FAKKU Joins the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

In the United States art is protected free speech. Comics are protected free speech. Hentai is protected free speech. When someone gets in trouble for reading a comic, or when a publisher gets in trouble for publishing a book, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is the organization that steps in and protects them. Without organizations like the CBLDF who have fought for our rights over the years, we wouldn't be able to publish the content you see here on FAKKU.

As readers of comics we don't always think about the larger community we're a part of. If someone gets in trouble for owning a comic that is too violent (like Castillo v. Texas did in 1999), or someone gets in trouble for drawing a comic that is too obscene (like Mike Diana did in 1994), most of us just shrug our shoulders and think "I hope that doesn't happen to me". I was guilty of thinking this way for a long time, and then I realized that attacks like that on individual members of our community are an attack on all of us. No one should get in trouble for reading or drawing a comic.

When we first announced FAKKU Books over two years ago, I made a point to give a shout out to the CBLDF. Over the years they have supported us and provided guidance as we've grown and at FAKKU we are happy to call them our friends. With that said, today I am proud to announce that FAKKU is joining the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund as a corporate member. We are joining prestigious publishers such as Image Comics, DC Comics, Dark Horse Comics, and many others in helping to support the incredible organization that is the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

You can expect a lot of collaborations with the CBLDF in the future, and the first is an event with Toshio Maeda for Legend of the Overfiend (a book that has been banned in the past). So next time you're thinking of donating to a charity, consider the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund!


The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund provides legal and educational resources to protect the freedom to read comics. The organization's legal team has aided numerous manga readers facing prosecution for possessing adult manga, including a notable victory in R. v. Matheson. Manga readers facing a First Amendment emergency should always make CBLDF their first call for support.
awesome! good to hear you guys have backing against the every imposing legions of anti-freedom lobbyist.

Myurton Kiss Kiss fall in love
I apologize on the behalf of my country (canadian) and the stupid laws that our *sarcasm at maximum* Lovely previous Prime Minister *sarcasm off* forced through parliament.

Anyways that letter was really good news. Congrats.

One step closer to making NTR2 and physical Hanafuda happen
sl01 Yuri and Traps FTW
luckydog001 wrote...

One step closer to making NTR2 and physical Hanafuda happen

You beat me to my question, hopefully physical releases will see the light of day.
I'm happy to see that FAKKU is part of the CBLDF, and I agree with Jacob, that Hentai is protected free speech. It's important that all of us, regardless of fandom, band together to actively protect our rights. For those people who live in countries like Canada, keep fighting the good fight for your rights. Anyway, I'm definitely going to donate some money to the CBLDF.
luckydog001 wrote...

One step closer to making NTR2 and physical Hanafuda happen

Is this why we saw no progress in NTR2 even thought it was announced ages ago?
SpeedPunk wrote...
luckydog001 wrote...

One step closer to making NTR2 and physical Hanafuda happen

Is this why we saw no progress in NTR2 even thought it was announced ages ago?

Now this is not an official statement, (the only official statement is that they are still working on it and have every intention of publishing both) however from several other threads it has been pieced together that due to the heavy Loli content, and in Hanafuda Loli, and Shota, credit card companies would not look to kindly on those charges.

Many users have suggested Bitcoin as the way to purchase those particular books.

But again this is all just speculation, to my knowledge no FAKKU staffer has outright said any of these in any Forums.

However even with that the trigger has yet to be pulled.

Hopefully with such close ties to the CBLDF, the days for both Hanafuda, and NTR2 are close at hand, and personally I am hoping that 2017 will see the release of both.
The more I read stuff like this the more I feel like buying a book I could get into trouble for, just for the heck of it.
Hell I don't even like lolicon, but I still like to (be able to) read it. For instance I thought Maakurou's "Hostess" series was depressing, but I like depressing stories, so I'm glad I read it
I'm in Europe though, so I'll probably end up crucified. But in the meantime I can enjoy the freedom of speech you actively protect and read more dirty japanese manga on my subscription!
ntfakku Reads & Collects Stuff
I want support the things that I enjoy but a cloud always has over what would amount to little more than a thought crime.

In the end, it's just fiction that we all enjoy and I'm glad to see the steps being taken here to defend against what others who would impose what fiction we can or cannot read.
Wow just watched the trial of Mike Diana :0
Monster Girl
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