My artwork(mostly digital)+ Taking sig requests.

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(would have posted this sooner, but i've been having problems getting on Fakku)

A few people on Fakku have already had a sig made by me so a few know what i can make, but i figured i would go ahead and post/shamelessly show off all of my digital work as well as have a thread for Sig requests.

I started getting into photoshop about 4 years ago. Since then i have branched out to other programs such as cinema4D, Bryce, Terragen, Apophysis, and Flash.

Anyways, I'll go ahead and post a collection of my work here now instead of wasting more time. this will be a bit long, but bare with me XP

(Just about everything i'll post here can also found here: that is where all my work is posted when i get it done.)


First up is my Spacescape and Terragen stuff:

Stars Wallpaper: This one takes the full star feild from my 'All is silent' piece. These two were made completely in photoshop.

All the space images i've made, as well as the Terragen work are all connected to a bit of a storyline/timeline i've come up with and when done, will all show common theme.

"Watching over..." and "In the beginning" were made in Terragen, and final touches were made in Photoshop.

I have a digital painting in the works that goes along with these as well ;)


I also do a bit of Photography. I live in Alaska so i get quite a few chances for some great shots :P :

Summit Lake 1
Summit lake 2
Some clouds behind my house one day XD
the Anchor River


Lastly, my other digital work. I do mostly abstract stuff, but sometimes i also do brushes. I have made up to 15 brush sets for photoshop that people can use. Feel free to visit my DA page to get them so i don't have to make this post any longer :P

KH2 RM banner
DN angel RM Banner: These were a pair of banners i made for my RP clan on another forum. the DN angel one was entered into a contest between the clans and it got first place :P

KRS banner: this was a banner i made for the Konami RPG stars site.

Breaking the ICE 2.0: made using photoshop and C4D

(there are some others, check out my DA page.

Here are some sigs i've made for people as well as some of my own(i'll just post the images, no links, much easier on me):

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Made for Skyler here on Fakku.

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made for FeliXious here on Fakku.

Forum Image: Sig made for Gizmo here on Fakku

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made for myself to use on another forum. That's Nero, not Dante BTW XP

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Made for myself to use on another forum.

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Another made for the clan i mentioned.

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Yet another i made for myself.


Ok That's it for now XD. If you would like to request a sig or even a banner for something, please let me know either through a PM or in this thread. I'll need to know what you want in the sig such as characters, themes, and any quotes you would like. IF you happen to have a image of the character you would like put in your sig, please also send that to me.

Later i'll also try to put together a tutorial or two together ;)
Nice stuffs there KPT! Glad to see another great Photoshopper here!
thanks ^_^ yeah, it's kind of nice that there are more GFXers :)
good stuff, i like the terragen stuff.
Yeah you have some impressive stuff here and I thank you for helping out fellow FAKKU members. I am thinking of starting a banner contest, would you be interested?
I never get the chance to thk u KPT bty i really admire ur work i was pretty nice i love it thks again. and talos i like ur avatar it was ichiban class cute.

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great work
wish i was that good with photoshop, i can barely use the paint brushes
You surely a good damn artisan!!Do mre next time!!
thanks everyone for the nice comments ^_^ i'll be adding more stuff later, it's been kind of a slow week, plus i'm learning how to make sprites and such =P

Jacob, I'd most certainly be interested ^_^
KPT wrote...
thanks everyone for the nice comments ^_^ i'll be adding more stuff later, it's been kind of a slow week, plus i'm learning how to make sprites and such =P

Jacob, I'd most certainly be interested ^_^

Once I have the time I am going to set the whole thing up. Which mainly involves me making a topic and uploading the .psd files to the current banner for reference. :D
if you got some spare time think you'd be able to make me a sig?
sprat, if you'll go ahead and give me some info about what you would like made i'll try and get a sig put together for you ^_^(the info i need is in my first post) saddly, right now i can't give any promises on how quickly it would get finished -_-

Not only have i been a little busy, but i've got my self a nasty little case of artist's block. Everything i put together just doesn't flow together right and looks crappy -_- I haven't been posting because i've been trying to break it.

however,like i said in my last post, before the block hit i was playing around with making sprite art. This came from it after spending some time to get the hang of working pixel by pixel:
sorry for a double post, but i figured i might as well post an update. I feel like shit for making the couple of people who i'm supposed to have sigs for wait like this. I'm sorry.

Anyways, i've got back into the swing of things for the most part and i will be working on any sigs i need to get done. I also finished a new photoshop image:

the render i downloaded from another person(link to in the description), the post work is mine ^_^
You're so good with grunge brushes O_o
I really like the style.
I can finally add to this after such a long dry spell. Here is some more stuff i've finished lately:

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This is my new sig. I just put it together a few hours ago. The girl is one of Tonbo Kusanagi's characters. One of my favorite artists.

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this is a sig i made for Noutakun here on Fakku.

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This is a new sig i made for myself to use on another forum.

That's it for now i think... I'm thinking of trying a different style eventually. the way i currently do sigs and such is starting to get a bit old, i need to shake things up a bit XD maybe just take a break from such stuff(i'll still take sig requests) and do some CGing or something.
This signature has increased my awesome level to OVER 9000. Thanks again, KPT.
Wow, quite amazing overall. Personally some of the best grudge signatures I've seen in a while (love the "Broken Soul" one), and just a overall good mix of styles and techniques. Keep up the great work man!
Wow, I hope i get as good with photoshop as you are now.
nice work :D
Wow, those are quite beautiful, always love seeing the kind of signatures people make, and some of those photos have some lovely scenery in them.
hey i just flipped through melon melon good job +1
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