Site asking to try unlimited 14 days

I'm trying to log on and then I get a prompt asking to try unlimited for 14 days. I click on the "no" button and the site log in doesn't work. Now I can't use the site which I pay monthly for.
The site became bugged for me, too, at the same time,
in the same way. Nothing is working the way it should.
It's clear that something has gone wrong at Fakku's end.
Try clearing cache/ctrl-F5 refresh of the main page. It was doing weird things for me too and that seems to have fixed it
Everything seems to be working properly again
(at least for me). The site was really buggy for
about 2-3 days.
Things are still being weird on mobile at least. My previous recommendation of force refreshing seems to only sometimes work on desktop too, so definitely something going on server-side that hopefully gets fixed soon.
thorin5 wrote...
Try clearing cache/ctrl-F5 refresh of the main page.

It started acting a little buggy, again, just now, but your
suggestion worked. Thanks for the tip.

Everything is screwed up, again, and the Ctrl+F5 refresh
isn't working anymore. I can't log on, because the Log In
page won't accept my password, but for some strange
reason, I was able to log on in order to edit this post.

Everything seems to be working properly, again.
Things were pretty buggy for about 5-6 days.
I am now having this issue all of a sudden. I pay monthly and it's taken out automatically. Money was just taken yesterday and I can't access any of fakku unlimited which I pay for. I tried deleting the cookie on the site and it has not fixed it.
Monster Girl
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