A Letter to Your Younger Self

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Go all out, express yourself. Pursue everything you've wanted! Don't listen to others.
and lay off the sweets kid.
Dear me,

I love you but you're stupid,


P.S.: Here is a list of guys you shouldn't date:

-obvious list
Dear younger self

You should have gone out with that girl you meet at hemp fest 5 years ago....she's now unbelievably hot....you fucked up and dropped the ball on that....OH and dont punch that girl that spit on you at school even though it was kinda hard not too....

Sincerely, your future self
Dear younger me.

Practice the piano more. Also, don't stop playing the violin, otherwise you'll forget all the shit you've learned.
Oh, and don't slack off in college.

The douche that you'll (hopefully won't) grow up to be.
I'd rather do it in the form of a text message, some Steins;Gate epicness. Also, I don't really have anything to say to my younger self.
LustfulAngel wrote...
Dear Self, There will be "some situations" in life where you feel nervous and restrained by peer pressure. Don't be, your status in the family is more important than the feelings of those who are not a part of your family tree, don't have any intention of being a part of your family tree and if they became a part of the tree, the apples will rot and fall and you'll experience some tough times ahead.

Also, that woman that you love with all of your heart? Acknowledge those feelings as the truth, forget all the technical, intellectual bullcrap. You love her, and that's all that matters to her and to yourself. In the not-so-distant future, you might feel the urge to let her go so that she could pursue her own happiness. But that's the wrong decision to make, she means more to you than anything and if you let her go you'll be devastated, trying to fit in second-rate pieces that don't even come close to fitting. Also, there won't be a guarantee that you'll know she found happiness.

Epic. :O

Srsly, that happened??? D:
Hey buddy,
You should have went to that school while you still can. It was guaranteed that you would get it, plus its 2 whole years of free food and board, and no more shitty coaches.
You better thank me!
Dear Self,

Stop playing those fucking games and go study. You have a test tomorrow.

Dear Self,

Don't take life too seriously.

Also, be friends with girls who are pretty and smart. You can use that friendship in the future. Believe me.

Med Venlig Hilsen (Best regards),
Your future self.
Don't ask how many years from now.
Dear self,
Shut the fuck up, you bitch! You talk too much and you're going to piss off a lot of people that way... On second thought, you'll never learn to fight if you don't start fight, so start more fights you pansy! Regardless of what you'll think when the time comes, Kaitlynn is NOT the love of your life, she's a cheating whore, dump her ass the first time you fucking moron! Learn to read things before you sign them, when you enlist in the Army (I didn't see it coming either, I just did that will make it on a whim and so will you, and so help me God if you don't, I'll travel back in time and kick your scrawny white ass with my glorious Ranger legs). Don't trust those surgeons at BAMC, it's the morphine talking, wait until a real doctor comes by to get the surgery done our you'll face a discharge WHEN they dick it up (because they will). Adler is bad news and you want nothing to do with him. One more thing, cut your hair you fucking hippy.

The glorious mother-fucker you will become

PS, Drill Sergeant Tuckwood is a wise man, listen to every word out of his mouth as if your life depends on it.
Dear Past Self,

Err... I'm the person I am is exactly because you're as retarded as you are... and I don't really have any regrets so I'm not gonna tell you to edit too much... I mean hey, we both know that all the decisions are made because we think our way through and in line or against our reasoning, something inside urges us to decide the way we do. I'm not really saying being whimsical is bad, but well... if you're gonna wing it, wing it all the way. That is all I ask of you.

p/s: We both have serious motivation issues. I am trying to fix it, and you should too. With the will, we can reach a lot higher. Believe me.
Dear self,

please take care of yourself better, eat regularly, sleep more, and live healthier.

you in future
[color=red][b]Oh you, MinHe. v_v

Here's my letter:
[color=red][b][i]Dear Rise at the age at which you first joined FAKKU;

You should have had more hope and faith in yourself. You were that one person who had lost all hope of interacting with the older members of FAKKU after getting banned for an year without any proof of breaking the rules (lol oh well) but you don't know that you'd came back and get active all over and start all over. You'd have great times. Get to make some irreplaceable friends. And get to interact with those older members of FAKKU you used to see years ago.

You'll come a long way. Have fights. Have bad times and good times, make merry with great friends, gain experiences, improve and go a thorny path. But all you have to do is; believe in yourself, and be who you are, and continue to improve yourself.

And you'll meet the awesome King.
Dear self,

you will fuck up on everything from now on... good luck =D
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Dear self,

The internet will ruin your social life. Stay away from it as much as possible.

Oh and your friend Dan? In the not-too-distant future, he'll turn into a complete cunt. He'll get a girlfriend called Emma and when he senses that you get on better than he does with her, he'll bullshit about you to her and make you out to be pretty much a sex offender just so she won't try to talk to you and because he's insecure as hell about himself and because you're more outgoing and you actually give a shit about people. He'll also steal your ex Beth, so prepare your anus for that and I'd recommend you ditch him as a friend now while you still have the chance.

Sincerely, your future self.

PS. EVE online is boring as hell. Stick to RuneScape, it's much cheaper.
Dear Me:
Your parents are idiots but try to understand youll regret misunderstading them when you get older,

When you meet waya for the first time dont take him seriously or else ero and kaze will use your whole whiteknighting incident against you for god knows how many times.

Go After that girl you liked in your 6th grade since she still doesnt have a BF yet go for it dont be a wuss youll regret not doing it on your second year of high school

dont waste your money on those cheap imitation Gunpla youre just wasting your money, i suggest opening a bank account, when a guy named eddie tells you he needs money, give it to him, hell make you rich! dammit!

thats all

Love Me from Me.

Dear self,

I only have one advice for you. Get out that fucking house. Now. You know what I mean. If you stay, you'll regret for the rest of your life. After you get out of that house, get MT. Do it. If that fails, it doesn't matter, you at least tried. Also, don't be such a good guy and a pushover. Also, be less of a dick to your family(except you know who). Also, don't be so lazy in college.

Sincerily, Yourself.

PS: Since I'm probably creating a paradox here, the world will soon explode. If it doesn't, good luck.
Dear Self,
Don't fucking do it.
Dear self,
You know that quiet guy in your 1st period class, freshmen year?
Oh you wanna know why he's always by himself? CUZ HE'S FUCKIN' CRAZY!!
Stay away from him!

Your best friend will have some issues with drugs. In high school it was just every once in a while, but its become more serious. Stay by his side and help him out.
Lastly, meeting new people has always been kind of scary; but just go for it. The sooner you make friends the better.

Future self.
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