Maitetsu Fixes and Updates

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Yes but in order to support that half decent loli title you also support shoddy localization and publication and allow original Japanese devs to walk all over you as a paying customer.

This whole ordeal is complete nonsense. The fact Lose is getting away with a censored adult release is downright deplorable.
Tirigon wrote...
grgspunk wrote...
Tirigon wrote...
Just to let everyone know, the fanmade uncensor patch is almost done, should be final tomorrow.

Find it here:

This does not change anything on Fakku/SP/Lose's end. My point still stands. Not supporting this title.

That's understandable in a way, but I also agree with what the developer said before: In spite of the issues it's great we got the game at all.

Besides, you're missing out on a great loli eroge, and with the patch I linked it's effectively a complete, uncensored port.
I wouldn't really consider that lucky. "Hurray, we got a watered down version of a game that came out years ago." I'd rather it have been fans who brought it over because fans don't have to listen to the developers or any sort of publisher, plus fans are very faithful in preserving the content of the game.

Hopefully Mangagamer or some willing fans will pick up like Lollipop Factory or something even though it seems that everyone is scared to even publish lolicon despite it's legality.
So you expect eroge fans to just suck it up and pay for an incomplete and censored product? How much sense does that make?
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
LoAlluringLi wrote...
All these comments make me really sad, appalled, and disappointed with the community of Eroge players no just here on Fakku! but everywhere else as well. I hate censorship as much as the next person believe me but to straight out denounce and "boycott" a game, it's developer and publisher for it is ridiculous (even if it's for small insignificant changes which did not even affect my gameplay or ruin anything.) Sure it's "incomplete" and totally not the original work BUT all the people complaining about these changes have just reiterated the fact that they know NOTHING about how this industry works and how it's managed.

Thanks god we have You who knows how things works in industry!

Feel free to buy inferior products, no one forbids You but a lot of people have some standards to uphold and if these aren't meet they won't buy product. It's exactly the same with normal games, people can pre-order another EA's game and get scammed again or they can ignore their games and buy some other game with good quality and no malicious micro transactions.

The rest of Your rant doesn't make sense since censored parts are loli boobies in common route in +18 release - the same release where You fuck them multiple times albeit mosaics applied to genitalia, another part of it being inferior product.

Sure it's a miraculous release... too bad Mangagamer can release loli too, without fucking up release so badly nor have any censorship.

If it was 2011 we could maybe agree with You but it's 2018 and we have past examples that proves what can be done and they don't put SP or Lose in good light.
Kisuka wrote...
Clone 10032 wrote...
dark494 wrote...
Speaking of Sekai Project, apparently they just laid off the entire office and closed down. Mysteriously.
Well dang, that sucks for them, but I honestly don't feel bad for them

Literally my wife you're talking about who has to now find a new job. :/ I get that some of you dislike Sekai Project, but please don't turn this into a thread of personal attacks against people just because they worked at a specific company. These people who were let go had zero power over what decisions were made in regards to the actual localization process. They were simply trying to do their jobs to the best of their abilities with the hands they were dealt.

This thread is about the Maitetsu fixes and updates, please do not make it go off-topic into a Sekai Project hate thread. That is not what this thread is for.

That wasn't a personal attack. Should look up the term before finding a justification to say, "I didn't like your remark".
I also don't feel sorry for what happened but then again I also felt neutral to it as I felt nothing was gonna change from it.

======The rest goes very off topic & is just a rant=======
As for your other lousy defense about not claiming the game was uncensored you also didn't bother claiming it was censored to begin with so that's just an half-ass logic scheme going on.
You don't even mention any of this on the games store page & no one except the people that bought the game can even warn the others about it so you guys are obviously hiding the censorship because you want that cash no matter what. As long as companies keep doing this piracy is always gonna be the best alternative.

Feel free to abuse your power to punish me in some way. I only came here because I heard you guys got HentaiHaven but no surprise that most of it isn't here (I know most of it's not gonna be here due to licensing) & it's all behind a paywall with no free means to even see if the video streamer can actual run without stuttering & I don't feel like paying to find out the streaming quality is bad to then have to wait a long ass time to get a refund although I have all the vids from that site on one of my hard drive so no lost to me. Decided to see the games section to find out this is yet another company that pushes the blame onto others but will still take the cash. Offering a refund to the game without also stating the issue on the games page doesn't count as trying to do the right thing, just the usual cover-up especially since the only mentioning of a offered refund is in the forums section but maybe you guys actually sent a message to everyone that bought the game.

