[Anime] Rate The Last Anime You Watched

MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
ive got a small list here
Monster Musume: 10/10 Favorite anime of the summer season. I loved the manga so much i was thrilled with it as a anime as well. I still need to get the other 4 volumes of the manga and the show when its available.
Rokka Braves of the Six Flowers: 8/10 Just a fantastic show. The art style is lovely and the characters are fleshed out nicely. Any show that gives me a new waifu gets a high mark for me. <3 Nashetania
Shimoneta: 6/10 You get what you think you'll get from a show based on porn and stuff of that nature being illegal with the main characters acting to bring it back as much they can. It wa okay but whenever Anna was on screen i can help but laugh. Worth a watch once.
Prison School adaptation was a 7/10. Definitely think it could be better but then again, it could very well be much worse.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
Just finished Charlotte, was one of my favorite anime this past season. It has a great story. From the makers of Angle Beats, you know its really emotional at times (trying to get Nyu to watch it). 9/10

Should have been a visual novel. The ideas behind Charlotte are excellent though but could make up for a much better paced story if only it was longer.

Himouto! Umaru-chan
Yugioh 5ds was the shit in grade school. It combined your childhood dreams: Motorcycles and card games. Shit was tight. 420/69 would bang again.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
Overlord 8/10
Best "trapped in a video game" anime ever.
Tamako: Love Story

No Haruhi topper but much better than Tamako Market. There was quite a lot of scenes that stood out as being great choices.

The day after mochizou confessed
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
Just finished watching Overlord, it was a great anime to marathon. The characters were enjoyable and i really want a season 2. Do kind of wish i got a little bit of a different story but it was still enjoyable.
Symphogear Season 3:

It was really corny but I loved it, just like the past 2 seasons

Non Non Biyori Repeat:

I really enjoyed it, one of the most relaxing slice of life shows I have watched.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
Just finished Akame ga Kill after friends recommendation. Me and Tsamari had a 5 min rant about him mispronouncing Esdeath's name (he admitted to being wrong). The show was good and i really enjoyed it.
It felt like the GoT of anime to me, mad me sad quite often but i liked the ending (even though i know a good number of people who dont). Esdeath has made it to my #2 waifu spot and is actually fighting Erza for number one to me.
Forum Image: http://i58.tinypic.com/9b92kj.jpg
Prison School 8/10

yes there was fanservice for days but the story itslef was great so many moments really had me, also so many random scenes just had me laughing and going wtf.

Durarara x2 7.5/10

It had some good episodes and stuff i really enjoyed but i dint enjoy it as much as the first Durarara still i look forward to seeing how all of this plays with chapter 3
One Piece - Episode 714. Man...the events in the anime are going by at such a slow snail pace. It's annoying. Nothing much happened. I'm still waiting for them to show how the fight between Law and Doflamingo is developing at this point. It's been a while. I rate this episode 5/10.
elfen lied
Could have been 9/10 but the characters pissed me off
Heavy Object: 0/10

To be honest, I had hopes that this would be good but it turned out to have the SAO plot armor. Not to mention the totally flexible(only to the MC) moral crap they think was good to show. I dropped it on episode 3 seeing as it already tells how they'll end every episode. No reason to continue watching it.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Owarimonogatari 9/10

Goddamn I've missed Hanekawa boobs.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Lurker3173 wrote...
Heavy Object: 0/10

To be honest, I had hopes that this would be good but it turned out to have the SAO plot armor. Not to mention the totally flexible(only to the MC) moral crap they think was good to show. I dropped it on episode 3 seeing as it already tells how they'll end every episode. No reason to continue watching it.

>rating an ongoing show

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/rn7uS4q.jpg
Rebellion movie, it was really good, but had a slow start.
Rewatched Guilty Crown.

Animation 8.3/10, sometimes quality would drop to a 7.2/10
Many of the combat sequences are really beautifully done. The acrobatics, the movements everything.

Story 8.5/10
Has cliches but it's nothing crazily unoriginal, it's more typical but not overused cliche elements. The Void component was highly original and very interesting, always keeps me interested.

OST 10/10
Hiroyuki Sawano is the god composer. His music makes this series that great, along with several very highly memorable animated combat scenes, the music just makes this show so incredibly well done even with the lack luster mid-section of the series. There's easily 4-5 gods of OST composition and Sawano sits at the top of my list. I fall in love everytime Inori starts singing.

Overall 8.0/10
The story was a bit corny and straight forward at times, but I get emotional many times through this series watching all these painful sequences the characters go through. But in the end I really love this series and I keep it stashed away when I feel like going through an emotional trip to hell simply because this series is just overwhelmingly sad.

The ending 9.0/10
No matter what people say about the ending, I will never feel regretful the end it ended, it was the worst type of happy ending, and hopelessly romantic and sad. I cry every time, fucking brilliant. This is an ending where our heroes have won, but everyone has lost something precious to them and they live on knowing what they lost. Easily a Top 10 favorite endings for me.
k project 6/10

Have a female character with a big breasts like seri,innocent nekomimi like neko,a cute loli white hair&red eye <3 like anna .........but this....still Y. whyyyy?
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Some f'n agriculture one. I loved the crap out of it.
Monster Girl
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