ratings on titles that are unavailable for viewing yet??

I'm really confused about something very common here: A new title gets announced and put on the store page, and it has 5 star reviews before any of the chapters can even be viewed/downloaded.

How exactly is this possible? It seems to me like some people are able to view the titles before anyone else somehow? Either that, or they're actually giving titles 5 stars before even seeing any of it.

I feel like there is something really obvious that I'm just too stupid to see, so if someone can educate me on this I'd be grateful.
People are genuinely just posting their review before the work actually drops onto the site.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
I mean, it's possible they've already read the chapters published in the subscription, or possibly a scanlated version if they haven't been available here. Not as strange as it seems at first.
There's very little anything that fakku publishes that's not published in Japan. At most it's two or three years after the Japanese version. Even the Western releases aren't super new.
I always just assumed people were doing it to show excitement ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Considering that, generally, users on the internet have an airy and easygoing sense about them, I think it's important to know that not every review you see will be credible. Would you order an item from a restaurant if someone on their way out told you to? Reliability is subjective, and this is something to consider while communicating through a network, where suddenly someone's words can be so accessible, as if looking at your own diary.
I'd assume people see an author they like and 5 star it in anticipation for it, I totally would so I get it. I mean it's not like someone is going to see a game that is coming out and 1 star it you know.