Which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer?

Total Votes : 7,826
I prefer PC over console for its multiple controls.
I love my PC and my consoles right now PC more because it dosent red ring on me and im not gonna go buy MW2 for my ps3
I prefer consoles, because my computer sucks and I can't play computer games. Even if I could, I still wouldn't because of many reasons. For example, I don't want to go installing my game on my friend's computers when I want them to play a game with me, I'd rather just be able to bring the game over and slam it in. I play role playing, adventure, action, puzzle, danmaku (like touhou), and retro games. I don't play many first person shooters because I just kinda lost interest in them after playing so many. Plus, everyone was always better than me.
Unos Filipino Curry Lover
It's console. I don't play much games in the PC except for visual novels and well.. emulators for various consoles >_>.

Whenever I sit at my computer I end up watching anime or browsing the net. Don't really play games on the PC
Some users prefer PC for a variety of games save the fighting games which is better played on console...

And the console can limit the player, whereas the PC can let you do your forte
PC so long as i have enough money to afford a good one (and i do), because the best PC will always outdo the most recent console in speed, graphics, etc. also on PC you can always play hentai games unlike the console ^^.
95% of my games are console. So console FTW!!!!

You can browse the net, watch shows, stream content, play games on the PC.

A console, you're restricted to that particular piece. Granted that the games will always run on it, but think of it this way, consoles are pcs...just purely used for gaming. Therefore if you spent the money you would have spent on the console for a better pc, then technically you should be able to play most of those games.
PC. I grew up with it so I am more familiar with it.
I'm going with consoles just because I just prefer the simple controller compared to a keyboard, its just my preference.
Console of course!
Its so hard to found a JRPG game in PC while we can found it easily in Console.
I use my PC just to play visual novel.
Console, we never had pc before for gaming...
it's sorta traditional for me to play games in a console.
PC because i have a gaming computer (even though i use my PS3 for exclusives and blu-ray, im so asian :P)
pc because imo:
doujin games > console games
I pick console since my PC sucks and can't handle tough graphics.
PC without a doubt.
If you have the money then you can customize the shit out of your PC. I just built a top of the line PC last summer and probably wont have to upgrade anything for about 8 years. Obviously it set me back quite a bit but it was well worth it. With PC you can emulate almost any game console, you can mod almost any game. The freedom that the PC offers is amazing.
Definitely PC for me.

I love my consoles as much a the next guy, but as of right now, nothing tops PC gaming for me.
Somehow, I have gotten a good feel for the keyboard and mouse, and I can't quite let go of it. Even though I played consoles in my youth, they were replaced by the PC. Shortly after building my own gaming rig, I realized my hands can't handle a controller anymore.
consul cant keep baying a new cp wen the old one is out of date.
Gets expensive but that's my open. you one cud argue the same for consuls
dam now i am all confused.

Adurna Nagra wrote...
I prefer consoles, because my computer sucks and I can't play computer games. Even if I could, I still wouldn't because of many reasons. For example, I don't want to go installing my game on my friend's computers when I want them to play a game with me, I'd rather just be able to bring the game over and slam it in. I play role playing, adventure, action, puzzle, danmaku (like touhou), and retro games. I don't play many first person shooters because I just kinda lost interest in them after playing so many. Plus, everyone was always better than me.

you my friend need a portable hard drive.
4 me i say either pc or console is ok but if i really hav to chose i say pc because i can play,watch n read all in 1 package n yeah i hav console n pc n i tested it all already
Monster Girl
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