$13 a month is a good deal but I already mentioned what my problem with the paywall is & it's not the pricing just the inability to see if it's worth the purchase before actually giving the money but no trials allowed it seems. Though this is very off topic now but it's my last post too unless I find out you guys improved.
Other then that thank you to whoever read this even if we disagree with each other or you decide to delete my post due to "personal attacks".
YQII FAKKU Translator
ArchTerran wrote...
You don't even mention any of this on the games store page & no one except the people that bought the game can even warn the others about it so you guys are obviously hiding the censorship because you want that cash no matter what.

The game is listed as censored both on the store page and on the main site where you download it, just like any other product on the site.
YQII wrote...
ArchTerran wrote...
You don't even mention any of this on the games store page & no one except the people that bought the game can even warn the others about it so you guys are obviously hiding the censorship because you want that cash no matter what.

The game is listed as censored both on the store page and on the main site where you download it, just like any other product on the site.

Except it doesn't unless you count just having the games name somehow counts as saying it's censored. It's not in the tags & it's not in the name so what are you talking about unless there's some kind of hidden filter tags I'm not seeing it.

(This is the edited bit)
O, I see that you mistook me mentioning that it's censored as a complaint to just the 'mosaics tag' which is partially it but that's not the only thing that counts as censorship like covering the nips in an eroge because somehow that makes sense or applying massive steam all over, holy ray of lights, deciding to edit the scenes with them wearing towels instead of the original image (nude). Literally anything that changes the content of the game to differ from the original, hence the term censorship.

Is it me or do you guys like making half truths remarks to defend what you're doing?
We got, "We never said it was uncensored" while also never claiming it was censored & acting like mosaics tag is the only thing needed to say the game is censored to avoid mentioning any of the other censorship that would make people not want to buy the game. Some refer to these tactics as a Bait-N-Switch.

Mosaics tag is the only censorship I think people would shrug off but let's butcher the game like PS4 new HQ to the point that it's just not worth buying especially for the asking price. Always gotta rely on modders to fix the issues versus the people asking money for an inferior product, really makes me wonder what we're 'supporting' by caving into the swindle.
Iperfem wrote...
ArchTerran it seems you are not fully informed. Maitetsu has had two versions on Fakku. The first release had allages content in the normal story route (accidentally according to Sekaiproject), BUT it had uncut H-Scenes (NOT uncensored, so it means original japanese mosaic version). After it became clear that the SOFTCORE part of the game had been changed from the japanese original, Fakku contacted SP and they admitted their game used the wrong assets from i think a Playstation version. The fix of this problem certainly took some months, which is unfortunate but in business terms somewhat understandable (some companies just act slow and Sekaiproject is known to act on many occasions slow and sloppy, hope they improve though ^_^).

The second version which now is on Fakku(fixed by the responsible Party, Sekaiproject) has to my knowledge the original 18+ release content of the original Japanese version.
Not more nor less. NO allages softcore "replaced" stuff you mention + the AGAIN uncut(originally mosaic japanese) H-Scenes.

Sekaiproject probably really just made a mistake. They provided original Hardcore mosaic loli H-Scenes, but accidentally "censored"(replaced) panty shots and nipples in the main routes. If they really would have wanted to censor the game, do you think they would provide the original-mosaic hardcore H-Scenes and censoring the softcore content?

Certainly not.

So Fakku could certainly have communicated better that Uncut and Uncensored mean two different things (From the beginning).
But the issues you speak of were probably not intended from all parties, and were fixed in the meantime.
SP on the other hand seems to not have a good Quality Control in many of their games. (still probably better than having no english release at all).

First I would like to say thank you for taking the time to respond. Thank you. I got a notification that I got a thumbs down but not that I was quoted so I'm late on the response, sorry about that.

"ArchTerran it seems you are not fully informed." Unless more information is hidden all the needed details is at the front of the page at the very start. Which you claim they fixed the problems but yet they still contain the censored aspect of, hiding a nip slip, large sum of smoke to hide nude figure compared to its counterpart where you see the naked form, towels hiding more of the body then previous. The mosaic aspect of censorship I have already said is the 'acceptable' censorship but that because as you stated it's also in the original release of the game.

