I learned today that I should taste my food before dumping salt on it first thing. Chances are it was cooked with an adequate amount of salt. But its too late, I ruined my dish...
I learned that I made a minor fuckup at work. Love2Shop vouchers require a scribble through the front and a signature along with the date redeemed. I brainfarted and did the back and didn't realise until the next day. Whoever processes those is going to love me.
I've also noticed I've been audibly complaining about various things under my breath a lot lately. Biggest trigger is when I'm at work and I see a pile of stuff just left on one of the displays when someone decides they no longer want them and neglects to put them back where they got them. May need to curb that habit before someone is petty enough to file a complaint about it.
Today, I've learnt that procrastination have overpowered almost everything this time. I think this could screw me over big time. Also, God Eater 2 English fan-translation is actually on the way.