Rest in Peace, Waar

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Kaimax Best Master-San
Well, damn.

RIP Waar. We've never met each other in person, but I've always respected your brashness when moderating Fakku. Will really miss you.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
Rest in Peace Waar
I may not of really interacted with them personally... but I did enjoy seeing them around the forums...

Rest in peace Paul.
I came as soon as I heard to pay my respects to the one user I feared back in my shitposting days, farewell you gloriously terrifying person
Xenon FAKKU Writer
This is saddening news. I was just reminiscing with him about the old times a month back. It's difficult to imagine having a very normal conversation about nostalgic memories and then the next moment someone is just gone.

Although I wasn't close with him, I always respected him. He was known to be hardheaded and had an itchy trigger finger with the ban hammer, but I only had genuine and earnest interactions with him. I remember when he almost quit and I tried to console his worries. He also supported the Writing & Fanfiction contests by judging a couple times and helping me out with pin requests. I could tell that deep inside he really cared for people. I will be eternally grateful for these memories and hopefully whatever he was suffering from has ended.

Around the time I started getting more active on the forums, he had a different cat avatar that was quite cute and spawned a meme that everyone manipulated and changed their avatars to different modified versions. This was the old avatar:

Forum Image:

And here was my change to it, since Epic Fail Guy—New Zealand Fail Guy, to be specific—was my favorite meme at the time:

Forum Image:

I think I'll wear it for a time in his honor.

Take care, Waar. Paul. A salute to a fine and dedicated moderator.

Y'know, I admit I didn't like the man initially, then I got to know him better through DMs, hear about some of his personal life, and discord. In my 8 years on this site, I've seen users come and go but dying outright left me numb and statuesque for about 10 minutes last night when I found out it wasn't a hoax. Even moreso that it was a moderator of all people to go.

Let this be a sad, grim reminder that death is no stranger to any of us. Paul, I'll miss you man. Rest in Peace you crazy old cat man.
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I'm really gonna miss Waar. We talked more and more infrequently over the years, but I really did enjoy those conversations.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Man, it's so nostalgic coming into this thread and seeing so many old faces appear to pay respects to someone we all knew well on the site.

Paul and I notoriously didn't get along back in the early days of being around on the site, back then I had the username Ziggy and it wasn't uncommon to see some sort of shit storm on the site with us two involved, and sometimes with others as well.

He was always difficult for me, but being around for going on 10 years now we both grew as individuals and around this time last year we were able to sit and talk when I was officially moving to Portland to work in house versus remotely. We laughed at the silly times we got into fights, he was happy for me with my promotion, gave me an update with his life, and acknowledged that we both grew a lot and we both agreed on having more respect for each other now. I'm glad we were able to have that conversation and have what feels like good closure between us. It feels strange when not too long ago I saw him sign into Overwatch and that there's just this void now of a person with a very big personality.

He'll be missed from Fakku
TL;DR: I'm gonna miss ya Waar. We may not have known each other that long, but we did hit off pretty well in the end.

The spoiler is more of my experience with Paul and just a way to get a little closure.
I remember when we first chatted, it was over some stupid Fakku Forum drama llamas. It was short, sweet, to the point, and I thought to myself, "wow...what an asshole." for the way things were handled, but in the end you handled it and quelled things down. We didn't speak much after the fact until you fired up the Waifu game; the second to last one before you would hand it off to PumpJack. I had a question, you answered it quickly and that was that. A much more pleasant experience.

Time went on, and one day I was brought into a Skype group that you were in, and we started to talk more, we added each other on League and started to play games together every so often with friends, but still we didn't talk more than in passing talking about sports trivia and the lot. Fast Forward to 2016, Overwatch came out. I remember starting a Discord server and you being one of the early members to really come in and play. From here, almost every single night for the next half a year, we would play OW together either duos or with friends. This was where I really got to know more about you, and you went from Waar to Paul...though I still called you Waar because it felt better.

