Do you lock every single question thread?

The locked thread was a bit unclear on just what we can ask. This isn't to test you. i'm legit looking for some old ones
Do you lock them knowing that "that question is for an unlicensed item" or all of them just to be sure?
I have some hentais that i read years ago that i can't find even a trace of anywhere.

May i ask for a few names of popular vanilla authors from about 7 years ago?

Fingers crossed.
An elephant.
no request threads
Wait, so does that mean Fakku dosnt care about what users want when it comes to aquiring new licenses? Isnt that kind of bad?

I also dont understand why we cant talk about the old stuff that was on here.
What better place is there to ask people about the old ones when this is the place
With the members that holds the knowledge?

If we cant discuss the old its like your slapping an NDA in our face.

Confused elephant.

Edit: to clarify im not asking for links but names so that i can go about finding them legitimatly.
Pellefant wrote...
Wait, so does that mean Fakku dosnt care about what users want when it comes to aquiring new licenses? Isnt that kind of bad?

There's a thread specifically for users to post what kind of books they want to see.

Pellefant wrote...

Edit: to clarify im not asking for links but names so that i can go about finding them legitimatly.

That same info can be used to find them illegitimately. This is what gets locked
Ok, But how do we go about requesting things that we can only describe? I mean if we cant ask for names. what about asking for j r r tolkien? Seems awfully complicated.

Reading up on the second link i can only interpret that as; you may ask for the stuff we sell but talking about other books or authors is illegal and only criminals would stoop to that level? Not much faith in your users. Sounds like you are trying to brush the fact that fakku used to be doing piracy under the rug and by burying it under a mountain of rules and constraints on what people are allowed to say. i cant think of any other e shop that enforces such strict rules
YQII FAKKU Translator
The request forum was retired because it was mainly used to find pirated content. You might have the best intentions, but that doesn't change the fact that there are very few legitimate sources for ero manga in the West, which means that most requests will eventually lead the user to piracy sites. We can't allow piracy to be discussed on our forums (directly or indirectly) out of respect for our publishing partners, and no request threads is a result of that.
ok i see your point now.
fairly depressing but that was all the questions i had

Somewhat satisfied elephant :P