Filtering OUT a tag to avoid it

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Gravity cat the adequately amused
RKGS wrote...
I don't block "everything", just the things I'm not interested in. The argument can also be made that it's detrimental NOT to have a system like it in place in the case of users who are more sensitive to things containing rape or gangbangs, maybe because something happened to them personally.

You realise forced falls under Controversial Tags, right?
Fucking a child is considered rape as well because they can't consent.
You turn that off at your own risk.

Am I just supposed to magically know that if I scroll down the page a certain distance I'll end up seeing something I don't like?

You aren't expected to magically know what it contains, because the tags are right there.
It's not like you're being forced to read the content, and clicking on it from the front page takes you to the manga's page, from which you can access the reader to actually read it from and/or comment on the piece.

Earlier you mentioned how Fakku is a small company and posts new content roughly 3 times a day. What would happen when someone blocks a variety of tags and not see any new content for days on end because they blocked those tags? The system wouldn't discriminate as long as it has that tag.
Alright genuinely forgot forced falls under the controversial setting, but group could still apply for being a sensitive tag for the people I mentioned. Yeah you aren't being forced to read it, but the fact remains that previews of works are often explicit and telling me "not to look" at previews that are on the front page to see if it's something I like or not is ridiculous. Looking through the rest of the responses that seem against this, the only argument I see is "but then you won't be seeing the things you don't want to see!", which is uh, kinda the point? A simple to implement client side setting would hurt absolutely no one. Me choosing not to see yaoi, yuri, vanilla, NTR, consensual, non-consensual or whatever else I don't care for doesn't affect your or anyone else's experience at all because it's only restricting me and me alone. Having images of it displayed on screen is something that certainly does affect everyone's experience, considering you can't enjoy manga, let alone easily use a website without LOOKING at it. What would happen if someone filtered a lot of tags and they don't see much new content? That's just their issue, not mine. If they're fine paying 13 bucks a month for only seeing a few things they actually care about each week or month so be it. I highly doubt the artists are docked any income for how many page views their work gets considering the entire anthology is licensed, and singular doujins are almost always not free to view on subscription. Effectively nothing would change at all. Fakku is still earning money from their subscription, artists and anthologies are still earning money because Fakku already payed them for the licensing rights, and people still directly buy artist's solo published doujins on the site. Artists get way more exposure off this site. People who don't like their works won't be purchasing them anyway, that's why they are making them for their "target audience" that's interested in buying their products now, because trying to appeal to people who might buy them later is foolish.
YQII FAKKU Translator
Please refrain from referencing piracy sites. For now I'll edit out any references, but I will lock/delete the thread of it continues.

The topic of the discussion is perfectly fine. Just avoid anything that relates to piracy or other illegal activities.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
YQII wrote...
Please refrain from referencing piracy sites. For now I'll edit out any references, but I will lock/delete the thread of it continues.

Sorry, that was my fault. I partly encouraged it because I specifically asked for examples.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
Sorry, this has come up many times. I believe their official position is that they never want to turn users away from content. People's tastes change all the time and even if you think never means never, sometimes it doesn't truly mean "never". The negative consequence of tag filtering is that it creates a feedback loop. If a large group of people refuses to even consider reading a manga with a certain tag, then people will draw less of it. Why even bother if so many people won't even entertain the thought? It's unfair to the creator if their works become completely invisible this way.

On the other side of things, if a reader never, ever exposes themselves to what they perceive as unpleasant, then they'll also rule out any possibility of ever coming to appreciate it. Sure, maybe it doesn't happen super often, but it really does happen. And when it does, it can open a whole new world for that person.

I think people perceive this as being user unfriendly, but they really need to understand that there are in fact negative consequences to consider.

Since you mentioned, "rape" falls under the "forced" tag.

That's a reasonable enough viewpoint, but I must agree with OP here. There should be a way to tell the site "I don't ever want to see stuff tagged with ugly bastard. Ever. My tastes on this are not going to change." In short, leave anything with that tag out of my search results.

I'd also like to be able to designate other tags as ones I merely dislike. I don't much care for NTR (why that needs a whole group of tags here, I've no idea), but I have seen a couple of doujinshi with NTR that I liked. I'd be fine with NTR content still showing up in my search results, just maybe collapse it down to just the titles or something.
G0dricKiln wrote...
[quote="CatgirlFanatic"]Is there a way to block works with certain tags like [piracy site]? I do not want to see anything with NTR or Ugly Bastard, but don't know how to avoid it or blacklist it. Am I missing something? I hate these (if you like them, that's fine) but I do not want to see them. I would also blacklist "rape" but I don't know if that is a tag here or not.

Thank you in advance, and sorry if this has been brought up before.

