The "Last Game You Beat" Thread

Finished all the main stories to Fate/Extella and working on the side stories and trying to unlock Arthur.
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate a couple of weeks ago. I got out of the series after ACIII because I didn't have a PS4 for Black Flag(like I was gonna play it on the PS3 XP), and I lost faith in Ubisoft after they knowingly released a broken game(Unity) and put an embargo on all reviews until mid-lauch day- seriously that's just a dick move. Grabbed AC: Syndicate for $8 on Black Friday and actually enjoyed it. Maybe there's still hope for this series.
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
Got my lazy bum to work and finished finally GTA V. With Option C, naturally ;)
9/10 from me.
Smuggins Just Some Guy
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens, 100% (naturally)
Resident Evil 6 - 7.5/10

What can I say, despite its flaws I like this game, comparing it with the other action era RE (such as 4 and 5) this might be my favourite.
Final fantasy XV , 81% completion.
Last game i have beat is mass effect andromeda. Working on child of light
Shiroyama Homonculus' Groupie
Finished Mass Effect Andromeda the other day. Now onto platinuming Fate Extella.
Tales from the Borderlands 9/10

fantastic game, I had so much fun with the story and the characters.
Completed Persona 5 a week or so ago. Maxed out confidants and dated Futaba on first play-through. Might play it again in the future, but for now just waiting on GGXRD Rev2 on Friday.
Just finished Salt and Sanctuary. Very very good game, it was a perfect castlevania/dark souls mix. I'm going to ng+ the hell out of this.
Song of the Deep
Nier Automata

Took me quite a while to get trough it but it was worth it because of the questions it raised on existentialism and how the characters progressed. The world was also wonderfully realized.
Just finished Cat Girl Without Salad ~Amuse Bouche~. Short but hilarious game that's initial premise was an April Fool's joke but then ended up being realized into a game much later. It combines the genres of visual novel, bullet hell, platformer, rhythm game, RPG, and puzzle. Made by WayForward who did the Shantae games, so it's good quality stuff. Looking forward to replaying it again for the "Cruel" endings.
Played through Saints Row 4 and cleaned up a lot of trophies for it, SR 4 is a stupid amount of fun. 9/10!
Been on a MAME rail-shooter binge lately, but given the winning strategy with these is "Insert 2 Coins to Continue until credits roll", that's not much of an achievement. The last game I beat that took effort was, I swear to god, Deadly Towers, while I was on an NES binge. Yes, the one that keeps showing up on "Worst of All Time" lists. I wish I could say it was an underappreciated gem, but- well, no.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Beat tekken 7, now all that's left to do is to shoot for true tekken god in rank.
Tower of Druaga, arcade. And I won't even pretend I beat it fairly. This is, by far, the single most unfair game in the history of ever. You get three lives, no continues, most enemies kill you in one hit, controls are clunky, and there are 60 levels to get through, many of them full of mega-cheap teleport-spamming wizards. And just getting to level 60 isn't enough. Each level has a treasure that you need to reveal by doing something secret. Some are simple- kill a given enemy, walk over a given tile, etc. Others are absurd, how-the-hell-was-I-suppossed-to figure-that-out levels of insanity.

And the game tells you NOTHING about any of this- how to find the items, what they do, which are necessary, useful, or harmful- all this stuff has to be figured out by trial and error. Presumably the idea was that you trade stories with your friends and figure out the secrets as a group, but even so, the sheer density of impenetrable puzzles is insanity. I am fully prepared to call anybody who claims to have beaten this game fairly a liar. My best game playing fair was level 20 with 12 items. After that I found a walkthrough and started save-stating like a motherfucker. Ironically, playing the game this way was kind of fun.

Still a beast, though. Fucking wizards...
His last time i really play little, the last than i beat is Arkham Knight and i've a lot more to finish, oldgen as nextgen, i'm currently on Doom, Dark Soul, MGSV and i must mainly beat Shenmue 2 on Dreamcast.
Persona 5, in new game+++++. Really had to get all of them personas.