identify the anime plz...or is it an anime

really need help finding that one if it is an anime...also I dont have a pic but there is another anime

a mecha anime and the first OP was with jap jazz? there was a guy with a scar on his face and a black trench coat thingy so if anyone know the anime?
also the pilots were wearing weird suits that kinda matched their mechs...

wow long...

0 down and 2 to go and please try your very best to find the first one with the pic of the two girls bathing thanks
You mean Kurei from the anime Flame of Recca? Try that.
g-money wrote...
You mean Kurei from the anime Flame of Recca? Try that.

nope the mask covers the whole face and seems like a male character but that could be me also a little bit of more info the anime seems to be more modern
because the artwork and colour doesnt seems old.
Well, if ain't Flame of Recca, then I can't think of anything else. Too little details. No pictures or character names or something?
I had a pic of him but its on my msn now and I truely dont know how to take it out to use it
on your key board. There's a Print screen option. Press that with your MSN open. Then go to Paint in your menu. Copy it, save it. Host it (photobucket / imageshack ) post it. Very freaking simple
now that I think about it, Im starting to remember that its from a mecha anime and the first OP was with jap jazz? there was a guy with a scar on his face and a black trench coat thingy so if anyone know the anime?
The 2 gals in the bath are characters from the Touhou series, which are video games.
found it
it was Gad Guard and thanks Mattarat but do you know the names of the two...
CrescentX wrote...
found it
it was Gad Guard and thanks Mattarat but do you know the names of the two...

The one on the left is Suika Ibuki and I'm pretty sure that the one on the right is Reimu Hakurei

Character profile of Reimu can be found here and a profile of Suika can be found here
as it apears the original question was answered, and mine fits here too, without starting a new thread

there was this show from when i was a kid that had this battle ship that flew through space. it had a huge gun that fired out the bow of the ship, and they could block the front and make it fire out the rear of the ship instead for warp speed or some such. only like three people i've ever talked to have even seen it, but they couldn't remember the name either. it has been driving me nuts. please save my sanity.
ummm could we have a little more info on that one please
damn, it was like twenty years ago, but i'll try.

i remember there were dinosaurs and other historical stuff superimposed over everything else when they went to warp speed. i think the enemies were some kind of aliens that had blue skin(though i might be confusingthem with a different series). the big bad gun/warp was built into the middle of the ship running the length (at about where the water line would be if it wasn't flying through space). i remember one time the ship went back to their base. the base was under water, so they had to close the gun/warp holes and then they submerged the whole boat. it was on one of the underdog broadcast channels in the SF bay area(KOFY 20,KICU 36,KBHK 44). i didn't have cable when i was a kid, and i don't think any of the network channels showed cartoons at all. this was way before the WB or UPN, back when there were independant channels. think of that movie, UHF(Weird Al Yankovich). but i digress. except for the giant tube down the middle, it looked like a reagular battle ship. gun turrets, bridge, deck, the whole deal.
or maybe a suggestion on where else to look or who specificly to ask?
Captain Harlock?

Space Warship Yamamoto Yoko?

Astro Boy?

hehe i have no idea.
ShadowRonald wrote...
Captain Harlock?

Space Warship Yamamoto Yoko?

Astro Boy?

hehe i have no idea.

!!!Space Battleship Yamato!!!

thanks a ton, that has been driving me nuts for ages! it was by looking up Captian Harlock on wikipedia that led me to Space Battleship Yamato.

now i just have to find some place to watch it.
try not sure if it is there.
ShadowRonald wrote...
try not sure if it is there.

they don't have that one :cry: , but there's enough to keep me ocupied for a long time. thanks again.