Help. Macs are hard

Just got a new all in one mac cause my pc with all my VNs died. rip

anyone with experience want to give me an incredibly in depth guide for how to get free VNs.

Im retarded, so i need like, super for dummies version, from torrent to the title menu.

help me and ill find someone to give you a big sloppy BJer
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
Why would you pick a mac? Not only you would get better pc for the price you could run everything normally rather than resolving to a lot of roundabouts because most VNs aren't released for macs.
I'm sure you will need WINE or something to run PC software on mac.
I'm not sure how it will go when you need to change location to Japan or using NTLEA for faking it.
Nyaa se and sukebei nyaa se are your to go sites for downloads.

In your case it will probably go like this:
DL NTLEA (perhaps this instead )
DL VN of choice
Check for patches if you downloaded raw version.
Apply patches to VN
Try running VN
Profit! or not :P

Personally I'd do this, windows will make everything just easier.
Dashiell wrote...
Why would you pick a mac? Not only you would get better pc for the price you could run everything normally rather than resolving to a lot of roundabouts because most VNs aren't released for macs.
I'm sure you will need WINE or something to run PC software on mac.
I'm not sure how it will go when you need to change location to Japan or using NTLEA for faking it.
Nyaa se and sukebei nyaa se are your to go sites for downloads.

In your case it will probably go like this:
DL NTLEA (perhaps this instead )
DL VN of choice
Check for patches if you downloaded raw version.
Apply patches to VN
Try running VN
Profit! or not :P

Personally I'd do this, windows will make everything just easier.

Thanks friend.

Also, i got the mac because i needed it for work and school, i do a lot of digital editing and while i could do it all on a PC, its just way easier to get what i need to do done on a mac.
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
Holoofyoistu wrote...

Thanks friend.

Also, i got the mac because i needed it for work and school, i do a lot of digital editing and while i could do it all on a PC, its just way easier to get what i need to do done on a mac.

I don't think that it would be easier, external software is the same for both, hardware if you want workstation you pick parts for workstation instead of gaming. There's really no reason ever to pick mac.
You CAN run some VNs on Mac. But it's not easy nor is it fun, especially if you arn't used to messing around with computers. Have you considered using boot camp for a windows partition? Short of that, a virtual machine would probably be your best bet. WINE is another option, but is super messy and has a lot of issues with VNs last I checked.

Otherwise, you're stuck with reading VNs that use the Nscripter engine. For that, you'll probably need this website.

As for 'free' VNs, google is your friend. This is becoming an increasingly gray area since many good VNs are officially being localized for the west.

Installing boot camp
Step by step guide on setting up a virtual machine.
Dashiell wrote...
Holoofyoistu wrote...

Thanks friend.

Also, i got the mac because i needed it for work and school, i do a lot of digital editing and while i could do it all on a PC, its just way easier to get what i need to do done on a mac.

I don't think that it would be easier, external software is the same for both, hardware if you want workstation you pick parts for workstation instead of gaming. There's really no reason ever to pick mac.

My studio covered 60 percent of the computers cost if i got an apple device, so i got a 24in retina 4k for like 800
peacefire wrote...
Have you considered using boot camp for a windows partition? Short of that, a virtual machine would probably be your best bet.

I'd recommend just getting a windows os and partitioning. I'm going to eventually, when I stop being lazy. I tried a virtual machine a few years ago and it was a pain in the ass. I am rather computer illiterate myself and have few fond memories of my virtual windows XP. While it worked for the most part it would derp out whenever 3D graphics came into play. I guess the upside to VMing it is that you don't actually have to do anything to your hard drive and can delete the VM once it pisses you off one too many times.
I use Wineskin to make er... Wineskins of the folders and add export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 to the advanced settings for Japanese localization. It's a decent compromise for myself seeing as I only read nukiges most of the time.