A Letter to Your Younger Self

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Dear Self
after u meet you best friend and finsh all of school togetter
proposal to her before you lose you chance and before someone else
takes her. plus after high school at your 2nd job your going to have a dick
boss make sure you revenge pranks before you leave your job

Good Luck
jmason Curious and Wondering
To my younger self,

Keep your clothes in a cabinet with a door lock. Shady relatives will loot your clothes, keep an eye on them as well.

Keep shrimp leftovers off the doggie bowls. One of the future pups will choke on one of those sumbitches.

Be nicer to the overseas relatives - you might get something real fancy.

Try sushi.

A microblogging website featuring 140 characters or less can possibly make you rich.

Pester dad to making you a basketball half-court in the backyard - you'll find you have slick shooting skills. And immediately join the school's chess varsity team - the coach can be easily impressed and you'll get in easily if you know basic chess strategies. Not to mention you're darned good on it as well. Go do it and have a free pass to avoid that fat perverted Phys Ed coach's classes for a whole year.

Keep your hip-hop CDs far away from dad's reach.

... from your older self.

... seriously, keep shrimp off the doggie bowls.
Dear past self
Remember 3 just 3 that's all you need to remember you wont know till like 5 years later but JUST REMEMBER FUCKING 3
Also that one girl yea her with the big tits and nice sweet ass trust me no matter what people say go for it if you don't you will miss out on 5 sweet joyous years and she will have relationship issues for awhile
Dear self,

Stop being lazy. I know you, those games are fun and I can't stop you from playing them but get your work done first. When you make it to college with your friend, he's going to drop out after a couple weeks. Don't give up! Stick with it and put school first.

And brush your damn teeth!
Dear Self,

You don't want to go to college? Fine. However, don't pretend that it is because you want to get a job for a year or two to save up money and then go to college. Don't delude yourself. You don't plan to go back to school, and that's fine. Don't let everyone who was berating you for it, bother you. You don't have to go to college to have a good life. To say otherwise is a horrible lie that we are telling all of our youth over the last few generations. College isn't for everyone, and you aren't any less important because you choose not to go. Just stop lying to yourself to save face.
Dear self,
stop being a jerkhead who can't listen to others, stop your overboard reaction to everything, and for fuck sake, listen to your parents about not masturbate too much. Look where it get me!!
K-A wrote...
Dear Me:
Your parents are idiots but try to understand youll regret misunderstading them when you get older,

When you meet waya for the first time dont take him seriously or else ero and kaze will use your whole whiteknighting incident against you for god knows how many times.

Go After that girl you liked in your 6th grade since she still doesnt have a BF yet go for it dont be a wuss youll regret not doing it on your second year of high school

dont waste your money on those cheap imitation Gunpla youre just wasting your money, i suggest opening a bank account, when a guy named eddie tells you he needs money, give it to him, hell make you rich! dammit!

thats all

Love Me from Me.



Ain't FAKKU blocked over there? You used proxy at last?
To Younger self: Stop being a god damn cry baby and suck it up. Be a man and beat the shit outta them. No one's gonna help a little brat who can only shed tears. Remember the kid who would make fun of you all the time? Well guess what, he's going to get a girl pregnant in his freshman year of high school and become a deadbeat. You're way better than him and you got great things going for you in the future.

As for that girl? Stop being a little shy piece of shit and go talk to her. Take a deep breath and just introduce yourself dammit!!! That restaurant will be your last chance.

Oh and your friend's going to get her ipod stolen in broad daylight in 7th grade. So don't just stand there!!! Go beat his ass! You are stronger than you think.
Fruid Lurker of Threads
Dear My Younger Self,

You might think you're smart, but you're not. Learn from others.

Oh, and get laid already.

With love,

Your future self.
Dear younger self,

Break that habit of deciding on the last minute to do something, and get into the habit of saying whats on your mind the first time, people are more understanding then what you give them credit for.

Your older self.
Dear Younger Me,

Inside this letter contains a Sports Almanac, fifty of the largest lottery win numbers, and a guide to that one game you could never beat.
Obviously your future-self

Back to the future style..
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
Dear me in the 1999.

I want you to remember thst it isnt nice to lie. And this, if you get bullied, remeber, chair needs a bit aiming to do most damage. AND it gets things moving pretty fast.

Your future self in 2011

PS! Always prepare for the worst possible sceranios. AS Murphys law states: IF something can go wrong, it will and in the worst possible ways. Youll be pleasently surprised.
Dear Me in 2000:
Start working towards everything you want to become now. Its too late to start at 16.
Dear Self,

You will eventually succumb to a genetic disorder at 20 years old. It will be awful beyond description, but at least you'll know what the hell is happening to you. You should be more bold around women as I'm pretty sure my/our dumbass missed out on a few interesting relationships due to social awkwardness. Also, enjoy your time with your friends and wacky childhood adventures as you will never experience anything like that again.

Your pal,
kgods (This is your nickname, trust me)
Dear self.

Do not mess with that bull. You will die. Or at least almost.

Sincerely yours,
Your future self.
Dear Younger self. Grow up already, everyone's laughing at you.

Also, if you ever discover how to "fap". Don't. It's addictive.
Dear me:

Kill them. They destroyed your future. Listen to Mantis for once. You think that perhaps you can move on and forget, but the damage is done. Your mind is allready destroyed. Kill them now and recieve the only satisfaction you will ever have. Then you can find out if god exists, because this earth is not yet ready for someone like you.

Have the courage I never did, please.
Dear Self,
Stop being such a cry baby and toughen up, so I don't have to be a fucking virgin until I'm 22. Also your half brother that goes to the City school will join their football team, to just mess with you. Ram his ass as hard as you can when you face off, in your sophomore year of high school, or you will hear about how much of a pussy you are when you next visit our dads house. And don't start smoking backwoods cigars when you turn 18, the make your car smell awful.

Yourself 15 years from now.
Hey you!! Yes you with the glasses!! It's all a lie man, don't believe a single word of it.
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