[Anime] Rate The Last Anime You Watched

Mavranel wrote...
In the middle of watching Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig again. I'd give it a solid 8/10. Also watching Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul after having found Genesis on accident a few months ago...I'm less impressed by that one. Prolly like a 6/10.

Genesis had a solid first episode but after that it quickly went downhill.

Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
Okay adaption of the vn. More than half of this movie is the 5 ep ova.

Ashita no Joe 2
Ashita no Joe
Terribly pacing. Skimmed through most of the episodes since I've read the manga. Still impressive S1 for it to be from the 70's. The only worthwhile moment from this is the ending in my opinion. Just read the manga.

Blackā˜…Rock Shooter (OVA)
Why do people praise this?
Blame! (the 2017 movie) - 7.5/10

I'd like to say that it was awesome, but I can't. The GBE isn't as impressively destructive as it is in the manga, and the City lacks its vertigo-inducing visuals.

IMHO, they should've made a full anime like they did with Sidonia, it would've been glorious.
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? 7/10
Nourin 5/10
Phantom Requiem for the Phantom - 10/10

One of the best anime I've seen, period. Screw the outdated graphics, everything else is excellent to amazing. Not recommended if you can't stomach very depressing stuff though.
Glass no kamen, 10/10
A silent voice (movie 2017)
Feels scale of 10/10

I highly recommend watching this amazing work of art. This movie made me more of an emotional wreck than even plastic memories, clannad, and your lie in april did.

P.S Requires tissues for watching the movie, and a bottle of rum to forget the sadness afterwards.
Devilman Crybaby. Yo. Boobs and blood. Im gamed. Ep 1 7/10
Overlord II
While still airing, its average at the moment but with how much I liked S1 I'm confident things will pick up soon. 6/10 so far.
Fate/stay night - Unlimited Blade Works - 8/10

Surprisingly good, and please remember that I never bought into UBW's hype and in fact it is my least favourite route in the visual novel.

Genocidal Organ - 6/10

Overall nothing spectacular, but it was interesting enough. Will be fun to read the book while being able to visualize the characters, Clavis' fancy gear and so on.
perv-kohai Mommy Milker Arc
Pervy Fatman wrote...
Saga of Tanya the Evil
Really fun show! definitely hope for a second season, 8.5/10

Kaiju Girls
Really cute and fun short anime, I'm so upset that I didn't know about this show sooner! 9/10

I really hope so too that Saga of Tanya the Evil get a second season.
I do enjoy it and I want to see how can Tanya survive while all odds are against her.
oppairaptor Ace Degenerate
91 Days

Not the best anime and it had some big problems, but for pure enjoyment 10/10. I love this kind of setting and I wish there was more Anime like it (already seen and read Baccano). Marathoned all the way through it with other people and it was the most fun I've had in a while.
Code Geass: Akito the Exiled - 6/10

Good visuals and no I don't mind CG in my anime so no issues with that either, but a good portion of the cast was forgettable. Still worth a look, but don't expect anything outstanding.

10/10 best red panda would head-pat.
YuYuYu: Washio Sumi Chapter

6/10 was decent. Suspense mostly gone because main series spoils the ending.
New one I watched was Basilisk? did I get it right anyway the New "basalisk nitenchou" is stupid , Pacing was bad and fight scenes were bad only saving point for the show is the amount of plot-twists and talking it has (well for me anyways) , while few characters have a damn good design the show holds it back with it's weak animation and poor synopsis making ties to the original series, I definitely enjoyed the original cause it took a chance on risque R18 content I thought this sequel would give me more like that but Nope , so far it's okay but not catered to fans of the old series if you haven't watched it yet I would not recommend it but if you have what are the parts that kept you invested on finishing

I'll be honest if they had killed her off I'd be done watching it on the spot
Forum Image: https://storage.animetosho.org/sframes/0007d017_1031119.png?s=3

Namemba Or RIOT!
Darling in the FRANXX - 10/10

Worth every second of it, I'm so happy curiosity won me over and made me try this anime. It'll take quite some time to find a couple that makes me feel as strongly as Hiro and Zero Two do.

EDIT 12/09/2018

Shingeki no Kyojin - S1 10/10, S2 9/10

Been really a long time since I watched this, but the epicness was as I remembered. S2 rated a bit lower because while amazing in its own right it's impossible to enjoy without watching S1, as it is a direct continuation ('episode 1' being 'episode 26').
Iron Blooded Orphans.


The fights are brutal and I enjoy the visceral carnage that is unleashed when the main character puts some unlucky dickhead in his crosshairs. The villains didn't die brutally enough for me to enjoy, though.

Fuck that ending.
Shingeki no Kyojin S3 - 9/10

Another good addition to the growing SnK anime, really enjoyed it and now I'm hyped for the the next batch of episodes, whenever they'll come.

...somehow I'm starting to believe they will animate everything.
Attack on Titan Season 3 - 8.5/10
I was getting sick of this series but the first half of season three restored my faith. It's been nice not having Eren around as much, possibly one of the most annoying and bland shonen protagonists I've ever seen (alongside Mikasa and Armin, I hate them too), but it was a good 12 episodes. Things are finally getting interesting.
And I'll give it to Eren, glad he realised what an idiot he really is. Now he just needs to work on not screaming like a moron all the time.

Happy Sugar Life - 1/10
Awful. So much missed potential. The trailer had me hyped but god was this series unbearable.
Too many pedos in the series who are all unanimously attracted to Shio to a stupid level (unrealistic) and who end up being completely unnecessary to the main plot which only develops in the last couple of episodes and ends up being one of the stupidest endings I've ever seen. The whole bitter/sweet and candy jar metaphor was overused to the point it made me cringe whenever it came up. I don't care about any of the characters, couldn't form any sort of bond with them because of how bad the writing was. I could go on but I don't want to waste anymore time with this series.


Blatant fanservice aside, every episode has made me laugh. The protagonist is a complete piece of shit but so is everyone else in their own way, and that's why I love it.