
theotherjacob wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...

When I say things like minority and majority, I'm looking at a sample size. Yes you're white, straight, male and just so happen to have been delt the short end of the straw, however that can't be said for the "majority". For one reason or another, many black minorities have fairly low IQs compared to other races. One theory is that, slave masters bred only strong slaves and killed the ones who happened to be smart, but had no physical worth. Another theory is that caucasians interbred with Neanderthals when they migrated out of Africa, so their mental capabilities slightly improved in contrast to their African ancestors who remained in their homeland. Its unfortunate, but test scores don't lie.

There's only 1 reason why this is not true. America is not the only country. If you want to talk about IQ, it is not related to race. Infact most beginning scientific discouvery was done by Arabic people. They certainly aren't white. Everyone knows that we use Arabic numerals.

If black people were only forced to have an low IQ, why do they not have major universities throughout Africa? Why was the university system invented by white people? There has been plenty of opportunity for any place on the planet to advance but they didn't. You can't blame that on white people. It's not a white mans problem that black people don't educate black people, and spend their money to educate black people.

I never said IQ was related to race, but it is tied to genetics. Also, I wasn't just talking about African "American" IQ scores. Its been found that African IQ scores are low on a global scale (Even though I did talk about the U.S. slavery in one of the theories). Granted, I agree that it wouldn't make sense that both African Americans and Africans in general have low IQs if the first theory holds ground. I was just putting that particular theory out there for discussion sake. The other theory makes more sense though. In fact, Africans are the only race that don't carry any traces of Neanderthal genes.

In addition, you can't raise your IQ by studying, otherwise a mentally retarded person could become like Stephen Hawkings. Its not an issue of not being educated, its an issue of how mentally capable you are of containing, comprehending and applying the knowledge you're given.
FinalBoss wrote...

In addition, you can't raise your IQ by studying, otherwise a mentally retarded person could become like Stephen Hawkings. Its not an issue of not being educated, its an issue of how mentally capable you are of containing, comprehending and applying the knowledge you're given.

Because our definition of mental capability is any indication of intelligence. When hawking first started to degrade everyone thought he would become mentally retarded. His own biography explained that struggle.

Einstein by modern psychological evaluation would be considered severely autistic.

Tesla had sever ocd and was borderline schizophrenic.

Newton was depressive and antisocial. Sever anxiety and deemed mentally retarded for manual labor.

You take any famous scientist from the past. Literally any of them and put them through our modern evaluations and all of them were not fit to hold a standard job. Half them would be mandated to a mental ward and medicated. These descriptions I used are literally right out of their biographies. The same biographies that are sitting on my book shelf.

IQ is not a test of intellegence. Because relying on another human to determine how smart you are is stupid. How can you expect a worm to pass an IQ test designed by humans. This is why we no longer have a space program.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
theotherjacob wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...

In addition, you can't raise your IQ by studying, otherwise a mentally retarded person could become like Stephen Hawkings. Its not an issue of not being educated, its an issue of how mentally capable you are of containing, comprehending and applying the knowledge you're given.

Because our definition of mental capability is any indication of intelligence. When hawking first started to degrade everyone thought he would become mentally retarded. His own biography explained that struggle.

Einstein by modern psychological evaluation would be considered severely autistic.

Tesla had sever ocd and was borderline schizophrenic.

Newton was depressive and antisocial. Sever anxiety and deemed mentally retarded for manual labor.

You take any famous scientist from the past. Literally any of them and put them through our modern evaluations and all of them were not fit to hold a standard job. Half them would be mandated to a mental ward and medicated. These descriptions I used are literally right out of their biographies. The same biographies that are sitting on my book shelf.

IQ is not a test of intellegence. Because relying on another human to determine how smart you are is stupid. How can you expect a worm to pass an IQ test designed by humans. This is why we no longer have a space program.

Yes, they had mental problems in addition to their intellegence. Those kinds of people are known as "Savants". You're right, if they didn't have their intellegence, they probably wouldn't be capable of holding a job, since their mental issues would be a hindrance to them. Correction, IQ is not JUST a s test of intellegence.
FinalBoss wrote...
Correction, IQ is not JUST a s test of intellegence.

I'm no super genius but at least I know that IQ stands for Intellegence Quotient. Which according to its definition is a score derived from one of several standardized tests to determine human intelligence.

Now unless you're telling me that the dictionary is wrong. This alone would show that your entire argument up until now has no defined fact holding mass.

