[Itou Eight] Lust Mix

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Do books status ever change I thought I'd seen this one in the upcoming section but it looks like it's only in the announced stage hopefully it's one of the next ones that gets started on I love the artist
ShadowBay89 wrote...
Do books status ever change I thought I'd seen this one in the upcoming section but it looks like it's only in the announced stage hopefully it's one of the next ones that gets started on I love the artist

They actually just moved H Sketch into the upcoming section right before the holidays.

This one hasn't been moved at all since it was announced. (I check back way too often)
luckydog001 wrote...
ShadowBay89 wrote...
Do books status ever change I thought I'd seen this one in the upcoming section but it looks like it's only in the announced stage hopefully it's one of the next ones that gets started on I love the artist

They actually just moved H Sketch into the upcoming section right before the holidays.

This one hasn't been moved at all since it was announced. (I check back way too often)

I know! Of all the books announced, I am most excited for this one. Fakku needs to have better comunication with its audience. There are too many things falling by the wayside with no clear update of where they are on the priority list. Second edition of Puni Kano? Offline client? I get it, you are a small team with lots of things in the works, but the least you owe to your audience is to let them know where things they are excited about stand.
Smuggins Just Some Guy
meme50superfan wrote...
let them know where things they are excited about stand.

Totes agree. Props to the Fakku crew to be sure, but I wouldn't mind a dedicated book status page to quench my undying H thirst.
Just saw this was picked up. It looks pretty great and right up my alley. Hyped for this to be released eventually. It's got some of my favorite tags: NTR, MILF, Chubby, Stockings... the art also looks quite nice.
meme50superfan wrote...
I know! Of all the books announced, I am most excited for this one. Fakku needs to have better comunication with its audience. There are too many things falling by the wayside with no clear update of where they are on the priority list. Second edition of Puni Kano? Offline client? I get it, you are a small team with lots of things in the works, but the least you owe to your audience is to let them know where things they are excited about stand.

I agree with ever single thing you wrote.

I like surprises as much as the next guy, but I don't wanna be surprised ever single time a new book goes on sale on FAKKU.

I really am hoping now that with one year under their belt as a legitimate publisher they will be able to provide more details, especially around which books are going on sale and when they will be going on sale.

In another thread (funny, it was also by you) it was stated that the book pre-order incentives are, those who place orders fast get a higher priority in the shipping queue. I want my books to ship fast I wanna be early in the queue, but right now I basically have the camp the FAKKU store page waiting for a new book to go up.

I really hope by the end of Q1 they have a very specific time period for each book they already have announced, and will continue to give specific release periods for all books that are announced going forward.

As a legitimate publisher, and business I would not expect any less
ntfakku Reads & Collects Stuff
luckydog001 wrote...
meme50superfan wrote...
I know! Of all the books announced, I am most excited for this one. Fakku needs to have better comunication with its audience. There are too many things falling by the wayside with no clear update of where they are on the priority list. Second edition of Puni Kano? Offline client? I get it, you are a small team with lots of things in the works, but the least you owe to your audience is to let them know where things they are excited about stand.

I agree with ever single thing you wrote.

I like surprises as much as the next guy, but I don't wanna be surprised ever single time a new book goes on sale on FAKKU.

I really am hoping now that with one year under their belt as a legitimate publisher they will be able to provide more details, especially around which books are going on sale and when they will be going on sale.

In another thread (funny, it was also by you) it was stated that the book pre-order incentives are, those who place orders fast get a higher priority in the shipping queue. I want my books to ship fast I wanna be early in the queue, but right now I basically have the camp the FAKKU store page waiting for a new book to go up.

I really hope by the end of Q1 they have a very specific time period for each book they already have announced, and will continue to give specific release periods for all books that are announced going forward.

As a legitimate publisher, and business I would not expect any less

I've always thought a newsletter was a great way for FAKKU to keep in touch with their audience. I'd sign up in a heartbeat.
ntfakku wrote...
I've always thought a newsletter was a great way for FAKKU to keep in touch with their audience. I'd sign up in a heartbeat.

I'll second the newsletter idea. I love getting email notices filling me in to what's happening as long as they are not daily, or multiple times daily, as there's social media for that. Once a week or twice a month would probably be good intervals if they can make one happen. Also, obviously whenever big news like a new book or doujin hitting soon would be a good time to send out news.
shibby06 Hentai Aficionado
Just did a quick graph on all of the book release. Its probably wrong on a few but it gives you an idea on how long some books go before release.

