echoeagle3 wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...

Forum Image: https://i.postimg.cc/MHbFxX8r/fischl-and-barbara-genshin-impact-drawn-by-nahaki-679707234f6b58e7006af3e41c750886.jpg

Now tell me what both of their names are.

Also, hello cafe

Barbara & Fischi.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
Forum Image: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/421512988034334723/772121032835989514/72134645_p0_Ashe_lingerie_ver_.png?width=348&height=464
luin watch EP4 of Kamisama ni Natta Hi.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
looks like we now have a 2nd lockdown
Yeah, like it'll solve anything.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
Dr Shaneman wrote...
luin watch EP4 of Kamisama ni Natta Hi.

Wait... you still watch anime that isn't Vtubers?
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Dr Shaneman wrote...
luin watch EP4 of Kamisama ni Natta Hi.

echoeagle3 wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
luin watch EP4 of Kamisama ni Natta Hi.

Wait... you still watch anime that isn't Vtubers?

Been a while Breast King.

You're in the rabbit hole too?
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
luin watch EP4 of Kamisama ni Natta Hi.

Wait... you still watch anime that isn't Vtubers?

Been a while Breast King.

You're in the rabbit hole too?

Ah, whats up man?

Yep, lol. Vtubers have been the only thing I watch now for the last 2 months.
echoeagle3 wrote...

Ah, whats up man?

Yep, lol. Vtubers have been the only thing I watch now for the last 2 months.

I tried making translated clips of Indonesian Vtubers since it's my mother tongue, and my Japanese is non-existent as of now so i can't translate Hololive/Nijisanji yet.

One such example is this. Because top-heavy girls.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Hello, everyone! ^_^
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...

Ah, whats up man?

Yep, lol. Vtubers have been the only thing I watch now for the last 2 months.

I tried making translated clips of Indonesian Vtubers since it's my mother tongue, and my Japanese is non-existent as of now so i can't translate Hololive/Nijisanji yet.

One such example is this. Because top-heavy girls.

Dang. Nice. I can't make videos at all.

Hope you don't mind some constructive criticism.

While you did a good job on adding all the effects and stuff I did kind of think you might have put too many. Anything that diverts attention away from the vtuber or is distracting is not the best. You want to enhance the vtuber experience, not take away from it by forcing in too many memes. Not saying you can't put any extra effects and stuff just be careful. People will already appreciate well done and accurate subtitles just by themselves.

Indonesian vtubers aren't super popular so you likely aren't going to get a ton of views but as long as you keep that in mind I support you. Great work
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
*drinks his tea*
echoeagle3 wrote...

Dang. Nice. I can't make videos at all.

Hope you don't mind some constructive criticism.

While you did a good job on adding all the effects and stuff I did kind of think you might have put too many. Anything that diverts attention away from the vtuber or is distracting is not the best. You want to enhance the vtuber experience, not take away from it by forcing in too many memes. Not saying you can't put any extra effects and stuff just be careful. People will already appreciate well done and accurate subtitles just by themselves.

Indonesian vtubers aren't super popular so you likely aren't going to get a ton of views but as long as you keep that in mind I support you. Great work

Fair point, since i also make YouTube Poops (random funny edits, For example, this) besides these, and that's the reason i kinda went overboard with the memes. I'll further adjust the memes/effects in my VTuber clips if necessary next time. Thanks.

I'm starting from Indonesian VTubers because it's my mother tongue. Can't translate Hololive/Nijisanji JP yet because my Japanese sucks. I'm learning though.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
I'm starting from Indonesian VTubers because it's my mother tongue. Can't translate Hololive/Nijisanji JP yet because my Japanese sucks. I'm learning though.

If you do ever start trying to translate JP I would suggest you avoid doing clips of the most popular streamers. Every other translation channel focuses on them. I know they do that beacuse they are popular and people want to see translations for them. Right now though, the market for translated clips of super popular vtubers is oversaturated. You don't have to pick completely unheard of vtubers, even within Hololive there are some that don't get many translations. Yuzuki Choco and Aki Rosenthal are perfect examples of ones that are popular enough that people would care about them, and yet they don't get a ton translated clips. I know I would love to see more of them.

There are of course many other options, just something to think about for the future.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Good morning! ^_^
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Clever. :D
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
Monster Girl
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