It's pretty fucking easy man. Use common sense and don't read shit you don't like. I don't want to look at loli shit but to read NTR I have to turn on the controversial setting. I don't want to read a shit ton of Vanilla but I have to pay for it with my subscription. I pay for shit I don't even like. When I get a NTR story once or twice a week there are always little fucking bitches like you who have to hate on it. Fuck you
Would personally want the ability to filter out LGBTQ+ content, nothing against them but it's not my cup of tea.
This needs to be a thing.
Having a personal blacklist of tags, or artists sounds good. Like show the content while browsing the site, but have the tags highlighted/stand out aka drag attention. Then again that might be too much.
Gee I bet all these downvotes on an old thread on a site with a relatively small userbase within the span of 2 minutes are totally organic and not someone signing into their alt accounts. Not the first time I signed in for the past few weeks that this has happened either.
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Anyway, while I'm here I'll say again that "just read the tags" is an annoying "solution" to always have to verify if something is to your tastes. If we're not ever going to read works that cater to a certain fetish we don't care for, why not just give us a simple to implement user option that conclusively blocks what we don't want to see? It's apparently fine if you "just don't read what you don't like", but not wanting to view explicit thumbnails or entire posts of fetishes that you don't like is apparently bad for some reason. If something like this got implemented and people were filtering out what they didn't like you'd probably see a lot less people going on works with fetishes they aren't into complaining about them too. I can only see this as a net gain for the users of the site.
RKGS wrote...
Gee I bet all these downvotes on an old thread on a site with a relatively small userbase within the span of 2 minutes are totally organic and not someone signing into their alt accounts. Not the first time I signed in for the past few weeks that this has happened either.
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Since you're sperging out over someone disagreeing with you and misinterpreting the reasoning behind it I guess I'll have to explain myself so you don't spread misinformation; just because you receive downvotes doesn't mean people are signed in to alts to downvote you. I can't say anything about the past few weeks but in this instance I came across this thread, saw your posts, disagreed with you, and I don't like your attitude. That's all there is to it. If people are downvoting you did you not consider that they came to a similar conclusion? And the thread's not that old it was still on the front page plain as day so I found it rather easily.

It takes literally seconds to read the tags. If the simple solution to read the tags is an annoying one then I don't know what else I can tell you.
YQII FAKKU Translator
Please keep the discussion on topic and civilized. If this devolves to nothing but attacks, I'll lock the thread.
(Last time I'll be off topic) I couldn't care less about the pseudo-reddit voting system. Yeah someone could've been reading my comments in order and using the "disagree" button each time, but chances are on a thread that's nearly 1.5 months old, getting -3 reputation within 2 minutes 19 days after my last response is a little weird. This is considering that my obnoxiously long replies would take longer than 2 minutes to read all of them, even longer with reading the people's comments I was replying to for context.

Regardless, "literally seconds" to read tags on each post that comes by adds up, why not just make it take "literally seconds" to type out tags I don't like so I can block them in my user settings? Then I won't ever have to spend those "seconds" again having to manually filter out every single post that shows up in the feed because it will be automated at that point. You can call it laziness but I think something like this will have to be addressed at some point. The amount of posts on this site is only growing, and advanced search is only so beneficial to finding things that suit your tastes, which isn't helped by it not displaying results in proper chronological upload date. It's more time consuming anytime I want to log into the site to have to type out all the tags I do like seeing and then the few I don't like seeing in advanced search, and it takes even more time having to read all the individual tags on every individual new post to verify if I like it or not, instead of KNOWING I'll like it.
RKGS wrote...
(Last time I'll be off topic) I couldn't care less about the pseudo-reddit voting system. Yeah someone could've been reading my comments in order and using the "disagree" button each time, but chances are on a thread that's nearly 1.5 months old, getting -3 reputation within 2 minutes 19 days after my last response is a little weird. This is considering that my obnoxiously long replies would take longer than 2 minutes to read all of them, even longer with reading the people's comments I was replying to for context.

It was bumped.
Somebody fresh would have come in, read everything, then decided they don't like what you're saying after reading other comments, and neg repped.
Not everything is a conspiracy
Drifter995 wrote...
RKGS wrote...
(Last time I'll be off topic) I couldn't care less about the pseudo-reddit voting system. Yeah someone could've been reading my comments in order and using the "disagree" button each time, but chances are on a thread that's nearly 1.5 months old, getting -3 reputation within 2 minutes 19 days after my last response is a little weird. This is considering that my obnoxiously long replies would take longer than 2 minutes to read all of them, even longer with reading the people's comments I was replying to for context.

It was bumped.
Somebody fresh would have come in, read everything, then decided they don't like what you're saying after reading other comments, and neg repped.
Not everything is a conspiracy

Or.. just or. A person doesn't like the wall of text without paragraph breaks?
RKGS wrote...
(Last time I'll be off topic) I couldn't care less about the pseudo-reddit voting system. Yeah someone could've been reading my comments in order and using the "disagree" button each time, but chances are on a thread that's nearly 1.5 months old, getting -3 reputation within 2 minutes 19 days after my last response is a little weird. This is considering that my obnoxiously long replies would take longer than 2 minutes to read all of them, even longer with reading the people's comments I was replying to for context.

For someone who claims they don't care about the system you sure seem to be getting worked up over it.

