Miracle or Just Lucky?

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It seems to me that there are quite a few a few atheist on this forum (me being one as well). Many religions classify "miracles" as work of God or Gods. I'm interested to see what people think about this.

Is there something that is truly a miracle? Or is it just based on luck that people are manage to survive/recover injuries that medicine has long described as hopeless.

Personally, I believe that miracles do exist. But they are not the work of some higher being. I believe that miracles can only come to those who have the will to continue. Those who never give up on themselves are the true miracles. Sure, I'm willing to go with luck having some part in it. But ultimately, it comes down to the person and whether he/she has the will to carry on.
Hmm...I can hardly see any difference between miracle and luck...all things they call miracle is really nothing more than something that happened because of luck, and in most cases willpower.

No god or whatever.
It's not just illness I'm talking about, it's miracles in general. Say in a fight, the underdog is completely exhausted and literally has nothing left to go with. But yet he/she still manages that finishing knockout punch. To me, that is a miracle. It was brought on by his/her own strength. Miracles to me, is only for those who have the will to carry on, no matter what the odds are.
Then it's willpower. That gave him the necessary strength to go on, and score the victory.

No need to call it miracle, just to make it sound greater.
I agree no higher power or anything just the will power that person can give to force things into a better light. Studys have shown (im not going to cite my sources I'm lazy) that people with a positive Attitude have recovered from their illness and heal faster and its will power, any one can just give up and be depressed. Will power can push a persons physical limits the Will to save a child, Like those urban ledgends where a woman picks up a car up enough to save her child stuck underneath it. (Well will power and Lots and lots of Adreniline.)
Hmmm...miracle or luck?

People tend to make good luck as a miracle, like winning a lottery or getting saved from an accident.

However, for me, I separate miracles from luck.

Well not going to further discuss on it.
Let's see...
wikki wrote...
A miracle is a perceptible interruption of the laws of nature, such that can be attempted to be explained by divine intervention,

wikki wrote...
Luck is a belief in good or bad fortune in life caused by accident or chance which happens beyond a person's control.

Based on the definitions above... those two have different meanings, although some think they're the same... Yes, at some point they're the same but it all depends on the situation it has occurred...

You can't say it's a miracle when you accidentally found a dollar on the street. Or maybe even if you managed to dodge a bullet... Why? because there were no unexplainable thing that happened during the incident...
Now it will become a miracle if you got hit by the bullet in the head, went into a comma, then woke up... you can't just explain how a dude wake from a comma, right??...

same goes for luck (may it be bad or good)...
recovering from a very deadly disease with no possibility of a cure can't be just called luck... it will become luck when all of a sudden there was a vaccine that was just made to cure the disease...

*luck might be just due to coincidence. And miracle, for all I know, may be done by God...
Miracle is a word used by people who don't want to understand how something happened, and would rather blame it on a deity to make themselves feel better.
Luck is something that can happen with a small chance..

Miracle is called miracle because it can't happen.. If it does happens, It's something that was done by God.. If you're talking with the view of atheism, then be on your own boat..
I don' believe in miracles because the deity I've come to be familiar with just has too much of a sense of humour to bail me out of impossible situations.
Shear willpower will not get you through impossibilities. Luck doesn't have a factor when someone does something impossible such as this example:

A 90 pound, 50 year old mother lifting the end of a car for 5 minutes by herself to keep the pressure off her son while the neighbors pulled him out. One may attribute this to an adrenaline rush, but the doctors say that it wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes.

Link to the discussion of the incident.

Also, INB4 Rbz rant.
In the end isn't it all subjective?
People will see miracles in an event if they want to.
Personally I think it just comes down to blind luck, and agreeing with the first statement a person's will to keep struggling in adversity.
Saying something is a miracle normally implies some divine intervention but is any individual really worth a god's notice.
pumpkin king wrote...

but is any individual really worth a god's notice.

Just because you are not, doesn't mean other people aren't worth it.. I've seen many miracles for me to will never defy my God..

And if you want to hear something you guys called bullshit, then.. "Miracles happen if you believe that something unbelievable can happen."
PersonDude wrote...
INB4 Rbz rant.

Wrong again sir. There's nothing for me to gain from arguing here, and I have more seriously matters to attend to.
I most cases a "miracle" is the one incident described that is that necessary 1 to be called 1 in a Million. Its the perfect situation coming together in a perfect way at the perfect time, which can just be called 'fate'. (Fate and religion are two different boats, I think)

However there are some incidents where you just scratch your head and say "Well Fuck"
Luck and will or will of others. That's what clearly happens. I feel bad that we put credit to God for what others done. I hope God will fix it someday.
I believe that they are the same thing.

AzulE05 wrote...
Let's see...
wikki wrote...
A miracle is a perceptible interruption of the laws of nature, such that can be attempted to be explained by divine intervention,

wikki wrote...
Luck is a belief in good or bad fortune in life caused by accident or chance which happens beyond a person's control.

My biggest problem with miracles is that you have to believe in a higher being to believe in them. Even so why isn’t it just luck? Think of it this way a town of 1000 people is hit by a tidal wave and 999 of them die and 1 survives a miracle right? Well how exactly is that a miracle, and not luck I mean 999 of the followers died and 1 survived? Sounds like a bad day not a good one at least when I do the math.

Unbelievable events will happen they do all the time it’s just described as unbelievable because it doesn’t normally happen nothing special just another thing that happens in life and it’s called luck.
To me, Miracles are something that would get you out of a "doomed" situation to which, you get to live another day (Like in Mel Brook's: History of the World Part one, "Only a Miracle could save me!" and the horse named Miracle does come and save him.), but like you said Gin Ichimaru, it is something that can be considered unbelieveable or beyond belief. (Maybe defey logic at times, heck who knows for sure lol.) As for luck, its just something that happens, (In games I tend to be more lucky compared to other things.) whatever happens, happens.
There's an old quote from somewhere that goes along the lines of:

Miracles don't just happen we make them happen...

I personally don't believe in miracles as there's always a logical explanation to everything although sometimes that answer can't be found now.
spectre257 wrote...
There's an old quote from somewhere that goes along the lines of:

Miracles don't just happen we make them happen...

I personally don't believe in miracles as there's always a logical explanation to everything although sometimes that answer can't be found now.

But i have to say there are things that can't be explained through reason and logic, not too good at examples right now because i'm tired so who ever reads this please give spectre an example for me.
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