Do you prefer subs or dubs?

Subs or dubs?

Total Votes : 5,213
I put both.
Because I'm not a very quick reader so sometimes dubs can be more useful.
Nothing beats the original Japanese voices however.
Subs 99% of the time.
Subs, anime is meant to be watched with the original Japanese voices, and that's how I like it. Just like how Kung Fu movies are meant to be watched in Chinese.
They also have superior voice actors, they have way more expression :P Anyway sometimes dubs change the voice a bit and I don't like that, I prefer to hear it how the original creator wanted it to be.

That said I don't mind dubs, actually if it's done well I would go watch/buy it (especially FUNimation). But I would always watch it in the original voices first :P
i like both sometimes like i am too lazy to read the subs but when i'm wide awake i guess i like it. Personally i go with subs but if the dub is good then i'll go with it but for sure its subs!!
Depends on if they made a dub like I would love a shugo chara dub (yes I know its a kids show) but you gotta stick with what you got. Its the company's idea whether or not to do it
if i like the anime enough ill bother with subs otherwise dubs all the way if i wanted to read it'd me more manga lol.
Subs, mostly. Nuff said
i hate dubs, awful
Subs, subs and yet again subs. The few dubbed anime I've seen just make me wanna throw myself in a lake of fire and stay there. I have yet to see ONE well dubbed anime. I can't stand dub, no matter what kind of media it is, be it regular movies or anime. It just looks and sounds LAME.
I prefer subs, unless the dub is really good. A la Cowboy Bebop or Cromartie
Oh your god, WHO would choose dubs over subs???

I cant speak for other languages but most voice actors they get in for the english trans are so shite that it just ruins the whole story!!
I mean okay some trans subs are sometimes completely different to the original script... Like in Spirited away at one point sen says "Yes" in english dub and the english subtitles say "No." Thats poor for Studio Ghibili but it can't be helped sometimes... Oh and in Ghost in the shell the subs and dubs are often completely different which drives me nuts...

BUT SUBS ARE STILL BETTER!!! >x< I blame dubding for EVERYTHING! They ruin sooo many good films. No fair o3o
I'm good with either, really. I'll watch whichever one I can find. But I'd prefer dubs because I'd like to sit back and not worry about missing some subtitles and having to go back or pause just to know what's going on.

A lot of people say dubs are bad most of the time but there is such thing as bad Japanese dubs out there too...
I say both as some dubs are pretty well done, but unfortunately many many more are not.
SUBS!!you have to give some dubs respect ...but i can never forget what they did to one piece
I prefer dubs, but if the voices match the characters I can go either way
Hmmm... Voted Subs, coz there are only few good Dubs out there...

...Would you rather listen to english dubs while watching Hentai? :|

Anime-wise, that really depends, but majority, Subs.
Subs because no dub can exchange the real japanese voices and the japanese feeling...
[quote="Nikon"]Both man, here. Some shows have terrible dubs and I'll prefer the subs, but sometimes it's just the other way around. I know some hardcore sub fans and others who are typically more casual and prefer only to watch dubs.

Yeah I agree. There are some awesome dubs out there like The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. That was an awesome dub.
Absolutely sub..
The older animes like dbz and kenshin are better in english dub, mostly because the protagonists sound like whiny bitches in japanese and manly man men in english. In the contemporary animes though, I rarely find a show that I enjoy with english dubs, plus a lot of good animes aren't even dubbed yet.