3 things I would like to be, but might not achieve.

1: An artist (never been good but always had good ideas for novel that better suited anime.)
2: A pilot (always loved the sky)
3: Last one i think many can relate to... a good, healthy, fun relationship. Sappy but it be nice for a change.
Oh I feel so unoriginal! You guys have SO MANY THINGS!

1. Comic book artist! (take me DC!)
2. An animator
3. A Magical Girl~* wooo
1 a husband
2 a father
3 a blacksmith
1 a husband
2 a father
3 a blacksmith

not so close to 1 and 2, but i actually do some petty awsome knife smithing, took lessons from a guys named tucker out of Selleian
I'm might join the Australian Army, there is no real dream or motive behind this since I don't have anything to do in domestically.
1. A professional artist
2. A great friend
3. A pretty lady...
1. Game Developer
2. President
3. God

Ha Ha Ha
I want to be a video game developer, I've wanted to be one since I was a child. From writing the stories, to drawing the characters, and crafting a world from the ground up. My dream is pushing me to practice skills I originally thought I couldn't excel with since I'm my own harsh critic. Before I die, I hope to make at least one game.
1. Mangaka
2. GIS Programmer
3. Archaeologist
1) Being in a happy marriage.
2) Being stuck in a dream world.
3) A rich guy.
1) Incredibly rich
2) With a wife that's understanding and accepts everything that plagues me.
3) Content as I am.