Female Character Polls + Battle

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The girl is Meg from Burst Angel (Bakuretsu Tenshi), and it is hard to believe but she is 15. :D

For now this is just a copy and paste from the main page, but I want everyone to discuss ideas and suggestions based on what I have given you!

Well today we are going to be starting something very cool. As you can see there is an attractive anime female to the right of this text. Now you may know who she is or what anime she is from, but before you go look up her age you should take a guess. Why? Because you will probably be wrong.

If everyone thinks this is a cool idea I will continue doing this everyday. And the layout on this first one will probably be messed up until I figure out a good way to present this. And the image bars are not working (probably for the same reason the image section isn't working). Also in the works is a female character battle contest (rip off of GameFAQs) where you will be able to vote on different females as they progress through tournament ranks.
I personally voted 15 ><
I voted 13, because statistically, hyper-attractive anime females are jailbait.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Man...I should know this since I'm currently watch Burst Angel! Arg, my guess is 17 or 19, in this case I voted 19. Only because she is living on her own with 3 other girls in that truck thingy....wait do they live there or just work there....bah whatever.

Heh, I like this.
original name : Bakuretsu Tenshi

and btw she is 15 ^^

i think it's a cool idea but try to ask info that's are not on official web page ^^; i mean things ppl learn by watching the anime.
Well I'm all for it. Though, I would like it if post casting my vote there would be so automatic response to tell me how old and what series the girl is from.
Sometimes hotties tend to be older. I'm guessing 19.
baleskoil wrote...
original name : Bakuretsu Tenshi

and btw she is 15 ^^

i think it's a cool idea but try to ask info that's are not on official web page ^^; i mean things ppl learn by watching the anime.

You are correct, hard to believe she's 15 :wink:
If you knew the anime, it?s quite simply :lol:
well I did also funny is that in the anime itself her boobsize changes form realistic to... well let me say crazy. Heavy Fanservice
Interactivity is always fun, maybe you could change the poll every few days instead of everyday.
I guessed 17... to me she looks older than 15...
your kidding me?! i thought she was at least 16...........
damn maybe in the anime world 15 = 19 :shock: :? :?:

yea keep doing this poll about there age kind off fun :lol:
I thought she was either 15 or 17 myself... but I picked 17, just because.
I knew she was fifteen due to the fact that I watch burst angel, but I got bored of it eventually, now I'm watching Air Gear and Naruto Shippuden, which has a lot more than the manga did since I read the entire manga (naruto) up to chapter 354 (the latest one in Japan) and it turns out it filled in alot of the fights to make them 10x longer with much more action, so yeah, but that's a sexy pic...

btw, does anyone know if we can get any burst angel doujins?
:D Haha i love this! lol awsome way to learn about anime charaters!!
Wow, I guessed and got it right.
i knew she was 15 because i watched the anime but it's still kinda hard to believe
Damn!! I knew it!1 i should've voted 15 instead of 17!!! ^^!!
Hah, yes, I was right. Take that loli haters >=D

>18 = LOLI

And if you got slightly turned on by that, you should face the wall now and feel ashamed D:
Why should people who like loli feel ashamed or are you talkin about loli haters? ~ De Arimasu
In your face!!! :twisted: (voted 15)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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