Which Do You Prefer?

Which Do You Prefer?

Total Votes : 8,804
I like hot chocolate with baileys
TheSteamyAuthor wrote...
I drink hot chocolate. I've got this whole thing against caffeine.

Bad news for you: Chocolate contains caffeine. In fact, the average store-bought chocolate milk contains more caffeine by volume than the same amount of strong black coffee.
my preference in most cases is a good strong black tea no cow no sugar ( i could get in to the various things i do too brew it..) coffee i like as well though not as much and at a much simpler process. gas station blend....the stronger the better no cow no sugar as well...
Hot chocolate |D But I voted coffee (... i think)
Tea is the best around and no other beverage is gonna shake it down (except for coke floats and shaked hot chocolate, and etc.)
(hehe heheheheheheh but really the best tea is warm tea with two bags of reg tea and one bag of green tea mixed in a pitcher with sugar coating the bottom and just a bit of honey for a bit of extra flavor.)
Nigga need his green tea or iced tea.
Forum Image: http://images.tchibo.de/eCS/Store/de/images/kaffee/kaffee_16095_npv_b1.jpg
Can't touch this.
Coffee is definitely something that I enjoy drinking, (And by coffee, I mean some legit black stuff, none of that pansy nonsense coffee that comes with chocolate or cream) but I would definitely choose tea over coffee not just because I've been drinking that since I can remember, but because it has this soothing aspect to it that isn't present in coffee.
would Arizona consider tea or other?
I like both with lots of milk! I voted tea because I like milk tea better than cafe au lait... but I drink coffee more just because it's easier to get.
i make my coffee 1 scoop per cup to make it nice strong black coffee and add 2 spoons of sugar to bring the roast out...

mmmmm, strong coffee. puts hair on your chest and pep in your step.

[side note] chai tea is acceptable.
I like tea better than coffee and milk better than tea.
I rather like A hot chocolate than others, can you agree with me everyone
It is really good before sex.
Hot Tea. Chinese tea. From China. Its something we savor in our house, but some of the blends from there are great :D
I'll take some Jasmine, Oolong, or Green Tea please.
Sadly, I'm not particularly rich and I generally need something for caffeine sometimes. My solution? Soda. It is quick, cheap and easily accessible.
My personal favorite is Lemon grass tea, but I don't mind drinking Green tea or Black tea. I don't know of any other color's so I can't count them! ^_^

Although if there is no tea available (for some reason I don't like the pre-made bags, so make loose leaf tea.. better taste in my opinion) I like the occasional Soda.
coffee! anti oxidant... i like coffee specially when i get a hangover.
I prefer Coffee because it perks me up.
Other > Some good peach juice.
I just can't bring myself to drink hot stuff. Even hot cocoa.
Monster Girl
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