[Locked] Turn off Task notifications

Today I logged on to find 10 notifications. 'Oh good! More stuff!" I thought. But nope! There's a new section called 'Tasks' and in it were 10 tasks that I should review my last 10 purchases.

Can we disable this stupid 'feature'? Stuff like this shows that like all tech companies your overly desparate need for 'engagement' is ruining the experience for your users. Do you think I'll buy more stuff if I have to review it? No. I'll stop buying stuff.

Stop wasting our time. You're making notifications a bad thing instead of a good thing.
You know you can ignore it and click Hide on the task, right?

I mean at worst it's a minor inconvenience when you are only interested in new uploads, but I think you're going on about the definition of a 'mountain out of a molehill' situation.

We know these FaP points will be used for something, only time will tell whether it'll be worth anyone's effort to do any of these tasks, but again, you can really easily ignore the feature with a simple click.
You can turn off tasks in your account settings: https://www.fakku.net/account/notifications

But I recommend keeping them on (and completing them), you'll miss out on rewards once they go live!