This isn't kindergarten where your entire life is in your small bubble. And it's certainly not contained within your country. You can't use one country to justify racism against anyone black, white or otherwise.

It is by far not the white man's fault that anybody else in the world couldn't have figured out their own way at any point in human history.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
People need to brush up on their history on Slavery. Especially African Americans.

So fucking ignorant it hurts.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
You're contradicting yourself:

theotherjacob wrote...

IQ is not a test of intellegence.

theotherjacob wrote...

I'm no super genius but at least I know that IQ stands for Intellegence Quotient. Which according to its definition is a score derived from one of several standardized tests to determine human intelligence.

Now, I was indeed wrong when I said "IQ is not just a test of intellegence", what I should have said was that there are many factors that come into testing one's intellegence. Again, I'm not blaming caucasians for anything regarding the state of African Americans' IQs. I was just regurgitating theories as to why the majority of one race does worse than the other in regard to IQ.
FinalBoss wrote...

Now, I was indeed wrong when I said "IQ is not just a test of intellegence", what I should have said was that there are many factors that come into testing one's intellegence. Again, I'm not blaming caucasians for anything regarding the state of African Americans' IQs. I was just regurgitating theories as to why the majority of one race does worse than the other in regard to IQ.

Cultural responsibility and acceptance of victimization.

Thus is precisely the reason why they show lower IQ on standardized tests. This has nothing to do with one superior race and everything to do with ones unwillingness to rise above circumstance. When you have things like affirmative action for example, there is no excuse why you can't do anything other than self pity.

Asian Americans are well known to have been slaved to build the railways. They boasted cultures that were inclusive and unwilling to share in world scientific exchange for centuries. And yet when you look now at the most educated, hard working and places of scientific spending and discovery. Places like China and Japan are at the top of the list.

That is an example of a race that rose above and became more.

Remember, in the last 1000 years. White people were still recovering from being held as slaves by the Roman Empire. Having spent generations under fear of death to Mediterranean culture. It was also the white people of Russia and Europe who suffered the most brutal genocides at the hands of mongols. And yet white people still rose to prominence.

Again, I'm just some white guy so apparently I'm privileged and don't even know it. All I'm saying is that hard work is not racially encoded, it's taught.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
theotherjacob wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...

Now, I was indeed wrong when I said "IQ is not just a test of intellegence", what I should have said was that there are many factors that come into testing one's intellegence. Again, I'm not blaming caucasians for anything regarding the state of African Americans' IQs. I was just regurgitating theories as to why the majority of one race does worse than the other in regard to IQ.

Cultural responsibility and acceptance of victimization.

Thus is precisely the reason why they show lower IQ on standardized tests. This has nothing to do with one superior race and everything to do with ones unwillingness to rise above circumstance. When you have things like affirmative action for example, there is no excuse why you can't do anything other than self pity.

Asian Americans are well known to have been slaved to build the railways. They boasted cultures that were inclusive and unwilling to share in world scientific exchange for centuries. And yet when you look now at the most educated, hard working and places of scientific spending and discovery. Places like China and Japan are at the top of the list.

That is an example of a race that rose above and became more.

Remember, in the last 1000 years. White people were still recovering from being held as slaves by the Roman Empire. Having spent generations under fear of death to Mediterranean culture. It was also the white people of Russia and Europe who suffered the most brutal genocides at the hands of mongols. And yet white people still rose to prominence.

Again, I'm just some white guy so apparently I'm privileged and don't even know it. All I'm saying is that hard work is not racially encoded, it's taught.

Wait a minute, are you saying all they have to do is stop playing the victim and their test scores will rise?
FinalBoss wrote...

Wait a minute, are you saying all they have to do is stop playing the victim and their test scores will rise?

I know, it's such a radical new idea that people should focus on making themselves better rather than complain. My god, what could possibly be worse than telling someone to overcome their struggles and aspire for more. I mean it's not like my family isn't full of mixed race people who have high education and good jobs. How dare they.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
theotherjacob wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...

Wait a minute, are you saying all they have to do is stop playing the victim and their test scores will rise?

I know, it's such a radical new idea that people should focus on making themselves better rather than complain. My god, what could possibly be worse than telling someone to overcome their struggles and aspire for more. I mean it's not like my family isn't full of mixed race people who have high education and good jobs. How dare they.

Its not that simple. Otherwise there wouldn't be caucasians with low test scores.
FinalBoss wrote...

