Other artists

So. I have happened to always love bosshi's style. And didn't think I'd find another artist that just...drew me. But napata did it. Not entirely sure how to word it.

The style they use never seems to out there. Keeps a sense of realism. And their art work is just amazing. I do enjoy other artists. But I haven't stumbled upon another that just takes me away.

Anyone else have an artist they love like that? And any suggestions for other artists?
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
I was going to make a list but I realized something.
Have you ever tried to expand your horizon on hentai before?
I think it is best to discover new authors by yourself (at least in a trial and error fashion).
At least don't do like me and don't buy a book blindly to be disappointed in the content, keep your money for what's worth.

I can at least give you a list of some of my favourite artists, when it comes to style (excluding FAKKU releases, or else the list would be expanded)
Takasugi Kou
Seishin Izayoi
Amazume Ryuta
Wakoh Onna
among many others.
Yea I have. Up until maybe Feb I read every chap. I currently have 6 physical copies. It'll be 10... I have a folder of images that is around 59gb...

But it's rare for any work to have that allure for me
Monster Girl
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