[Homunculus] Bashful Break

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We are proud to announce that we are releasing the first book from legendary vanilla artist Homunculus, Hajirai Break! You may be familiar with our first FAKKU Books release Renai Sample, this is the precursor to that and is Homunculus's debut manga release.

tags: vanilla

Release Dates

Pre-Order - December 22nd, 2016
Digital - January 5th, 2017
Paperback - February 2017

Get the book here!


You never let us down, guys! I'm so glad Hajirai Break is coming! Our Homunculus collections are the better for it!
sl01 Yuri and Traps FTW
Nice and sweet looking forward to this.
I'm now so close to actually complain about the releases because it's gonna be harsh to my wallet...

but it's fap material. I can always cut back on girlfriend spending.
KogXXV Loves a good plot
I remember reading theses ones a long time ago. Time to get them and feel all over again.
When are the "new" chapters coming out?
hub0083 Carthago delenda est
And the crowds rejoiced! Been hoping to get this one for a long time, so I'm glad to see it's finally happening. =)
thank you so very much for this. been waiting ever since the release of his second work!
My paperback copy of "Renai Sample" has been lonely on my bookshelf without it's sibling. Finally, they'll be together!
Still need to get myself Renai Sample, but glad to see more of this guys stuff coming. Stuff's pretty cute!
Homunculus Done! and Done!
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Finally! Once this is released, you can be sure I'll skip all other books I may still be missing just to buy this first. That's how big a priority this one is for me.
Shiroyama Homonculus' Groupie
This has made my day!
How can you say no to more Homunculus? :)

This is actually one of those that can be obtained via scanlations, so I've read it before and really liked it, but it'll be fantastic to have it legally - and uncensored no less. It's too bad that FAKKU only releases one tankoubon a month.
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Probably the most anticipated and most often suggested book on fakku (I myself suggested it at least four times)...

Serypti wrote...
How can you say no to more Homunculus? :)

This is actually one of those that can be obtained via scanlations, so I've read it before and really liked it, but it'll be fantastic to have it legally - and uncensored no less. It's too bad that FAKKU only releases one tankoubon a month.

Truer words were never spoken! I re-read the book every now and then and being able to do this with a high quality version in the future is pure bliss...
In regards to the one book per month rule: Didn't Jacob say some time ago that they want to increase the releases to two books a month?
My collection was in dire need of this book. Would've imported it ages ago, if it weren't for Fakku publishing books in their true glory.
EddieBeInBeddie Tea, Coffee, Glances
The Fry from Futurama meme about my money and taking it! We need it!
Mr.Everwood will see you now ;)
It's here because we demanded it, thus the circle is complete.
It's great that I can finally get this book in English. The Bathtub Crisis chapter is definitely one of my favorites!
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