We would chat more outside of gaming; talking about books, Canadian Food specialties, trash talk more sports, even go into religion/politics,
and all those hot topics. I learned more about you, your background, your current health state, just your overall personality. The daily cycle would be: we would game, then talk and bullshit for a bit before calling it a night. Through all that, I finally figured out what type of person you are. Still an Asshole but that was just how you were, with anything. You weren't afraid to be who you were, and it showed you genuine good nature under it all. Thinking back, I can remember us getting into arguments over our differing opinions on how games should go,
but at the end of it all we shrugged it off and just had fun.

Quick time skip to that following winter. Things have happened, and my health started to take a down turn. I received a lot of support from IRL and Online friends (the ones that knew the whole situation), and I especially received a lot of support from you. With some jokes about both of our health conditions sprinkled in, you made it not seem as bad for either of us, and we bonded over that. I don't think I ever really sat down with you and ever said Thank you in a big way, or really let you know how much that meant when you would randomly ask how I was doing when I got super busy with life. It's a bit overdue, but thank you, for all of it.

We may not have been super close, or best friends, but I considered you a very good friend. I know you knew that but I don't think I said it out loud enough. I'll miss all those games we played together, and all those "intellectual" talks into the evenings; but most of all I'll just miss knowing that you were around, always ready to do something.

I hope you are in a better place, and that your family, and friends get some closure. Your departure was unexpected, and way to early. I just wanted to say one last time: Thank you, I'll miss you, and you won't be forgotten.

Tegumi "im always cute"
Paul/Waar was really frustrating to deal with at times, but I think we still got along mostly. At the very least we had fun logic-blasting people on the forums.

He'll be missed. Rest in peace, sweet prince.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Idk, 11 hours I'm still in shock about the news. Condolences to his family
Damn, such a lost to the community. May you find peace Waar, till next time.
Damn...I haven't heard of his name in years... I'll be honest back then I never liked the guy but it still sucks to know that he's gone. Rest in peace man.
Rest in Piece. Waar. I'd always remember you as that awesome mod, with his Kallen Avatar going around the forums. Your presence in the forums made it more fun and livelier.
I just received this news. My condolences to the fakku family and his family. Rather than mourn his death I wish to celebrate his life. Thank you for the memories.
I know you don't know much about me but I do have some ridiculous but memorable conversations with you in the forums. This was too sudden. Really. We will eventually all go to that point in life. It just so happened that some people crossed that line first. It is really saddening to lose people we know, especially those you thought of living longer than you do. I will surely miss your abuse of mod privilege. Rest in peace, Waar.
I think I also have to add, I feel like his guidance (as well as a few select others) actually helped me move passed the phase of being an incredible autist to somewhat of a normal person now. I do think I have him and a few others to thank for that. No doubt a few others that also saw the light, hah
I didn't believe the title when I read it and had to look at the date to check if it was April Fools' already (no, it's fucking February).

Like some people have already mentioned, I barely had any interactions with Waar, and any that I did have were years ago and on the forum only, like when I used to spam IB with quality hentai pics. He got pretty annoyed with that.

Knowing that he won't be around here anymore is a really weird feeling. His presence on the forum was significant, especially back in the day. His legacy is forever documented here on the site, but it's sad to know that he won't be posting anymore. I didn't know him personally and don't know anything about his life, but I can feel an emptiness there. He was a tough mod but he had huge influence here.

I actually lost my grandma on Sunday. It's the first death in the family I've ever experienced and it's a real eye-opener. Treasure those around you, and in the words of Alan Watts, "Memento Mori: be mindful of death."

R.I.P Waar.

I am not going to mince my words.

Waar and I never saw eye to eye on lots of matters. His style of moderating and that of mine can be said to be on opposite ends of the spectrum.

Then again, both of us were young back then and probably adamant that what we were doing is for the better good of the forums. Frosty relationship aside, I am here to say my goodbye to a fellow member of the community, one who has contributed greatly to it.
Jesus Christ, is this really happening? I just spoke to you not too long ago, man. How is this real life?

I didn't know you as well as I would have liked. I always thought there'd be more time. Fuck me, I can't believe this is really happening.
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