Fakku in it's post claim that the authors do not want to fix those parts (unless there's a typo going on) that means those form of censorship are still in the game. That still censoring the game from it's original form (screenshots at the start of the comment chain) even if you try to claim that it's just 'cut' from the game unless you are referring to something else being cut out then I'm interested to know what that is if you have the time to explain.

I'm certain a cut edition implies scenes were snipped out not fully replaced with something less revealing.

"The second version which now is on Fakku(fixed by the responsible Party, Sekaiproject) has to my knowledge the original 18+ release content of the original Japanese version.
Not more nor less. NO allages softcore "replaced" stuff you mention + the AGAIN uncut(originally mosaic japanese) H-Scenes."
As far from what I could tell from the description in the 2nd edition it claims to be a dlc for the steam version that uncensored the game & from what Fakku has claimed still contains the censorship I mentioned above as they did not want to change those back to the original images unless as I also already mentioned Fakku made a typo.

Though now I think I see what you're getting at about me not being 'fully informed' & not knowing the difference between uncut content & censorship though I never claimed they removed the sex scenes which I believed you acknowledge when you asked, If they really would have wanted to censor the game, do you think they would provide the original-mosaic hardcore H-Scenes and censoring the softcore content?. Which my answer to that question is yes due to Fakku saying the authors do not want to change the images back to their original form. I'm not talking about removing the mosaic from the sex scene's (stating this again so we can end that bit of confusion).
Though now I'm starting to think I'm confused about something since you said this (though I did just wake up so maybe that has something to do with it), "So Fakku could certainly have communicated better that Uncut and Uncensored mean two different things (From the beginning)." though that could apply to the typo I'm starting to think is there or that you think I don't know the difference between cut content & censorship which have been brought up due to mentioning the steam dlc.

If I did get something wrong here then once I realize what it is I will follow up with an apology on the things I was mistaken about.

I think we can fix this if we just focus on the base game that is here on Fakku versus the dlc that's also here but for the steam version which I'm gonna assume the dlc is here due to steam guidelines even though I thought steam gave the okay on putting adult games on the store but this could have something to due with the loli content.

(Pretend I quoted your ending msg explaining some of your life, doing this to save space & to avoid making my response as big as possible) Thank you for telling me this. Also, thanks once again to whoever takes the time to read all of this even if we disagree with each other & sorry for the massive wall of text.

Thank you (Iperfem) for actually having a discussion versus showing up real quick to post a very sort half-truth & acting like that ends the discussion.
IPerfem wrote...

Your main issue is, as i understand, that the Game on Fakku has for now no claim about being censored or cut.
It just has the Mosaic tag.
So it is not clear if it's censored or not.
The positive thing though is, Fakku isn't claiming anymore that the game is uncut.
Fact is Fakku just doesn't make a statement about the (un)censorship status at all anymore.

Yep, you nailed it. I agree with everything you mentioned in your post as well.

The 2 issues I have with Fakku (related to this game) is,
1.) They don't make the information clear on the store page.
2.) They only allow people who have purchased the game to warn others in the comment section about the issue on it's store page
so it's essentially hidden unless the purchaser happened to look for the information.

I don't blame Fakku for the problems cause by it's other business partners.

The only problem I have with the Fakku members (the one I replied to & the translator that responded to me) is the half-truths they reply with in this forum.
They are either doing that intentionally or they were in a rush & made a defense that has opening by mistake though I wont know till they clarify.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me & I enjoyed the conversation we had.
Thank you to whoever took the time to read all the chained reply's even if we disagree with each other.
Are we ever gonna get a true release? Or do we have to rely on fans to get it right?
Stryker125 wrote...
Are we ever gonna get a true release? Or do we have to rely on fans to get it right?

Given that the last post here is from 2018, I'd suspect the latter.
I can't buy the 18+ release from you guys. What happened to it? There shows a charge to my credit card but the download link doesn't work. Ca. You refund me?
I can't buy the game
Kogaking wrote...
I can't buy the 18+ release from you guys. What happened to it? There shows a charge to my credit card but the download link doesn't work. Ca. You refund me?

I'd recommend sending a support ticket to if you haven't already.
webhentai wrote...
I can't buy the game
were you able to buy the game? im curious because i plan on purchasing it soon from here
Still on my fifth day waiting on a ticket so I can get the DLC. I have it in my cart thanks to someone I know linking it to me but I'm wary of buying it just yet.
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