The most you've eve drank

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Coming from the mint extract topic, I was wondering what everyones drinking records are.

Usually I tend to drink just enough to get really drunk but never enough to puke or anything but in February I went to Quebec on a trip. The trip is done through my school but isn't school related or supervised in any way so all it is is a 3 day booze cruise where everyone gets really drunk, does lots of drugs, and so on and so forth. On the first night I drank 4 Molson Canadian tall cans and 10-11 Heinekens so that works out to around 15 beers in 3 hours. Second day I just did drugs. Third day I shotgunned 8 beers, had a third of a bottle of this blueberry vodka stuff, and 4 shots of tequila. Then I went home with a massive hangover and slept the 8 hours home on the bus.

I'm not sure if my second day was more alcohol volume or not than the first but it's easier to just say "15 beers in 3 hours" as my record. My goal next time (or at some point this summer) is an entire 2-4 to myself.

So share your records or just random drunk stories.
0 march (i think) me and most of my friends and there friends wanted to have a super party so we gatherd all the people we could and got all our money together, eventually we had enough achohol to bring down 3 elaphants, so then we decided to do the party in the woods, when we got there we set up camp and stuff, the usual, then at about 9pm we started to drink, all i drank was vodka and i can remember a few things, i remember having sex in one of the tents, i remember i got really ill and my head felt really i drank more, i remember trying to find jesus, then thinking i was him, oh and i remember thinking all the trees were watching and talking to me,but i cant remember how much i drank the next day i woke up in torquay ( a neigbooring town over 6 miles away from the woods) i was on torquay beach completly naked, hand cuffed to my best friends ankle,( my wrist was attached to his angle) he to was also naked, it was about 4.00am when we woke up so not many people were about but people did see us trying to get back to brixham and get our clothes, it was hard on me because i was attached to his ankle so i had to crawl
None. Never drank.

Even if I was of legal age to drink, I don't think I still would =/
yeah i never drink to the point that i can feel anything from it. i am old enough to buy alcohol, but never do. i will drink one or two drinks if its something i really like and its free, but thats it, never enough for it to do anything to me.
im not of the legel age but i still drink (as i stated in my tale of the worse time i was drunk)
azumax wrote...
None. Never drank.

Even if I was of legal age to drink, I don't think I still would =/

You've never drank before? Why?
azumax wrote...
None. Never drank.

Even if I was of legal age to drink, I don't think I still would =/

Respect for that, imo. I'm 19 atm and actually just had my first drink about a year ago. Granted, since then, I've been in a co-ed college dorm so it definitely wasn't my last drink...but still.

As for my limit, my friends found out I had never had anything to drink before and "wanted to test my limits". 7 newcastles and, among all of us, a handle of stoli later, I didn't remember the night before. :oops:
im not much of a drinker but i only drank at my homecoming and prom.
i only drink on special occasion like new year or whatever but i always limit my self not to drink too much :roll:
i only had two or three drinks at homecoming and at prom
I've drank on special occasions but i drink hard liquor
I drink Captain Morgan's Golden Spiced Rum. And I pretty much only drink if I need to sleep early or I aim to get buzzed and play SOF2...
i can usually take a bit less than 2 bottle sof jack daniels.. its weird because im asian and can hold liquor fairly well
Wow, so far there are three people in this topic that drink for fun. And considering that at least two of them are under age for drinking I find that rather amusing.
I drink for fun :D
i drink for fun, but i try to make sur ei dont get too shitfaced lol
its not fun to have a hangover in the morning or the rest of the day it leaves me tired and a little mad that i dont remember what happened the night before
ok, i've got drunk like 300 times, i mean really drunk , like mind numbing drunk and yes i can never remember the night before but i have never had a hangover, i mean i've puked when i was drunk and got really ill but it wernt so bad, i've drunk 2 bottles of almost pure vodka to get a hangover but nope nothing (apart from not remembering the night before) so am i lucky or just doing somthing wrong?
I think that at least half the people that say "I don't get a hangover after drinking" are either lying or don't know what qualifies as a hangover. Even very mild headaches, soreness, feelings of dehydration/thirst, etc, mean you are hungover regardless of whether or not you feel like shit because of it.

But I digress; I get hangovers about 50/50. I get thoroughly blasted every time I drink so unless I drank early on in the night and it wears off by the time I wake up or unless I drink lots of water throughout the night (which I tend to do) then I get hungover. Sometimes though I just drink two bottles of water before going to bed, that way my hangover is pretty much taken out before it happens.
i never tried water before but that a good way to get rid of it
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