Library is unusable in my opinion

HelelBenSahar Morning Star

Maybe this is the wrong place to post this, sorry if it is but please bear with me here.
I want to give a bit of feedback regarding the library.

As someone who has bought quite a few doujins and a couple books on here I have to say that my library is a complete clusterfuck and I hate using it.

Here's why I feel this way:

  • Why are you showing me books I don't own in my library?
    Why do I not have the option to filter them out? It's supposed to be my library, I only want to see things I can actually read. If I want to buy new books I know where to find them.

  • Why is the only sorting available in the library by FAKKU release date?
    It is an absolute chore to find things. There should at least be alphabetical sorting or even better: sorting by Artist. For example I bought Living with Succubus 1-9 but they are so far apart from each other in my library I might as well just use the top search bar to search the entirety of FAKKU and read them that way, that kind of defeats the purpose of having a library or am I wrong?

  • This kind of harks back to the previous two points but why is there a lack of basic filters? I can filter by tags which is a step in the right direction but why can't I filter by artist or why can't I filter it so it only shows Doujins or Books and not both at once? Now I don't know much about web design but that doesn't seem like such a hard thing to implement to me.

Am I just misunderstanding the purpose of the library? Am I supposed to use the search bar to read the things I bought? Most of these criticisms apply to the Favorites as well. I don't really want to download everything I bought and host it locally on a media server just so it doesn't look like a mess.

I really do want to support official English translations but you're making it unnecessarily difficult for me personally.
Sorry for the rant and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of the points I made.

The library was somewhat better, some months ago. Some of the points you mentioned, were to a degree implemented then.

The library situation began to take a turn for the worse when Fakku started integrating the external store site to Doujins and mangas were beforehand purchasable both on and the store site which caused many problems (only 1 item purchasable on, multiple in store) and a double overhead of navigating between two sites to find your items on and fill your basket in the store.

Although it took years of complaints and suggestions until Fakku implemented it, so far the store integration was a good step and then it seems they started to work on the library or perhaps because of the store integration the library seems to have been broken. I suppose probably corona and/or other issues came in the middle of this and the library is probably broken because of this. Wouldn't surprise me if they are working on it with the highest priority.

The main problem though, seems to be that the technical Fakku team is probably understaffed and progress is in my opinion very slow and at a snail's speed. Lack of communication of Fakku staff unfortunately contributes to the bad situation.

But it is good making your complaints. Write in the forums and contact them directly and tell them that you are not satisfied with the slow speed of website changes/improvements.

Don't forget:
No feedback, no improvement.
I'm going to have to second everything that OP said.
I was actually coming here to make this post myself! I wouldn't mind this feature if I could just turn it off. "View all titles" "View purchased titles." It makes navigating things excruciating.
mosskobe2 The Cleaner
Agree with everything the op said. The library had a filter for doujin, games, and manga before, but its been gone for a couple of months now.
I agree 100% with this.

We disabled some of the previous library features temporarily, but it's about time they come back!