Fakku Book Releases

Red - is Announced to Preorder
Pink - is Preorder to Dispatch

General rule of thumb is the chapter releases on the site take up a 1 month period with the "Pink Zone" and that is mainly because I'm include time before the download files are up.

Personally I'm not really fussed for a newsletter or the like as FAKKU are becoming quite consistent in their releases + for the most part i would imagine that the subscription content would take precedence over the book translations as that would be the main source of income (at least that's what i think).

I also tried to do the graph in the site colors for that extra FAKKUness quality, whether that worked,i don't know.

Would also like to know what is happening with NTR2, it was one of the first announcements but got dropped fairly early on.
shibby06 wrote...
Just did a quick graph on all of the book release. Its probably wrong on a few but it gives you an idea on how long some books go before release.

Fakku Book Releases

Red - is Announced to Preorder
Pink - is Preorder to Dispatch

General rule of thumb is the chapter releases on the site take up a 1 month period with the "Pink Zone" and that is mainly because I'm include time before the download files are up.

Personally I'm not really fussed for a newsletter or the like as FAKKU are becoming quite consistent in their releases + for the most part i would imagine that the subscription content would take precedence over the book translations as that would be the main source of income (at least that's what i think).

I also tried to do the graph in the site colors for that extra FAKKUness quality, whether that worked,i don't know.

Would also like to know what is happening with NTR2, it was one of the first announcements but got dropped fairly early on.

Wow that's awesome! Really nice seeing all of the information laid out like that.

We tend to bundle book announcements with events (conventions, anniversaries, etc), so when we announce something it is not reflective of it's current "status" of being complete.

Internally we've been working on a tool to surface the status of books we are working on, to show if it's being typeset, printed, translated, etc. It will most likely go public somewhat soon.
shibby06 wrote...
Would also like to know what is happening with NTR2, it was one of the first announcements but got dropped fairly early on.

So I think I heard that what the issue with NTR2 is that due to the extreme nature of the book fakku was having issues with a payment method that would be acceptable and then the issue of distribution I wish there were some update as well it's stuck in purgatory as far as I'm concerned
shibby06 Hentai Aficionado
Jacob wrote...

Internally we've been working on a tool to surface the status of books we are working on, to show if it's being typeset, printed, translated, etc. It will most likely go public somewhat soon.

Great, looking forward to seeing it added to the site.
ShadowBay89 wrote...
shibby06 wrote...
Would also like to know what is happening with NTR2, it was one of the first announcements but got dropped fairly early on.

So I think I heard that what the issue with NTR2 is that due to the extreme nature of the book fakku was having issues with a payment method that would be acceptable and then the issue of distribution I wish there were some update as well it's stuck in purgatory as far as I'm concerned
Is that what happened to NTR2? I've been waiting for that book ever since it was announced and Jacob locked it's thread... At least I hope this book releases soon! Been waiting on more ntr books from fakku. Vanilla is good and all but sometimes a change of pace is good too.
SpeedPunk wrote...
Is that what happened to NTR2? I've been waiting for that book ever since it was announced and Jacob locked it's thread... At least I hope this book releases soon! Been waiting on more ntr books from fakku. Vanilla is good and all but sometimes a change of pace is good too.

I also would like to see NTR2 be released...but sadly it is no longer on the "announced", section of the FAKKU Books: Release List

I mean I don't wanna say it's off the table, maybe they will circle back around to it...but the chances of it being published soon may be out the window.
Hey fakku I been waiting for a while to purchase this book the instant it was announced. But it never seem too be the book to come out next there has been others that was announced later on and was done before this one. So what gives it's going to be coming out at all or not?.
YQII FAKKU Translator
Masterdx5 wrote...
Hey fakku I been waiting for a while to purchase this book the instant it was announced. But it never seem too be the book to come out next there has been others that was announced later on and was done before this one. So what gives it's going to be coming out at all or not?.

We made an update post for this and other projects a month ago, but I forgot to update this topic. The current plan is to release this in early 2018.
How early are we talking bout like January or April?
YQII FAKKU Translator
Quarter 1 is the first three months. It's too far off to be any more specific than that at this point.
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January Please be January
Nice. Been waiting for this one.
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