Anyone else freaked out about the modern internet?

I'm posting this here because its really the only forum I peruse still.

I was thinking about how much we have lost with the current corporate controlled state of the internet. Growing up, I remember being able to search something up and find actual relevant results to my query. A lot of those results were dangerous, but it was very interesting to have access to such a wealth of unique content.

Now, with the accelerated development of generative AI systems, its gotten even worse. Bot accounts are more convincing, anybody can "make" their own art, generate videos, impersonate voices, etc.

Then you got the government overreach on top of it all. How many times has the USA tried to destroy internet freedoms through SOPA, PIPA, and even that rearly draft of SESTA? Now Canada is trying to do it too; their conservative party wants to force adult websites to require government ID. Its another one of those "think of the children" scams meant to normalize government supervised internet access. Whenever a government wants to be evil, they always use sex and violence as a scapegoat.

Feel free to share your thoughts about how absurd things have gotten. I really miss how liberating the internet used to feel before big tech got its grubby hands on everything.
It's gone downhill in a lot of ways, but so has the whole world. I started using the internet in the mid 90s, and back then it was such a mysterious place, and so many personal websites. I even made a few myself on Geocities. Good times.
The consolidated internet blows. Having everything on like, 6 websites sucks.