FAKKU Reader Help, Feedback and Bug Report Thread

Daiz FAKKU Developer
myinon wrote...

Can you see if you can get the coloring issues for these 3 releases fixed?

You have unfortunately come across a very problematic matter with all three of these: low-contrast gradients. These are something where it's not uncommon to see issues present at source level already, and you also have to deal with the fact that JPG compression has a hard time dealing with them (it just won't look as good as a lossless PNG would, even if you were to turn the quality all the way to 100, the maximum).

Looking into the illustrations in question, there are indeed banding issues present at source level already. Would it technically be possible to deal with that? Yes, but unfortunately, our production pipeline is not built in a manner that would accommodate appropriate filtering measures to deal with this in a high quality manner, and adding that capacity into it would be no simple task. And even then, no matter how flawless your sources are, you would still be dealing with the issue of JPG compression, as PNG is just not a feasible option for online reading when it comes to full color images (the files would simply be way too big compared to everything else). The only real solution in this regard would be to use a newer image format for color images, like JPEG XL, AVIF or even HEIC, but all of these have issues ranging from browser support, stable format definitions, encoding speeds, decoding speeds, to even possible patent licensing issues in case of HEIC... not to mention that our current comic reading infrastructure also just isn't built in a way that would accommodate multiple formats for a page nor does it have feature detection capabilities for deducing what image formats a user's browser would support.

In the long run, I would certainly like to address both of the things I brought up - introducing high quality image processing options and tooling into our production pipeline, as well offering higher quality images with newer formats like JPEG XL or AVIF, but as said, these are very much things that can only be realistically addressed in the long run - and in the meantime, I'm afraid we'll just have to put up with a little banding here and there when it comes to low-contrast gradients in color images.
Daiz wrote...

You have unfortunately come across a very problematic matter with all three of these: low-contrast gradients.

What you wrote is all well and good, except that I have reported similar issues with color images (two were in this thread) that were fixed including:

  • One of YUG’s School Regulation Violation illustrations

There is also the fact that these color issues don’t appear on the original digital versions of the Japanese magazines.
Daiz FAKKU Developer
myinon wrote...
I have reported similar issues with color images that were fixed

What you've reported before has been a matter of us accidentally using the wrong encoding profile (which also causes banding), which is a relatively easy thing to fix - you just need to make sure the image gets encoded with the correct profile. This particular issue runs a lot deeper though - what I said about low contrast gradients and JPG compression applies all the same, but after looking at it again I did discover an actual issue in the color encoding profile that is making the end results here look worse than they should be, and we are currently in the process of fixing it. It might take a while though.
When a book/doujin become unavailable for me to purchase, the "Add to Favorites/Collection" button is also removed from the page.
Because of that, I can't remove that book/doujin from the collection list I have it in without deleting the whole list.
The Shopping Cart is bugged. When I click the Checkout
icon, sometimes (but not always) I see the message:
"Your Shopping Cart is empty," even though it holds 14 items.
69titty69 Vanilla Connoisseur
H-Connoisseur wrote...
The Shopping Cart is bugged. When I click the Checkout
icon, sometimes (but not always) I see the message:
"Your Shopping Cart is empty," even though it holds 14 items.

I also saw this bug as well. I also bought 6 books/doujins, but only 5 of them were added to my library. Don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but the comic was "It's My Clit's Fault For Feeling So Good!" by Sakura Hanatsumi. Wondering if maybe there's a bug with that comic in particular, because all the other digital comics I bought were added instantly. Emailed Fakku support with my order number for them to look into it.

I wanted to ask if there is a release list of all Print Fakku Books from the first published book to the most recent ?

I would like to have such a list because I am aiming for a Print Fakku Full Set ^^
When I try to read a doujin, I get a blank page that’s infinitely loading. What do I do?
Same, i have a JSON.Parse error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at XMLHttpRequest._0x14b592.<computed> (reader.min.js?v=2349:2)

Some dev screwed up? :D

Maybe that could help:

Forum Image: https://i.ibb.co/Xb5LM6d/Capture.png

imba, "you leaked your auth token, q_q "
UncleTerri wrote...
When I try to read a doujin, I get a blank page that’s infinitely loading. What do I do?

Same problem. I'm on mobile if this helps.
Smurf Creampie wrote...
UncleTerri wrote...
When I try to read a doujin, I get a blank page that’s infinitely loading. What do I do?

Same problem. I'm on mobile if this helps.

I have the same issue on my pc and my phone.
Thanks for the fix random dev
Have the same issue as well.
Im having that issue as well
The latest doujin Piggy Sister is missing
the "Buy Now" and "Add to Cart" options,
so it cannot be purchased.
Hello. I was wondering if there was a way to organize the digital library in alphabetical order?
toribird Customer Support
Just a reminder, this is a thread specifically to report bugs or request help with the online Reader. If you have general support questions please start a topic yourself or search this section of the forums to see if someone has already asked something similar.
I was wondering if an infinite scroll option for the reader can be looked into?
I opened fakku on mobile and the first thing I saw was a yaoi doujin that should have been blocked.

I made this request a week ago. For mobile version, can Fakku hide the contents/posts with blocked tags just as in PC version?

Please for the love of God.

Thank you
When I try to read a doujin, I get a blank page that’s infinitely loading. What do I do?
also when i download. it forwarding me to main page & my newly bought books soometimes appear & not appearing in library
Monster Girl
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