I had read the whole thread, and I then downvoted you in a batch for reasons I've already explained. It goes no deeper than that. Chill.
Okay, I have to break my promise to say that it's interesting how I'm being told I'm the one getting worked up and to "chill" from someone who just insulted me by saying I have aspergers, afterwards which they say they didn't like my attitude in my older replies on the thread. I guess my "attitude" of mentioning how people should have more control over what porn they see when they're logged in, on the part of the site designated for criticism, is just that bad to warrant personal attacks.

Considering we're on the feedback and suggestions topic, do you are anyone else have an argument for why something like this be shouldn't be implemented, other than "stop being lazy", "web design takes time" or "think of the artists and their content you wont see and appreciate"? There's plenty of people whose works I might like that I'll never see simply because I'm human and I can't read or buy everything. A text based filtering system is something that multiple other sites already have in place (biggest example would be a search bar), and all this option would do is make those "results" from the words in your tag blacklist your own personalized display of content, kinda like how you can subscribe to/block specific content on other sites. It's ridiculous to say people are being lazy for not personally filtering out content they don't like that shows up at random intervals on the front page. It's not like there's set days for certain fetishes like "NTR day" for people explicitly into Vanilla to avoid.

Wasting time always having to read tags is nice and all, but as other people have mentioned the often explicit thumbnails don't help. Eyes always wander, so say someone who likes incest but isn't into loli, forced etc. (all which require turning on the controversial setting) scrolls down the page and sees that loli getting gangraped in the thumbnail by accident. "Eh, should've read the tags." You're saying everyone should use the site by locking their eyes onto one specific portion of it and not ever looking to the left unless they like the description of the content. You realize how ridiculous that sounds compared to "Hey, let me block some content in my settings so I alone can't see it." right?

The advice to "read the tags" ignores the fact that tag suggestions were implemented because not all works are tagged properly, the uploaders are only human after all and make mistakes every now and then. What seems to be something that's usually in your strike zone could end up having a fetish or two in it later in its pages that turns you off because the community's suggestion hasn't been accepted yet, so "reading the tags" would have effectively been a false positive at that point. "Read the tags" also ignores that people have an imagination. For example, someone who only likes Vanilla comes on the site to get their rocks off, sees words and phrases every now and then like "Ugly Bastard" and "Netorare" on the front page (which aren't affected by the controversial setting) and all of a sudden they aren't in the mood anymore. I assure you there's people who get turned off at much less than that.

I want to know why some of you are so against an option for people to block porn they don't like when they're signed in. Multiple people in this thread have explained why they would like this option to be present on the site, something that would affect only their account and their view of newly uploaded content. Others are saying "No, deal with it." which is content policing at its finest, especially with people saying "You can handle seeing _____ content every now and then." because it's you dictating what content everyone is forced to see. People wont "come to appreciate" fetishes they hate like others in the thread have said, and that's especially true of people who have had bad experiences, whether with that type of content or some event in real life like molestation. The people advocating for being "open minded" sure aren't willing to listen to new ideas or opinions and have been constantly trying to shut down discussion with dismissive replies like "You'll live seeing _____ porn every now and then." and "Read tags, no looksies!"

How's that for paragraph spacing?
I hadn't realised that term was an insult or had negative cannotations to it, so I apologize for that since I was unintentionally out of line, and for my ignorance. It was just a little odd that you pointed out the downvotes with in-depth analysis; was weirder still that you claimed to not care about the system but then continue talking about it. For what it's worth, I've been getting pummeled with downvote notifications on the same posts I've made multiple times. Since many of the downvotes have not actually been registered on the posts I have suspicions of my own, but I'll settle for this simply being a polarizing topic for now.
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Keeping on topic; it genuinely boggles my mind that you said that the seconds spent sifting through tags stack up. This is a very strange argument, because even if you don't have blacklisted tags you still have to read the tags anyway to see if the content is to your liking? Surely if you're reading hentai you have spare time to kill, so it ultimately doesn't matter how much time you spend reading the tags, because a tag or two that you don't like won't add enough time for your next fap for this to be a problem, since as already pointed out doing so takes a few seconds and will add what... a few more? From my perspective that's nonsensical reasoning, and you don't need to optimise the time you spend on reading tags to that degree. One commenter also pointed out the front page showing content in chronological order and I believe tag searches present content in chronological order as well, so once you've decided the content isn't to your liking you can ignore it. The only way this could be a problem is if you have an incredibly bad short-term memory. Content you've clicked on should change the title text colour to black which should serve as a visual aid. I believe this function works using your browser's cookies.
Wel I'm very sensitive to certain tags (I get unsettled very easy :/ ) can deal with it so can other imo. While at first I kinda agreed with the blacklisting, but looking back I sometimes get out of my Vanilla comfort zone and read stuff I usually don't. And I surprised myself that there's non-vanilla stuff out there that's really fun (barring a few tags ofc) to read!
As has been said in the past, we plan to implement a feature similar to this in the future
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