Its not that simple. Otherwise there wouldn't be caucasians with low test scores.

Because all white people are inherently born of supreme intellegence and have never had to struggle in their lives? Is this what you mean?

Or are you saying that the ability to overcome your situation is something only white people can do?

Everyone has struggles, some more than others. Some are racial, some are gender, some sexual and others economic. To struggle is to be human. But everyone if they work hard enough and chase an idea can do anything.

It's the people who you imagine the least of who do the things that you can not imagine.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
theotherjacob wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...

Its not that simple. Otherwise there wouldn't be caucasians with low test scores.

Because all white people are inherently born of supreme intellegence and have never had to struggle in their lives? Is this what you mean?

Or are you saying that the ability to overcome your situation is something only white people can do?

Everyone has struggles, some more than others. Some are racial, some are gender, some sexual and others economic. To struggle is to be human. But everyone if they work hard enough and chase an idea can do anything.

It's the people who you imagine the least of who do the things that you can not imagine.

No, I'm just hypothesizing that victimization and IQ scores aren't positively correlated.
IQ score is unrelated to so many things in your life, and, it's thought that it interprets how intelligent we are. None of this works on high complexity scales that is intricate, that obviously leaves unreliable sources.
cruz737 wrote...
People need to brush up on their history on Slavery. Especially African Americans.

So fucking ignorant it hurts.

Its not really about what actually happened, its about the desire to be morally superior to someone else. About finding pretext to emotionally abuse someone else as a way of distracting/numbing yourself from your own flaws or negative situation. I think its actually the biggest problem facing our society today, not just among black people but among everyone. These days people of all ethnic groups/religious groups/sexual preferences/yadda yadda yadda are choosing to mentally beat up on someone else, rather than rolling up their sleeves and getting down to the hard work of solving the problems in their lives. The great crusade of our time is going to be convincing everyone that emotionally bludgeoning someone else isn't going to solve their problems and give them the happy/fulfilling life they want.
This post sums up my feeling on this stupidity.

Forum Image: http://www.youngcons.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/west.jpg
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
How about gay white men?
So this is happening in Sweden
>July 29 is gay pride parade
>organized by former editor for newspaper owned by Sweden Democrat Party
>basically the USA equivalent of far right conservatives
>parade to go through towns of Tensta and Husby
>both areas are 75%+ muslim
>goal is to prove laws apply to everyone
>Facebook page has Swedish left liberals in general complaining
>claiming racism and homophobia and islamophobia by xenophobic right wing nationalists
>defending islam that holds gays should be killed, and has attacked and stoned gays in past pride events in Europe
>liberals claim its an attack on muslims and that the pride event must be banned
>the left are organizing counter demonstrations against the gay pride parade
>one of the oldest gay rights group (RFSL) has attacked the pride event
>they claim its a display of racism and white privilege
cruz737 wrote...
How about gay white men?
So this is happening in Sweden
>July 29 is gay pride parade
>organized by former editor for newspaper owned by Sweden Democrat Party
>basically the USA equivalent of far right conservatives
>parade to go through towns of Tensta and Husby
>both areas are 75%+ muslim
>goal is to prove laws apply to everyone
>Facebook page has Swedish left liberals in general complaining
>claiming racism and homophobia and islamophobia by xenophobic right wing nationalists
>defending islam that holds gays should be killed, and has attacked and stoned gays in past pride events in Europe
>liberals claim its an attack on muslims and that the pride event must be banned
>the left are organizing counter demonstrations against the gay pride parade
>one of the oldest gay rights group (RFSL) has attacked the pride event
>they claim its a display of racism and white privilege

That is because Sweden is messed. They have an unchecked liberal government of radicalized socialists with no grounding sense of reality. And it's idiots like those in charge of Sweden that make liberal ideas in the west look so bad.

Essentially Sweden is what tumblr looks like as a country.
To the IQ discussion, IQ is influenced heavily by education and even social norms. While genetics plays a role and perhaps even race, there isn't much difference in races with the same social, economic and educational backgrounds. It isn't accurate in all expressions of intelligence or even how receptive one might be to information so it is very flawed in the use of saying how one group is smarter than another.

To blame an extremist religion taking advantage of freedoms in a previously successful country on the liberal designers is wrong. It may call for change, but the realization that the religion can't be met with tolerance because it will only further the standing of the extremist, it needs to be met with laws and regulations to combat such and it's spread.

To say that a group cannot be racist is racist. You are basically putting one group above another.
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