Do you display your favorite fakku books or do you hide them

To be honest if i ever buy any & if i ever own any Fakku books i don't know should i hide them,display them &/or display them with my anime & manga collection that i have so far & well I'm thinking of hiding them & yes I'm including if i have any favorite Fakku books in my collection i might have to hide them and yes i know some are expansive and some are cheap and before you ask me am i talking about physical copies or digital copies I'm talking about physical copies of fakku books.

So i thought of asking ahead of time if i ever buy any & if i ever own any Fakku books including if i have any favorite Fakku books from those of you who have experiences for both for tips & advice and also I'm asking those of you who buys and owns any fakku books including your favorite fakku books do you hide them or do you display them anyway it's your turns.

Do you display your favorite fakku books or do you hide them?

If you want discuss it or share your stories or share your experiences then feel free to share only if you want to enjoy,have fun & have fun discussing it if you want :).
Honestly, it depends on your living situation.
Do you live with family? Girlfriend/boyfriend? Dorm?
Do you have guests frequently? Do they care? Do YOU care if people see them?

For me, I started collecting and reading physical manga again and I display all of them in a bookshelf. (I'll add a picture later)
Despite still living at home with family who are a little more conservative they don't seem to mind or even care.
Especially because I don't live with people who snoop around my things. Even if they did I'd have no qualms telling them that it's something I enjoy.

Find out what's comfortable for you (:
I actually only go digital now because I hate having to make space just to store more stuff that I wouldn't be revisiting often.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I have a drawer for them which I have easy access to.
Hide 'em. That's what I do, since my mom is not cool with hentai.
Koukatsu Knight takes King
I have a proud and loud Fakku! shelf that has everything they've shipped, and awaits several more pre-ordered books.
I live by myself. I am single. The books are on my bookcase in my bedroom. Only the first one is unwrapped, the others I have not opened. Maybe once or twice a year does anyone other than myself enter my bedroom.
I wouldn't want people I know in real life to see, but this is an anonymous account, so I've just set everything to public.

And as for physical books I only own one, NaPaTa's Love-ridden, and I live by myself. So if someone comes over, it's easy to hide.
I have all my books in plain slip covers, but they are right there on my bookshelf by my bed.
I used to hide mine when I was living with family. I kept them in a storage tote in my bedroom.

Since I no longer live with family I display them on a bookshelf. My roommates don't care and I have the bookshelf set up that you would only notice if you are snooping.
Under the bed. Though in general I don't have a lot of books. Only book exclusives from here and Iron Circus comics. Internet display screed is easier to read for physical pleasure.
I keep them on a shelf in my closet. It's just me and my wife and if anyone comes over there pretty much out of the way.
I hide them inside cardboard box.

I live with my parents, sometimes they bring guests.

And I do care if anyone sees my hentai books.

PS. Sorry for bad grammar. English is not my first language.
On a shelf in plain sight in my office with my other weeb stuff.

I'm an adult.
Behind My computer monitor A lot of my 18+ books are there
TycoonJ Peerless Scarred
I would wish so, if it were the case, but I don't live alone. My brothers come into my room almost and then because of my PS4, so it's not something I want to be on display.
RailSword wrote...
Behind My computer monitor A lot of my 18+ books are there

Really? I have them hidden under my mattress its the perfect place!
shawurai needs more yuri
petiteminx wrote...
RailSword wrote...
Behind My computer monitor A lot of my 18+ books are there

Really? I have them hidden under my mattress its the perfect place!

With the amount of cliché situations from anime & manga where one's mother/sister/childhood friend/classmate looks there first when entering one's room, I would think of it as the worst place to hide your treasures.

I have my Fakku books in plain sight in a bookcase.
I hide mine inside a box in my closet because I have a big family and there are still a lot of minors. If I was living around only adults I'd get a tall shelf and throw them on the top level.
Just hide them